
views updated May 29 2018



Titanium is known as a transition metal on the periodic table of elements denoted by the symbol Ti. It is a lightweight, silver-gray material with an atomic number of 22 and an atomic weight of 47.90. It has a density of 4510 kg/m3, which is somewhere between the densities of aluminum and stainless steel. It has a melting point of roughly 3,032°F (1,667°C) and a boiling point of 5,948°F (3,287 C). It behaves chemically similar to zirconium and silicon. It has excellent corrosion resistance and a high strength to weight ratio.

Titanium is the fourth most abundant metal making up about 0.62% of the earth's crust. Rarely found in its pure form, titanium typically exists in minerals such as anatase, brookite, ilmenite, leucoxene, perovskite, rutile, and sphene. While titanium is relatively abundant, it continues to be expensive because it is difficult to isolate. The leading producers of titanium concentrates include Australia, Canada, China, India, Norway, South Africa, and Ukraine. In the United States, the primary titanium producing states are Florida, Idaho, New Jersey, New York, and Virginia.

Thousands of titanium alloys have been developed and these can be grouped into four main categories. Their properties depend on their basic chemical structure and the way they are manipulated during manufacture. Some elements used for making alloys include aluminum, molybdenum, cobalt, zirconium, tin, and vanadium. Alpha phase alloys have the lowest strength but are formable and weldable. Alpha plus beta alloys have high strength. Near alpha alloys have medium strength but have good creep resistance. Beta phase alloys have the highest strength of any titanium alloys but they also lack ductility.

The applications of titanium and its alloys are numerous. The aerospace industry is the largest user of titanium products. It is useful for this industry because of its high strength to weight ratio and high temperature properties. It is typically used for airplane parts and fasteners. These same properties make titanium useful for the production of gas turbine engines. It is used for parts such as the compressor blades, casings, engine cowlings, and heat shields.

Since titanium has good corrosion resistance, it is an important material for the metal finishing industry. Here it is used for making heat exchanger coils, jigs, and linings. Titanium's resistance to chlorine and acid makes it an important material in chemical processing. It is used for the various pumps, valves, and heat exchangers on the chemical production line. The oil refining industry employs titanium materials for condenser tubes because of corrosion resistance. This property also makes it useful for equipment used in the desalinization process.

Titanium is used in the production of human implants because it has good compatibility with the human body. One of the most notable recent uses of titanium is in artificial hearts first implanted in a human in 2001. Other uses of titanium are in hip replacements, pacemakers, defibrillators, and elbow and hip joints.

Finally, titanium materials are used in the production of numerous consumer products. It is used in the manufacture of such things as shoes, jewelry, computers, sporting equipment, watches, and sculptures. As titanium dioxide, it is used as a white pigment in plastic, paper, and paint. It is even used as a white food coloring and as a sunscreen in cosmetic products.


Most historians credit William Gregor for the discovery of titanium. In 1791, he was working with menachanite (a mineral found in England) when he recognized the new element and published his results. The element was rediscovered a few years later in the ore rutile by M. H. Klaproth, a German chemist. Klaproth named the element titanium after the mythological giants, the Titans.

Both Gregor and Klaproth worked with titanium compounds. The first significant isolation of nearly pure titanium was accomplished in 1875 by Kirillov in Russia. Isolation of the pure metal was not demonstrated until 1910 when Matthew Hunter and his associates reacted titanium tetrachloride with sodium in a heated steel bomb. This process produced individual pieces of pure titanium. In the mid 1920s, a group of Dutch scientists created small wires of pure titanium by conducting a dissociation reaction on titanium tetraiodide.

These demonstrations prompted William Kroll to begin experimenting with different methods for efficiently isolating titanium. These early experiments led to the development of a process for isolating titanium by reduction with magnesium in 1937. This process, now called the Kroll process, is still the primary process for producing titanium. The first products made from titanium were introduced around the 1940s and included such things as wires, sheets, and rods.

