
views updated Jun 11 2018

blaze1 / blāz/ • n. 1. a very large or fiercely burning fire: twenty fireman fought the blaze. ∎  a harsh bright light: a lightning flash changed the gentle illumination of the office into a sudden white blaze. ∎  [in sing.] a very bright display of light or color: the gardens in summer are a blaze of color. ∎  [in sing.] fig. a conspicuous display or outburst of something: their relationship broke up in a blaze of publicity.2. (blazes) inf. used in various expressions of anger, bewilderment, or surprise as a euphemism for “hell”: what in blue blazes are you all talking about?• v. [intr.] 1. burn fiercely or brightly: the fire blazed merrily. ∎  shine brightly or powerfully: the sun blazed down fig. Barbara's eyes were blazing with anger. 2. (of a gun or a person firing a gun) fire repeatedly or indiscriminately: two terrorists burst into the house with guns blazing.3. inf. achieve something in an impressive manner: she blazed to a gold medal in the 200-meter sprint.PHRASES: like blazes inf. very fast or forcefully: I ran like blazes toward home.blaze2 • n. 1. a white spot or stripe on the face of a mammal or bird. ∎  a broad white stripe running the length of a horse's face.2. a mark made on a tree by cutting the bark so as to mark a route.• v. (blaze a trail) mark out a path or route. ∎ fig. set an example by being the first to do something; pioneer: small firms would set the pace, blazing a trail for others to follow.blaze3 • v. [tr.] (of a newspaper) present or proclaim (news) in a prominent, typically sensational, manner.


views updated May 14 2018

Blaze ★★½ 1989 (R)

The true story of Louisiana governor Earl Long who became involved with a stripper, Blaze Starr, causing a political scandal of major proportions. Robust, good-humored bio-pic featuring a fine character turn by Newman. 117m/C VHS, DVD . Paul Newman, Lolita (David) Davidovich, Jerry Hardin, Robert Wuhl, Gailard Sartain, Jeffrey DeMunn, Richard Jenkins, Garland Bunting; D: Ron Shelton; W: Ron Shelton; C: Haskell Wexler.


views updated Jun 11 2018

blaze1 †torch; bright flame or fire. OE. blæse, blase :- Gmc. blasōn; rel., through the gen. sense ‘shining’, to BLAZE2.
Hence blaze vb. XIII. blazer thing that blazes or shines bright XVII; brightcoloured jacket for sports wear XIX; see -ER1.


views updated May 09 2018

blaze3 †blow (a trumpet, etc.) XIV; proclaim, publish XV. — MLG., MDu. blāzen blow = OHG. blāsan (G. blasen), ON. blása, Goth. -blēsan :- Gmc. *blǣsan (cf. BLAST), extension of *blǣ-; see BLOW1.


views updated May 11 2018

blaze2 white spot. XVII. of uncert. orig., but identical in meaning with ON. blesi, MDu. blesse (Du. bles), G. blässe, blesse.
Hence blaze vb. mark a tree with white by stripping the bark, indicate (a trail) in this way. XIX.

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