Washington Higher Education Coordinating Board

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Washington Higher Education Coordinating Board

American Indian Endowed Scholarships (Graduate, Undergraduate/Scholarship)
Future Teachers Conditional Scholarships and Loan Repayment (Professional Development, Undergraduate/Loan)
GET Ready for Math and Science Conditional Scholarships (Four Year College, Two Year College, Undergraduate/Scholarship)
Washington College Bound Scholarships (Undergraduate/Scholarship)
Washington Higher Education Coordinating Board Educational Opportunity Grants (Undergraduate/Grant)
Washington Higher Education Coordinating Board Health Professional Scholarships (Undergraduate/Scholarship)
Washington Higher Education Coordinating Board State Need Grants (Undergraduate/Grant)

PO Box 43430
Olympia, WA 98504-3430
Ph: (360)753-7800
E-mail: info@hecb.wa.gov

American Indian Endowed Scholarships (Graduate, Undergraduate/Scholarship)

Purpose: To help financially needy students with close social and cultural ties to a Native American community to pursue undergraduate and graduate studies. Focus: General studies. Qualif.: Applicant must have demonstrated

financial need based on a completed FAFSA; a Washington state resident; enrolled full-time as an undergraduate or graduate student in an eligible program; and not pursuing a degree in theology. Criteria: Selection is based on academic merit and commitment to serve the American Indian community.

Funds Avail.: $500-$2000. Number Awarded: 15. To Apply: Applicants must submit an American Indian Endowed Scholarship application form together with the required materials and information. Deadline: February 1. Remarks: Students can use the scholarships at public colleges and universities and accredited independent colleges, universities, and career schools in Washington.

Future Teachers Conditional Scholarships and Loan Repayment (Professional Development, Undergraduate/Loan)

Purpose: To encourage outstanding students and parapro-fessionals to become teachers, and to encourage current teachers to obtain additional endorsements in teacher shortage subjects. Focus: Teaching. Qualif.: Applicant must be a resident student of Washington state; planning to complete an approved program leading to a residency teacher certificate or an additional shortage subject endorsement; planning to be employed as a certificated classroom teacher in Washington K-12 public schools; planning to attend an eligible college at least half-time; and not pursuing or planning to pursue a degree in theology. Criteria: Selection is based on academic ability; bilingual ability; contributions to school systems; potential to serve as a positive role model for students; length of time until completion of the educational program; and commitment to serve as a Washington public classroom teacher.

Funds Avail.: Varies. To Apply: Applicants must contact the Future Teachers Conditional Scholarship and Loan Repayment Program in order to apply. Remarks: In return for conditional scholarships or loan repayments, participants agree to teach in Washington K-12 public schools.

GET Ready for Math and Science Conditional Scholarships (Four Year College, Two Year College, Undergraduate/Scholarship)

Purpose: To support low-income and middle-income high school students with top math and science test scores to apply college for free. Focus: Mathematics and mathematical sciences; Science. Qualif.: Applicants must score a 4 on the math or science section of the high school WASL or score above the 95th percentile on the math section of the SAT or ACT; have a family income at or below 125 percent of the state median family income at the time of application; a Washington state resident; agrees to earn a bachelor's degree in a qualified math or science program at an eligible Washington college/university; and agree to work full-time in a math or science occupation in Washington for at least three years following college graduation. Criteria: Applicants must meet all the qualifications and requirements.

Funds Avail.: Full-tuition. To Apply: Applications will be available April 2009. Deadline: June. Remarks: In partnership with the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction and the College Success Foundation.

Washington College Bound Scholarships (Undergraduate/Scholarship)

Purpose: To provide hope and incentive for students and families who otherwise might not consider college as an option because of its cost. Focus: General studies. Qualif.: Applicants must be seventh-grade students from families eligible for free or reduced-priced lunches who sign the pledge. Their family income must remain at 65 percent or less of the state's median income by the time of high school graduation. Criteria: Student must have signed a pledge in 7th grade promising to graduate from high school and demonstrate good citizenship.

Funds Avail.: Covers the cost of college tuition, fees and books. To Apply: The online application and brochure are being finalized. Materials will be sent to all middle schools, including a link to the online application.

Washington Higher Education Coordinating Board Educational Opportunity Grants (Undergraduate/Grant)

Purpose: To encourage financially needy students to complete a bachelor's degree. Focus: General studies. Qualif.: Applicants must have place bound circumstances (having personal barriers which unable the student to continue education); a Washington resident; have at least junior standing before the first term of enrollment at an eligible four-year college; have financial need; and a junior or senior transfer student (student cannot receive EOG to continue at the current college). Criteria: Selection is based on the student's place bound circumstances and financial need.

Funds Avail.: $5000. To Apply: Applicants must submit a completed application form along with the required materials and information. Deadline: October 1; February 1; April 1; and June 1.

Washington Higher Education Coordinating Board Health Professional Scholarships (Undergraduate/Scholarship)

Purpose: To attract and retain health professionals to serve in critical shortage areas in Washington state. Focus: Physics; Nursing; Midwifery; Pharmacy; Dentistry. Qualif.: Applicant must be a student training to become a primary care health professional in an eligible profession; a U.S. citizen; have completed all prerequisite course work; not be in default on any educational loans; and must sign a Promissory Note agreeing to serve for a minimum of three years in a designated shortage area in Washington state or pay back funds with double penalty plus interest. Criteria: Priority is given to those applicants enrolled in Undergraduate Nursing, Nursing Faculty, Dental, Dental Hygienist, and Pharmacist programs who demonstrate a commitment to rural communities and underserved populations as outlined in the narrative portion of the application.

Funds Avail.: Varies by educational program. To Apply: Applicants must submit a completed application form along with the required materials and information. Deadline: April 30.

Remarks: Participants must agree, in return for the assistance, to provide primary care health care in rural or underserved urban areas with designated shortages for a minimum of three years.

Washington Higher Education Coordinating Board State Need Grants (Undergraduate/Grant)

Purpose: To help state's lowest-income undergraduate students pursue degrees, hone skills, or retrain for new careers. Focus: General studies. Qualif.: Applicant must have a family income of equal to or less than 70 percent of

the state median; a Washington State resident; enrolled as an undergraduate student in an eligible program, at a minimum of 3 credits; pursuing a certificate, bachelor's degree, or first associate degree; and not pursuing a degree in theology. Criteria: Selection is based on the applicant's family income.

Funds Avail.: Amounts vary by the type of school the applicant's attending. To Apply: Applicants must file a FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) to be considered.

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Washington Higher Education Coordinating Board

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