While Kroll's work demonstrated a method for titanium production on a laboratory scale, it took nearly a decade more before it could be adapted for large-scale production. This work was conducted by the United States Bureau of Mines from 1938 to 1947 under the direction of R. S. Dean. By 1947, they had made various modifications to Kroll's process and produced nearly 2 tons of titanium metal. In 1948, DuPont opened the first large scale manufacturing operation.

This large scale manufacturing method allowed for the use of titanium as a structural material. In the 1950s, it was used primarily by the aerospace industry in the construction of aircraft. Since titanium was superior to steel for many applications, the industry grew rapidly. By 1953, annual production had reached 2 million lb (907,200 kg) and the primary customer for titanium was the United States military. In 1958, demand for titanium dropped off significantly because the military shifted its focus from manned aircraft to missiles for which steel was more appropriate. Since then, the titanium industry has had various cycles of high and low demand. Numerous new applications and industries for titanium and its alloys have been discovered over the years. Today, about 80% of titanium is used by the aerospace industry and 20% by non-aerospace industries.

Raw Materials

Titanium is obtained from various ores that occur naturally on the earth. The primary ores used for titanium production include ilmenite, leucoxene, and rutile. Other notable sources include anatase, perovskite, and sphene.

Ilmenite and leucoxene are titaniferous ores. Ilmenite (FeTiO3) contains approximately 53% titanium dioxide. Leucoxene has a similar composition but has about 90% titanium dioxide. They are found associated with hard rock deposits or in beaches and alluvial sands. Rutile is relatively pure titanium dioxide (TiO2). Anatase is another form of crystalline titanium dioxide and has just recently become a significant commercial source of titanium. They are both found primarily in beach and sand deposits.

Perovskite (CaTiO3) and sphene (CaTi-SiO5) are calcium and titanium ores. Neither of these materials are used in the commercial production of titanium because of the difficulty in removing the calcium. In the future, it is likely that perovskite may be used commercially because it contains nearly 60% titanium dioxide and only has calcium as an impurity. Sphene has silicon as a second impurity that makes it even more difficult to isolate the titanium.

In addition to the ores, other compounds used in titanium production include chlorine gas, carbon, and magnesium.

The Manufacturing

Titanium is produced using the Kroll process. The steps involved include extraction, purification, sponge production, alloy creation, and forming and shaping. In the United States, many manufacturers specialize in different phases of this production. For example, there are manufacturers that just make the sponge, others that only melt and create the alloy, and still others that produce the final products. Currently, no single manufacturer completes all of these steps.


  • 1 At the start of production, the manufacturer receives titanium concentrates from mines. While rutile can be used in its natural form, ilmenite is processed to remove the iron so that it contains at least 85% titanium dioxide. These materials are put in a fluidized-bed reactor along with chlorine gas and carbon. The material is heated to 1,652°F (900°C) and the subsequent chemical reaction results in the creation of impure titanium tetrachloride (TiCl4) and carbon monoxide. Impurities are a result of the fact that pure titanium dioxide is not used at the start. Therefore the various unwanted metal chlorides that are produced must be removed.


  • 2 The reacted metal is put into large distillation tanks and heated. During this step, the impurities are separated using fractional distillation and precipitation. This action removes metal chlorides including those of iron, vanadium, zirconium, silicon, and magnesium.

Production of the sponge

  • 3 Next, the purified titanium tetrachloride is transferred as a liquid to a stainless steel reactor vessel. Magnesium is then added and the container is heated to about 2,012°F (1,100°C). Argon is pumped into the container so that air will be removed and contamination with oxygen or nitrogen is prevented. The magnesium reacts with the chlorine producing liquid magnesium chloride. This leaves pure titanium solid since the melting point of titanium is higher than that of the reaction.
  • 4 The titanium solid is removed from the reactor by boring and then treated with water and hydrochloric acid to remove excess magnesium and magnesium chloride. The resulting solid is a porous metal called a sponge.

