
views updated Jun 11 2018

com·pa·ny / ˈkəmpənē/ • n. (pl. -nies) 1. a commercial business.2. the fact or condition of being with another or others, esp. in a way that provides friendship and enjoyment: I could do with some company. ∎  a person or people seen as a source of such friendship and enjoyment: she is excellent company. ∎  the person or group of people whose society someone is currently sharing: he was silent among such distinguished company. ∎  a visiting person or group of people: I'm expecting company.3. a number of individuals gathered together, esp. for a particular purpose. ∎  a body of soldiers, esp. the smallest subdivision of an infantry battalion, typically commanded by a major or captain. ∎  a group of actors, singers, or dancers who perform together.• v. (-nies, -nied) [intr.] (company with) poetic/lit. associate with; keep company with. ∎  [tr.] archaic accompany (someone).PHRASES: be in good company be in the same situation as someone important or respected: if you spot the ghost, you are in good company: King George V saw it company with together with.keep someone company accompany or spend time with someone in order to prevent them from feeling lonely or bored. ∎  engage in the same activity as someone else in order to be sociable: I'll have a drink myself, just to keep you company.keep company with associate with habitually. ∎  have a social or romantic relationship with; date. part companysee part.


views updated May 14 2018

company Group of people who agree to work together as a firm or business. The legal responsibility of running a company rests with its board of directors which, if the business has raised finance by selling shares in the company, has to account to its shareholders. In a private company, the directors sell shares to whomever they please (sometimes the only shareholders are the directors). The shares of a public company can be bought and sold by anyone through a stock exchange. In a public limited company (plc), the legal liability of its shareholders is limited to the value of their shares. See also corporation


views updated May 11 2018


a band, retinue, or fellowship; a retinue or train; a collection, assemblage, or multitude of people, beasts, birds, etc. See also assembly, band, bevy, party.

Examples: company of actors [often used collectively as the company]; of apostles, 1548; of fair maidens, 1325; of fowls, 1393; of fine glasses, 1621; of islands, 1677; of moles; of musicians; of parrots; of players; of prophets; of small roots, 1577; of ships [merchant fleet]; of soldiers; of turbot, 1864; of widgeon, 1856.


views updated May 11 2018

company a man is known by the company he keeps originally used as a moral maxim or exhortation in the context of (preparation for) marriage, and recorded in English from the mid 16th century.
the company makes the feast the success of a social occasion depends on those present rather than on the food and drink provided. Saying recorded from the mid 17th century.


views updated May 18 2018


An organization of individuals conducting a commercial or industrial enterprise. A corporation, partnership, association, or joint stock company.

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