Spanish art

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Spanish art Artistic tradition beginning with the Palaeolithic cave paintings at Altamira, n Spain. Successively occupied by the Romans, Visigoths and Moors, Spain's earliest native traditions were the Mozarabic and Mudéjar styles, which blended Moorish and Christian elements. As the Moors retreated from Spain, the country drew closer to artistic developments in the rest of Europe. By the 16th century, it was the most powerful force on the continent, and this period coincided with the career of its first true genius, El Greco. The golden era of Spanish art was the 17th century. Leading figures from this epoch include Diego Velázquez, José Ribera, and Francisco de Zurbarán. In later years, Francisco Goya was a master of Romanticism, and Pablo Picasso was the dominant figure in 20th-century art.

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