
views updated Jun 11 2018

box1 / bäks/ • n. 1. a container with a flat base and sides, typically square or rectangular and having a lid: a cereal box. ∎  the contents of such a container: she ate a whole box of chocolates that night. ∎  inf. a casing containing a computer. ∎ inf. a coffin: I always thought I'd be in a box when I finally left here. ∎ vulgar slang a woman's vagina.2. an area or space enclosed within straight lines, in particular: ∎  an area on a printed page that is to be filled in or that is set off by a border: a picture of Sandy was in the upper right-hand box. ∎  an area on a computer screen for user input or displaying information. ∎  (the box) (also the batter's box) Baseball the rectangular area occupied by the batter. ∎  Baseball the rectangular area behind home plate for the catcher (catcher’s box), or those near first and third bases, in foul territory, for each base coach (coach’s box). ∎  (the box) Soccer the penalty area: he curled in a shot from the edge of the box.3. a small structure or building for a specific purpose, in particular: ∎  a separate section or enclosed area within a larger building, esp. one reserved for a group of people in a theater or sports ground or for witnesses or the jury in a law court: a box at the opera the jury was now in the box.4. a protective casing for a piece of a mechanism.5. a mailbox at a post office, newspaper office, or other facility where a person may arrange to receive correspondence: write to me care of PO Box 112.• v. [tr.] [often as adj.] (boxed) put in or provide with a box: the books are sold as a boxed set Muriel boxed up all of Christopher's clothes. ∎  (box someone in) restrict the ability of (someone) to move freely: a van had double-parked alongside her car and totally boxed her in.PHRASES: in a box restricted or limited: he will find himself in a box on U.S. policy toward the Soviet (or in-the-box) packaged simply, cheaply, and conveniently: the Butler-in-a-Box is the gadget of your dreams. (right) out of the box describing a newly purchased product that works immediately, without any special assembly or training: a completely preconfigured system you can quickly install right out of the box.think outside (of) the box think in an original or creative way.DERIVATIVES: box·ful·like adj.box2 • v. [intr.] fight an opponent using one's fists; compete in the sport of boxing: he boxed for England [tr.] he had to box Bennett for the title. • n. [in sing.] a slap with the hand on the side of a person's head given as a punishment or in anger: she gave him a box on the ear.PHRASES: box someone's ears slap someone on the side of the head as a punishment or in anger.box3 • n. 1. (also box tree) a slow-growing European evergreen shrub or small tree (Buxus sempervirens, family Buxaceae) with glossy dark green leaves, often grown as a hedge and for topiary. ∎  (also boxwood) the hard, heavy wood of this tree, formerly widely used for engraving and for musical instruments. 2. any of a number of trees that have similar wood or foliage, including several Australian eucalyptus trees.box4 • v. (in phrase box the compass) chiefly Naut. 1. recite the compass points in correct order. 2. make a complete change of direction: by now the breeze had boxed the compass.


views updated May 23 2018


BOX , a shrub or tree (Buxus sempervirens) that grows wild in Asia Minor. It is cultivated in Israel as an ornamental tree. In the Mishnah it is called eshkero'a, its excellent wood being used for delicate articles and apparatus, such as the urn which was used in the Temple for the casting of lots to decide the duties of the priests (Yoma 3:9). It has a creamy yellow color and R. Ishmael said that the children of Israel "are like boxwood, neither black nor white, but an intermediate color" (Neg. 2:1). Since he lived in the south of Ereẓ Israel, R. Ishmael was probably referring to most of the inhabitants of that region, but no conclusions can be drawn from this statement as regards the color of the skin of the Jews living elsewhere in the country. The box is not mentioned in the Bible although the Targums identify it – without basis – with certain other biblical trees, such as the te'ashur.


Loew, Flora, 1 (1926), 316f.; J. Feliks, Olam ha-Ẓome'aḥ ha-Mikra'i (19682), 84, 317. add. bibliography: Feliks, Ha-Ẓome'aḥ, 34.

[Jehuda Feliks]


views updated Jun 08 2018

box Evergreen tree or shrub found in tropical and temperate regions in Europe, North America and w Asia. The shrub is popular for topiary, and box wood is used for musical instruments. The 100 species include English or common Buxus sempervirens and larger Buxus balearica that grows to 24m (80ft). Family Buxaceae.


views updated May 29 2018

box4 phr. box the compass repeat the points of the compass in order and backwards; (fig.) make a complete revolution; (in full box-haul) veer a ship round on her keel. XVIII. prob. f. Sp. bojar (boxar) sail round — MLG. bōgen to bend, bow, f. base of BOW1, BOW2.


views updated May 21 2018

1. Small unpretentious rural house, usually for temporary use, such as a shooting-box for sportsmen.

2. Compartment, enclosed at the sides and back, with seats for a small number of people in a theatre.

3. Box-pew.


views updated May 23 2018

box2 receptacle of wood, etc. Late OE. box, prob. — *buxem, for late L. buxidem, acc. of buxis, var. of L. pyxis (see PYX).


views updated Jun 27 2018

box A short DNA sequence that performs a regulatory function with respect to a gene. Box sequences are usually under a high functional constraint.


views updated May 29 2018

box3 blow, slap (now usu. on the ear). XIV. of unkn. orig.
Hence box vb. XVI; whence boxer pugilist XVIII.


views updated Jun 08 2018

box1 evergreen tree Buxus. OE. box — L. buxus — Gr. púxos.

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