
views updated May 11 2018

ban / ban/ • v. (banned, ban·ning) [tr.] (often be banned) officially or legally prohibit: he was banned from driving for a year a proposal to ban all trade in ivory. ∎  officially exclude (someone) from a place: he once was banned from a casino in Reno.• n. 1. an official or legal prohibition: a proposed ban on cigarette advertising a three-year driving ban. ∎  an official exclusion of a person from an organization, country, or activity: a ban on homosexuals in the armed forces.2. a tacit prohibition by public opinion: Barenboim proposed to defy an unwritten ban on Wagner's works.ban2 / bän/ • n. (pl. ba·ni / ˈbänē/ ) a monetary unit of Romania, equal to one hundredth of a leu.


views updated May 29 2018

ban1 in earliest use ‘proclamation, summons to arms’ (XIII); partly aphetic of ME. iban, OE. ġebann, partly — OF. ban — Gmc. *bannan BAN2. The later senses ‘curse’ (XV), ‘prohibition’ (XVII) are prob. partly a separate word, f. BAN2. Cf. BANNS.


views updated Jun 11 2018

ban2 †proclaim, summon OE.; †curse XII; prohibit XIX. OE. bannan (str. vb.) = OHG. bannan :- Gmc. *bannan. Weak inflexions from XIII.


views updated May 29 2018

BAN British Association of Neurologists

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