Alloy creation

  • 5 The pure titanium sponge can then be converted into a usable alloy via a consumable-electrode arc furnace. At this point, the sponge is mixed with the various alloy additions and scrap metal. The exact proportion of sponge to alloy material is formulated in a lab prior to production. This mass is then pressed into compacts and welded together, forming a sponge electrode.
  • 6 The sponge electrode is then placed in a vacuum arc furnace for melting. In this water-cooled, copper container, an electric arc is used to melt the sponge electrode to form an ingot. All of the air in the container is either removed (forming a vacuum) or the atmosphere is filled with argon to prevent contamination. Typically, the ingot is remelted one or two more times to produce a commercially acceptable ingot. In the United States, most ingots produced by this method weigh about 9,000 lb (4,082 kg) and are 30 in (76.2 cm) in diameter.
  • 7 After an ingot is made, it is removed from the furnace and inspected for defects. The surface can be conditioned as required for the customer. The ingot can then be shipped to a finished goods manufacturer where it can be milled and fabricated into various products.


During the production of pure titanium a significant amount of magnesium chloride is produced. This material is recycled in a recycling cell immediately after it is produced. The recycling cell first separates out the magnesium metal then the chlorine gas is collected. Both of these components are reused in the production of titanium.

The Future

Future advances in titanium manufacture are likely to be found in the area of improved ingot production, the development of new alloys, the reduction in production costs, and the application to new industries. Currently, there is a need for larger ingots than can be produced by the available furnaces. Research is ongoing to develop larger furnaces that can meet these needs. Work is also being done on finding the optimal composition of various titanium alloys. Ultimately, researchers hope that specialized materials with controlled microstructures will be readily produced. Finally, researchers have been investigating different methods for titanium purification. Recently, scientists at Cambridge University announced a method for producing pure titanium directly from titanium dioxide. This could substantially reduce production costs and increase availability.

Where to Learn More


Othmer, K. Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology. New York: Marcel Dekker, 1998.

U.S. Department of the Interior U.S Geological Survey. Minerals Yearbook Volume 1. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1998.


Freemantle, M. "Titanium Extracted Directly from TiO2." Chemical and Engineering News (25 September 2000).

Eylon D. "Titanium for Energy and Industrial Applications." Metallurgical Society AIME (1987).


WebElements Web Page. December 2001. <http://www.webelements.com>.


Titanium (revised)

views updated May 21 2018


Note: This article, originally published in 1998, was updated in 2006 for the eBook edition.


Titanium is found in the middle of the periodic table. The periodic table is a chart that shows how chemical elements are related to one another. Titanium is a transition metal and is part of Group 4 (IVB).

Titanium was one of the first elements to be discovered by modern chemists. The "modern" chemistry period begins after the middle of the eighteenth century. That period is chosen because it is the first time that the basic concepts of modern chemistry were developed.

Titanium was discovered by English clergyman William Gregor (1761-1817). Gregor studied minerals as a hobby. He did not think of himself as a chemist, and yet his research led to the discovery of titanium.




Group 4 (IVB)
Transition metal


Titanium and its compounds have become very important in modern society. The metal is widely used in a variety of alloys. An alloy is made by melting and mixing two or more metals. The mixture has properties different from those of the individual metals. Titanium alloys are used in aircraft, spacecraft, jewelry, clocks, armored vehicles, and in the construction of buildings.

Discovery and naming

Gregor discovered titanium while he was studying a mineral found near his home. He was able to identify most of the mineral, but he found one part that he could not identify. He decided it was a new substance, but did not continue his research. Instead, he wrote a report and left it to professional chemists to find out more about the material.

Today, we know that the material Gregor found is a mineral called ilmenite. Ilmenite is made of iron, oxygen, and titanium. Its chemical formula is FeTiO3. Even though Gregor did not complete his study of ilmenite, he is usually given credit for the discovery of titanium.

Surprisingly, most chemists paid little attention to Gregor's report. Four years later, German chemist Martin Heinrich Klaproth (1743-1817) decided to study ilmenite. Klaproth believed that Gregor had been correct and that ilmenite truly did contain a new element. Klaproth suggested the name titanium, in honor of the Titans. The Titans were mythical giants who ruled the Earth until they were overthrown by the Greek gods. Klaproth reminded everyone that Gregor should receive credit for having discovered the element.

