University of Idaho: Distance Learning Programs In-Depth
University of Idaho
Engineering Outreach and Independent Study in Idaho
Moscow, Idaho
Using innovative technology, the Engineering Outreach (EO) program offers complete distance delivered graduate degree programs in ten disciplines. The program delivers more than eighty courses per semester to over 350 students in locations around the world. Some undergraduate courses are also available to students who are completing undergraduate degrees or who need to take prerequisite courses before beginning an advanced degree.
The Independent Study in Idaho (ISI) program, a consortium of four Idaho colleges and universities, offers more than 100 undergraduate, graduate, and high school courses. Independent Study in Idaho has been providing courses to students for more than twenty-eight years, currently in over thirty-one academic areas.
Engineering Outreach uses DVD, videotape, Internet, and CD technology in an integrated approach to deliver courses to students at a distance. Courses do not require attendance at the University of Idaho campus. They are professionally produced in studio classrooms and are offered to students on a semester schedule. Students must complete the courses within the semester deadlines.
Independent Study in Idaho's self-paced courses are delivered online or in print format, and some courses are supplemented with videotapes or CDs. Students may register at any time and they have a full year to complete the course. Courses do not require attendance at or admission to any of the consortium institutions.
Engineering Outreach courses carry regular University of Idaho credits that may be used toward a degree at the University of Idaho or transferred to other institutions. By taking courses through Engineering Outreach, a student can obtain a graduate degree in biological and agricultural engineering with an emphasis in water and management (M.S. and M.Engr.), civil engineering (M.Engr.), computer engineering (M.S. and M.Engr.), computer science (M.S.), electrical engineering (M.S. and M.Engr.), engineering management (M.Engr.), geological engineering (M.S.), mechanical engineering (M.Engr.), psychology with an emphasis in human factors (M.S.), and teaching mathematics (M.A.T.).
Independent Study in Idaho courses carry credits that may be used toward a degree at the University of Idaho or transferred to other institutions. The courses may also be used to fulfill requirements for a real estate license or for professional advancement. College courses are offered in the areas of accounting, agricultural economics, anthropology, business, child and family studies, dental hygiene, economics, education, English, environmental science, family and consumer science, health-care administration, history, hotel/restaurant management, journalism and mass media, justice studies, library science, mathematics, microbiology, museology, music history, philosophy, physics, political science, psychology, real estate, social science, sociology, Spanish, and special education.
The University of Idaho, established in 1889, is the land-grant institution for the state of Idaho. The University has a student population of more than 13,000 and offers degree programs in the liberal arts, sciences, agriculture, architecture, engineering, natural resources, and law. Extended program delivery and outreach activities are central to the University's mission. The University of Idaho is a member of the National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges and the National Commission on Accrediting. The University is accredited by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities.
Engineering Outreach offers certificates and noncredit short courses in selected areas for students at a distance. Short courses are typically 12 hours in duration and are designed for background study or professional advancement. Admission to the University is not required for short courses. A certificate indicates that a student has successfully completed a series of predetermined credit classes in a specific emphasis area. Certificates are issued by academic departments and are noted on transcripts. With approval, the certificate courses may also be included in a student's graduate degree study plan. For complete details, students should visit the Engineering Outreach Web site, which is listed at the end of this description.
Independent Study in Idaho offers focused courses in the areas of library science and real estate. The library science program consists of fourteen courses, allowing students to fulfill specific state teaching certification requirements, including the Education Media Generalist Endorsement. Independent Study also offers three courses that help meet the education requirements for an Idaho real estate salesperson's license or an Idaho real estate broker's license. The real estate courses are approved by the Idaho Real Estate Commission.
Communication with faculty members is facilitated by e-mail and toll-free telephone numbers. Current information about the programs and courses is available on the Internet. Students may register online or by fax, phone, or mail. All Engineering Outreach students have access to the University of Idaho Library's database.
The master's degree programs require a minimum of 30 to 36 credits. A combined total of 12 transfer, correspondence, nondegree, or approved overaged (more than 8 years old) credits may be used toward the degree. With the consent of the student's committee and the College of Graduate Studies, some credits may be transferred to the University of Idaho from other institutions that grant similar graduate degrees.
Up to 80 University of Idaho faculty members teach through Engineering Outreach each semester. More than 90 percent hold doctorates in their fields of expertise. Independent Study in Idaho draws experienced faculty members from the University of Idaho, Boise State University, Idaho State University, and Lewis and Clark State College.
Requirements for admission to EO programs vary by program and department. Students should check online to see the current admission requirements for each course or degree program. ISI students may register for courses without being admitted to any institutions in the consortium.
Engineering Outreach fees are currently $457 per credit hour for students enrolled in a graduate program and for all graduate-level courses or $430 per credit hour for non-degree seeking students in undergraduate courses. There are no additional fees for nonresidents.
Independent Study in Idaho fees are currently $100 per undergraduate credit hour and $115 per graduate credit hour, with a $25 administrative fee per course.
Course fees are subject to change at any time by the Board of Regents of the University of Idaho. Students should visit the Web site listed below for current fees for both programs.
Engineering Outreach degree-seeking students may be eligible for federal financial aid. Determination for eligibility is made by the Student Financial Aid Services Office. Students enrolled in Independent Study in Idaho courses are not eligible for financial aid.
For information about Engineering Outreach:
Diane Bancke
Engineering Outreach
P.O. Box 441014
Moscow, Idaho 83844-1014
Telephone: 800-824-2889 (toll-free)
Fax: 208-885-9249
Web site:
For information about Independent Study in Idaho:
Mandy Buck
Independent Study in Idaho
P.O. Box 443225
Moscow, Idaho 83844-3225
Telephone: 877-464-3246 (toll-free)
Fax: 208-885-5738
Web site:
Applications for both programs may be completed online or with registration forms provided in Engineering Outreach or Independent Study in Idaho catalogs. There is a $55 fee ($60 for international students) for Engineering Outreach students applying for graduate admission. Students should contact the University of Idaho College of Graduate Studies at for more information regarding graduate policies.
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University of Idaho: Distance Learning Programs In-Depth
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