Society of Pediatric Psychology

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Society of Pediatric Psychology

Lizette Peterson Homer Injury Prevention Grant Awards (Professional Development, Undergraduate/Grant)
Routh Student Research Grants (Undergraduate/Grant)

PO Box 170231
Atlanta, GA 30317

Lizette Peterson Homer Injury Prevention Grant Awards (Professional Development, Undergraduate/Grant)

Purpose: To provide assistance to research related to prevention of injuries to children and adolescents. Focus: Pediatric medicine. Qualif.: Applicants must be students and faculty members. Criteria: Recipients are selected based on committee's review of proposal.

Funds Avail.: $1500. To Apply: Applicants must submit a seven pages summary of proposed research which includes abstract (maximum of 100 words), project descriptions with introduction, budget, reference; curriculum vitae; letter of recommendation by faculty supervisor; and proof of IRB approval send by email at on one single Word format. Deadline: October 1. Contact: Tonya Palermo, PhD, Phone: 503-494-0848, Fax: 503-494-5945,

Routh Student Research Grants (Undergraduate/Grant)

Purpose: To provide assistance to research related to field of pediatric psychology. Focus: Pediatric medicine. Qua-lif.: Applicants must be student members of APA. Criteria: Recipients are selected based on committee's review of proposal.

Funds Avail.: $1000. To Apply: Applicants must submit summary of proposed research (maximum of 100 words); project objectives (maximum of 7 pages); a detailed budget; a statement about the qualifications, training, membership of the applicant; and a letter of recommendation by faculty supervisor, send materials by email in MS Word format to: Deadline: October 1. Contact: Tonya Palermo, PhD, Phone: 503-494-0848, Fax: 503-494-5945,

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