Klaproth was never able to produce pure titanium from ilmenite, only titanium dioxide (TiO2). It was not until 1825 that even impure titanium metal was produced. Swedish chemist Jöns Jakob Berzelius (1779-1848) accomplished this task.

Physical properties

Pure titanium metal can exist as a dark gray, shiny metal or as a dark gray powder. It has a melting point of 1,677°C (3,051°F) and a boiling point of 3,277°C (5,931°F). Its density is 4.6 grams per cubic centimeter. Titanium metal is brittle when cold and can break apart easily at room temperature. At higher temperatures, it becomes malleable and ductile. Malleable means capable of being hammered into thin sheets. Ductile means capable of being drawn into thin wires.

Titanium has an interesting physical property. Small amounts of oxygen or nitrogen, make it much stronger.

Chemical properties

In general, titanium tends to be quite unreactive. It does not combine with oxygen at room temperature. It also resists attack by acids, chlorine, and other corrosive agents. A corrosive agent is a material that tends to vigorously react or eat away at something.

Titanium becomes more reactive at high temperatures. It can actually catch fire when heated in the presence of oxygen.

Occurrence in nature

Titanium is a very common element. It is the ninth most abundant element in the Earth's crust. Its abundance is estimated to be about 0.63 percent. That places titanium just above hydrogen and just below potassium among elements present in the earth.

Titanium metal is brittle when cold and can break apart easily at room temperature.

The most common mineral sources of titanium are ilmenite, rutile, and titanite. Titanium is also obtained from iron ore slags. Slag is an earthy material that floats to the top when iron is removed from iron ore.


Five naturally occurring isotopes of titanium exist. They are titanium-46, titanium-47, titanium-48, titanium-49, and titanium-50. The most abundant of these is titanium-48. It makes up about 75 percent of all titanium found in nature. Isotopes are two or more forms of an element. Isotopes differ from each other according to their mass number. The number written to the right of the element's name is the mass number. The mass number represents the number of protons plus neutrons in the nucleus of an atom of the element. The number of protons determines the element, but the number of neutrons in the atom of any one element can vary. Each variation is an isotope.

Four artificial isotopes of titanium have also been made. These are all radioactive. A radioactive isotope is one that breaks apart and gives off some form of radiation. Radioactive isotopes are produced when very small particles are fired at atoms. These particles stick in the atoms and make them radioactive.

None of the radioactive isotopes of titanium has any commercial applications.


The methods used to obtain titanium are similar to those used for other metals. One way to make the metal is to heat one of its compounds with another metal, such as magnesium:

Another approach is to pass an electric current through a molten (melted) compound of titanium:


By far the most important use of titanium is in making alloys. The metal is most commonly added to steel. It adds strength to the steel and makes it more resistant to corrosion (rusting). Titanium also has another advantage in alloys. Its density is less than half that of steel. So a steel alloy containing titanium weighs less, pound-for-pound, than does the pure steel alloy.

These properties explain why titanium steel is so desirable for spacecraft and aircraft applications. In fact, about 65 percent of all titanium sold is used in aerospace applications. Titanium alloys are used in the airframes (bodies) and engines of aircraft and spacecraft. Other uses are in armored vehicles, armored vests, and helmets, in jewelry, eyeglasses, bicycles, golf clubs, and other sports equipment; in specialized dental implants; in power-generating plants and other types of factories; and in roofs, faces, columns, walls, ceilings, and other parts of buildings.

Titanium alloys have also become popular in body implants, such as artificial hips and knees. These alloys are light, strong, long-lasting, and biocompatible. Biocompatible means that the alloy does not cause a reaction when placed into the body.

Titanium tetrachloride combines with moisture in the air to form a dense white cloud. Skywriters use titanium tetrachloride to form letters in the sky.


