Society of Architectural Historians

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Society of Architectural Historians

Beverly Willis Architecture Foundation Dissertation Fellowships (Doctorate/Fellowship)
Edilia and Francois Auguste de Monte-quin Fellowships (Doctorate/Scholarship)
Samuel H. Kress Foundation Dissertation Fellowships (Doctorate/Fellowship)
SAH Study Tour Fellowships (Doctorate/Fellowship)

1365 North Astor St.
Chicago, IL 60610-2144
Ph: (312)573-1365
Fax: (312)573-1141

Beverly Willis Architecture Foundation Dissertation Fellowships (Doctorate/Fellowship)

Purpose: To provide assistance for the professional development of graduate students in architectural history. Focus: Architecture. Qualif.: Applicants must be enrolled in a PhD program conducting a dissertation research about the contribution of women to the production of architecture in the United States in the mid-twentieth century (should be submitted in English). Criteria: Recipient is selected based on the submitted applications.

Funds Avail.: $10,000. Number Awarded: 1. To Apply: Applicants are advised to visit the website for the online Fellowship Application. Applicants must also submit via email to a Word document which contains a summary or abstract; a budget detailing the use of the funds (one to two pages); a curriculum vitae; and two letters of recommendation. Deadline: February 15.

Remarks: A joint program of the Society of Architectural Historians and Beverly Willis Architecture Foundation Dissertation Fellowship.

Edilia and Francois Auguste de Monte-quin Fellowships (Doctorate/Scholarship)

Purpose: To support research on Spanish, Portuguese, or Ibero-American architecture. Focus: Architectural engineering. Qualif.: Applicant must be a member of the Society of Architectural Historians; a full-time junior graduate student engaged in a doctoral dissertation research; or a senior graduate student with a completed PhD or equivalent with a research focusing on Spanish, Portuguese, or Ibero-American architecture. Criteria: Awards are given based on the submitted applications.

Funds Avail.: $2,000 for junior scholars and $6,000 for senior scholars. Number Awarded: 1. To Apply: Application form is available at the SAH office and at the website. Deadline: October 20.

Samuel H. Kress Foundation Dissertation Fellowships (Doctorate/Fellowship)

Purpose: To provide assistance for the professional development of graduate students in architectural history. Focus: Architecture. Qualif.: Applicant must be a U.S. Citizen; enrolled at an American university; a doctoral candidate with a dissertation that focuses on European architecture before 1850. Criteria: Applicants must be nominated by their university department.

Funds Avail.: $15,000. Number Awarded: 1. To Apply: Applicants are advised to visit the website for the online Fellowship Application. Deadline: January 15.

Remarks: A joint program of the Society of Architectural Historians and Samuel H. Kress Foundation.

SAH Study Tour Fellowships (Doctorate/Fellowship)

Purpose: To provide travel opportunities that focus on the history of architecture and landscapes. Focus: Architecture. Qualif.: Applicant must be a member of the Society of Architectural Historians and a PhD student. Criteria: Recipients are selected by a committee by the SAH President.

Funds Avail.: Amount not specified. To Apply: Applicants are advised to visit the website for the online Study Tour Fellowship application.

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    Society of Architectural Historians