Sage College of Albany: Tabular Data
140 New Scotland Ave.
Albany, NY 12208-3425
Tel: (518)292-1730; 888-VERY-SAGE; Admissions: (518)292-1730; Fax: (518)292-1912; E-mail:; Web Site:
Admissions: Elizabeth Robertson
Type: Four-Year College
Sex: Coed
Affiliation: The Sage Colleges
Scores: 96% SAT V 400+; 80% SAT M 400+; 54% ACT 18-23; 13% ACT 24-29
% Accepted: 32
Admission Plans: Deferred Admission
Application Deadline: August 01
Application Fee: $30.00
H.S. Requirements: High school diploma required; GED accepted
Costs Per Year: Application fee: $30. Comprehensive fee: $22,061 includes full-time tuition ($14,500), mandatory fees ($695), and college room and board ($6866). College room only: $3316. Room and board charges vary according to board plan and location. Part-time tuition: $490 per credit hour.
Scholarships: Available
Calendar System: Semester, Summer Session Available
Enrollment: FT 537, PT 461
Faculty: FT 42, PT 60
Student-Faculty Ratio: 11:1
Exams: SAT I or ACT
% Receiving Financial Aid: 86
% Residing in College-Owned, -Operated, or -Affiliated Housing: 31
Library Holdings: 371,686
Regional Accreditation: Middle State Association of Colleges and Schools
Credit Hours For Degree: 60 credits, Associates
Professional Accreditation: NASAD
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Sage College of Albany: Tabular Data
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Sage College of Albany: Tabular Data