The most important compound of titanium is titanium dioxide (TiO2). In 1996, 1,230,000 metric tons of this compound was produced in the United States. Titanium dioxide is a dense white powder with excellent hiding power. That term means that anything beneath it cannot be seen well. This property accounts for the major use of titanium dioxide: making white paint. Titanium dioxide paint is a good choice for painting over old wallpaper or dark paints because it covers so well. In 1996, about half of the titanium dioxide produced in the United States was used in paints.

About 40 percent of all titanium dioxide used in the United States goes into paper and plastic materials. Titanium dioxide gives "body" to paper and makes it opaque (unable to see through it). Other uses are in floor coverings, fabrics and textiles, ceramics, ink, roofing materials, and catalysts in industrial operations. A catalyst is a substance used to speed up or slow down a chemical reaction without undergoing any change itself.

Another interesting compound is titanium tetrachloride (TiCl4). Titanium tetrachloride is a clear, colorless liquid when kept in a sealed container. However, it changes dramatically when exposed to the air. It combines with moisture in the air to form a dense white cloud. Skywriters use titanium tetrachloride to form letters in the sky. The compound is also used to make smokescreens. Smoke effects used in motion pictures and television programs sometimes are produced with titanium tetrachloride.

Health effects

Titanium appears to have no harmful effects on plants or humans. It has also not been shown to have any role in maintaining good health.


views updated May 14 2018



Occurrence and extraction

Discovery and naming


Titanium is a transition metal, one of the elements found in Rows 4, 5, and 6 of the periodic table. It has an atomic number of 22, an atomic mass of 47.88, and a chemical symbol of Ti. It is an element that does not react with the human body, so is often used in artificial replacement parts.


titanium exists in two allotropic forms, one of which is a dark gray, shiny metal. The other allotrope is a dark gray amorphous powder. The metal has a melting point of 3,051°F (1,677°C), a boiling point of 5,931°F (3,277°C), and a density of 4.6 g/cm3. At room temperature, titanium tends to be brittle, although it becomes malleable and ductile at higher temperatures. Chemically, titanium is relatively inactive. At moderate temperatures, it resists attack by oxygen, most acids, chlorine, and other corrosive agents.

Occurrence and extraction

Titanium is the ninth most abundant element in the Earths crust, with an abundance estimated at between 0.57 and 0.63%. Its estimated crustal abundance is 9.04 × 102 ounces per pound (5.65 × 103 milligrams per kilogram) and its estimated oceanic abundance is 1 × 107 ounces per gallon (1 × 10-3 milli-grams per liter). The most common sources of titanium are ilmenite, rutile, and titanite. The metal is often obtained commercially as a byproduct of the refining of iron ore. It can be produced from its ores by electrolyzing molten titanium chloride (TiCl4): TiCl4 electric current Ti + 2Cl2, or by treating hot titanium chloride with magnesium metal: 2Mg + TiCl4 Ti + 2MgCl2.

Discovery and naming

Titanium was discovered in 1791 by English clergyman William Gregor (17611817). Gregor was not a professional scientist, but studied minerals as a hobby. On one occasion, he attempted a chemical analysis of the mineral ilmenite and found a portion that he was unable to classify as one of the existing elements. He wrote a report on his work, suggesting that the unidentified material was a new element. However, he went no further with his own research. It was not until four years later that German chemist Martin Heinrich Klaproth (17431817) returned to an investigation of ilmenite and isolated the new element. He suggested the name of titanium for the element in honor of the Titans, mythical giants who ruled the Earth until they were overthrown by the Greek gods. In 1910, pure titanium was first produced by Australian-born American metallurgist Matthew A. Hunter (18781961).


by far the most important use of titanium is in making alloys. It is the element most commonly added to steel, because it increases the strength and resistance to corrosion of steel. Titanium provides another desirable property to alloys: lightness. Its density is less than half that of steel, so a titanium-steel alloy weighs less than pure steel and is more durable and stronger.

