Bohun, Humphry de, 3rd earl of Hereford

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Bohun, Humphry de, 3rd earl of Hereford (c.1249–98). Bohun succeeded his grandfather as earl of Hereford in 1275. As constable of England and one of the great marcher lords he was employed against Llywelyn and the Welsh. But he was one of the lords who became increasingly irritated by Edward I's incessant demands for military service and heavy taxation. In 1297 he and Roger Bigod, earl of Norfolk (constable and marshal respectively), refused to serve in Gascony unless the king was also present. Though deprived of his office, he had to be reinstated, obtaining confirmation of Magna Carta and the Forest Charter against arbitrary taxation. He took part in Edward's successful Scottish campaign in 1298 with some reluctance and continued friction with the king over the rights of the baronage meant that the victory at Falkirk was not followed up. He died at the end of that year.

J. A. Cannon

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