Bowyer, Mathew Justice

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BOWYER, Mathew Justice

BOWYER, Mathew Justice. American, b. 1926. Genres: Novels, Novellas/Short stories, Romance/Historical, Westerns/Adventure, Children's fiction, Antiques/Furnishings, Business/Trade/Industry, Children's non-fiction, Food and Wine, History, Information science/Computers, Local history/Rural topics, Bibliography, Essays, Humor/Satire, Ghost Writer. Career: Realtor, ghostwriter. Publications: They Carried the Mail: A Survey of Postal History and Hobbies, 1972; Collecting Americana, 1977; Encyclopedia of Mystical Terminology, 1979; Real Estate Investor's Desk Encyclopedia, 1982; Gen. Geo. Washington's Great Secret, 1998; Return to Memory, 1999; St. Elmo's Fire, 1999; The Post Office Delivers: Humor, 1999; Love on the Bridge, 2000; George Washington's Boy, 2001; A Generation Apart, 2003. Address: 3504 Pinnacle Dr, Roanoke, VA 24012, U.S.A. Online address:

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