These properties make titanium-steel alloys particularly useful in spacecraft and aircraft applications, which account for about 65% of all titanium sold. An average commercial jet aircraft uses between 700 and 2,500 pounds (320 and 1,130 kilograms) of titanium within its housing, blades, and other such materials. The Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo capsules of the U.S. space program of the 1960s and 1970s were largely made of titanium. These alloys are used in airframes and engines and in a host of other applications, including armored vehicles, armored vests and helmets; in jewelry and eyeglasses; in bicycles, golf clubs, and other sports equipment; in specialized dental implants; in power-generating plants and other types of factories; and in roofs, faces, columns, walls, ceilings and other parts of buildings. Titanium alloys have also become popular in body implants, such as artificial hips and knees, because the implants are light, strong, long-lasting, and compatible with body tissues and fluids.

The most important compound of titanium commercially is titanium dioxide (TiO2), the primary application of which is in the manufacture of white paint. About half the titanium dioxide made in the United States annually goes to this application. Another 40% of all titanium dioxide produced is used in the manufacture of various types of paper and plastic materials. The compound gives body to paper and makes it opaque. Other uses for the compound are in floor coverings, fabrics and textiles, ceramics, ink, roofing materials, and catalysts used in industrial operations.

Yet another titanium compound of interest is titanium tetrachloride (TiCl4), a clear colorless liquid when kept in a sealed container. When the compound is exposed to air, it combines with water vapor to form a dense white cloud. This property makes it useful for skywriting, in the production of smokescreens, and in motion picture and television programs for which smoke effects are needed.


views updated Jun 27 2018


Titanium is a transition metal , one of the elements found in Rows 4, 5, and 6 of the periodic table . It has an atomic number of 22, an atomic mass of 47.88, and a chemical symbol of Ti.


Titanium exists in two allotropic forms, one of which is a dark gray, shiny metal. The other allotrope is a dark gray amorphous powder. The metal has a melting point of 3,051°F (1,677°C), a boiling point of 5,931°F (3,277°C), and a density of 4.6 g/cm3. At room temperature , titanium tends to be brittle, although it becomes malleable and ductile at higher temperatures. Chemically, titanium is relatively inactive. At moderate temperatures, it resists attack by oxygen , most acids, chlorine , and other corrosive agents.

Occurrence and extraction

Titanium is the ninth most abundant element in the earth's crust with an abundance estimated at about 0.63%. The most common sources of titanium are ilmenite, rutile, and titanite. The metal is often obtained commercially as a byproduct of the refining of iron ore . It can be produced from its ores by electrolyzing molten titanium chloride (TiCl4): TiCl4 —electric current → Ti + 2Cl2, or by treating hot titanium chloride with magnesium metal: 2Mg + TiCl4 → Ti + 2MgCl2.

Discovery and naming

Titanium was discovered in 1791 by the English clergyman William Gregor (1761-1817). Gregor was not a professional scientist, but studied minerals as a hobby. On one occasion, he attempted a chemical analysis of the mineral ilmenite and found a portion that he was unable to classify as one of the existing elements. He wrote a report on his work, suggesting that the unidentified material was a new element. But he went no further with his own research. It was not until four years later that German chemist Martin Heinrich Klaproth returned to an investigation of ilmenite and isolated the new element. He suggested the name of titanium for the element in honor of the Titans, mythical giants who ruled the Earth until they were overthrown by the Greek gods.


By far the most important use of titanium is in making alloys. It is the element most commonly added to steel because it increases the strength and resistance to corrosion of steel. Titanium provides another desirable property to alloys: lightness. Its density is less than half that of steel, so a titanium-steel alloy weighs less than pure steel and is more durable and stronger.

These properties make titanium-steel alloys particularly useful in spacecraft and aircraft applications, which account for about 65% of all titanium sold. These alloys are used in airframes and engines and in a host of other applications, including armored vehicles, armored vests and helmets; in jewelry and eyeglasses; in bicycles, golf clubs, and other sports equipment; in specialized dental implants; in power-generating plants and other types of factories; and in roofs, faces, columns, walls, ceilings and other parts of buildings. Titanium alloys have also become popular in body implants, such as artificial hips and knees, because they are light, strong, long-lasting, and compatible with body tissues and fluids.

The most important compound of titanium commercially is titanium dioxide (TiO2), whose primary application is in the manufacture of white paint. About half the titanium dioxide made in the United States annually goes to this application. Another 40% of all titanium dioxide produced is used in the manufacture of various types of paper and plastic materials. The compound gives "body" to paper and makes it opaque. Other uses for the compound are in floor coverings, fabrics and textiles , ceramics , ink, roofing materials, and catalysts used in industrial operations.

Yet another titanium compound of interest is titanium tetrachloride (TiCl4), a clear colorless liquid when kept in a sealed container. When the compound is exposed to air, it combines with water vapor to form a dense white cloud. This property make it useful for skywriting, in the production of smokescreens, and in motion picture and television programs where smoke effects are needed.


views updated May 14 2018


melting point: 1,668°C
boiling point: 3,287°C
density: 4.54 g/cm 3
most common ions: Ti2+, Ti3+, TiO2+

Titanium is a strong, lightweight, silver-white metal . It was discovered in 1791 by Reverend William Gregor, a British cleric who established its presence in the mineral menachanite. The German chemist Martin Heinrich Klaproth named the element after the Titans, the sons of the earth goddess in Greek mythology. Pure titanium was not isolated until 1910, when American metallurgist Matthew A. Hunter heated titanium (IV) chloride (TiCl4) with sodium at temperatures between 700°C and 800°C.

As the ninth most common element in the earth's crust, titanium occurs at an abundance of 6,600 parts per million (ppm) or 5.63 grams per kilogram. Its chief sources are the minerals ilmenite (FeTiO3), rutile (TiO2), and sphene (CaTiSiO5); ilmenite is the source of approximately 90 percent of titanium produced. Titanium is largely produced in the United States, Canada, Russia, Japan, Kazakhstan, Germany, France, and Spain.

The most common isotope of titanium is 48Ti, which has a natural abundance of 73.72 percent. Four other stable isotopes exist: 46Ti (8.25%), 47Ti (7.44%), 49Ti (5.41%), and 50Ti (5.18%). Most titanium is used in its dioxide (TiO2) or metallic form.

Titanium's physical properties (high melting temperature, resistance to corrosion, strength, light weight) make it an ideal additive to alloys used by the aerospace industry in rockets and jet aircraft, for ship components that are exposed to seawater, and for biomedical implants such as artificial joints or pacemakers. Titanium dioxide is utilized as a white pigment in paint, paper, plastics, and cosmetics. It is also used in some sunscreens because of its ability to absorb ultraviolet (UV) light.

Stephanie Dionne Sherk


Lide, David R., ed. (2003). In The CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 84th edition. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.

Internet Resources

Powell, Darryl. "Titanium." Mineral Information Institute. Available from <http://www.mii.org/Minerals/phototitan.html>.


views updated May 11 2018

titanium (symbol Ti) Lustrous, silver-grey, metallic element, one of the transition elements. A common element, it is found in many minerals, chief sources being ilmenite and rutile. Resistant to corrosion and heat, it is used in steels and other alloys, especially in aircraft, spacecraft and guided missiles where strength must be combined with lightness. It was discovered in 1791 by the English mineralogist William Gregor (1761–1817). Properties: at.no. 22; r.a.m. 47.90; r.d. 4.54; m.p. 1660°C (3020°F); b.p. 3287°C (5949°F); most common isotope Ti48 (73.94%).


views updated May 21 2018

ti·ta·ni·um / tīˈtānēəm/ • n. the chemical element of atomic number 22, a hard silver-gray metal of the transition series, used in strong, light, corrosion-resistant alloys. (Symbol: Ti)


views updated May 09 2018

titanium (chem.) metallic element. XVIII. f. Gr. Titán TITAN. after uranium; see -IUM.

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