Sageman, Marc 1953-

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SAGEMAN, Marc 1953-


Born May 13, 1953, in Poland; immigrated to the United States, 1967; son of Abram and Bluma Sageman; married Jody Godeck, January 28, 1995; children: Joseph Daniel. Education: Harvard University, A.B., 1973; New York University, M.A., 1977, M.D., 1979, Ph.D., 1982. Hobbies and other interests: Reading, philosophy, eating well, spending time with family.


Home and office—200 Locust St Apt 15A. Philadelphia, PA, 19106-3918. Office—Foreign Policy Research Institute, 1528 Walnut St., Ste. 610, Philadelphia, PA 19102.


Psychiatrist, educator, intelligence officer, consultant, and writer. Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, teaching assistant in physics, 1971-73; Institute for Cancer Research, Fox Chase, PA, research assistant in biochemistry, 1972; Columbia University, New York, NY, teaching assistant in calculus, 1974; New York University School of Medicine, New York, NY, clinical assistant, 1979-1981; Central Intelligence Agency, case officer in career training, 1984-85, Washington, DC, 1985-86, Afghan Task Force, Washington, DC, 1986-87, Islamabad, Pakistan, 1987-89, and New Delhi, India, 1989-91; private practice of psychiatry, 1994—; University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, clinical assistant, 1991-95, fellow in forensic psychiatry, 1994-95, clinical associate, 1995-97, lecturer in psychology, 1998—, faculty member at the Solomon Asch Center for the Study of Ethnopolitical Conflict, 1998—, clinical assistant professor, 2003—. Foreign Policy Research Institute, senior fellow at the Center on Terrorism, Counter-Terrorism, and Homeland Security. Guest lecturer and numerous schools and professional meetings, including Albert Einstein Medical Center, Temple University Medical Center, University of Pennsylvania, and Widener and Rutgers Law School. Military service: U.S. Navy, 1981-84; retired as Commander.


American Medical Association, American Psychological Association, American Psychiatric Association, American Academy of Psychiatry and Law.


Harvard National Scholar, 1970-73; M.D.-Ph.D. Medical Scientist Training fellow, 1973-79; Sol Ginsburg fellow (Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry), 1993-94; College of Physicians of Philadelphia fellow, 1999; fellow, the American Psychiatric Association, 2003.


Understanding Terror Networks, University of Pennsylvania Press (Philadelphia, PA), 2004.

Contributor to books, including Outcomes Assessment in Clinical Practice, edited by L.I. Sederer and B. Dickey, Williams & Wilkins (New York, NY), 1995, and Mental Health Experts: Roles and Qualifications for Court, edited by F. Dattilio and R. Sadoff, Pennsylvania Bar Institute Press (Mechanicsburg, PA), 2002. Contributor to periodicals and professional journals, including the Journal of Clinical Psychology, Assessment, Practical Litigator, and Hospital and Community Psychiatry.


Marc Sageman is a psychiatrist who worked via the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) with Islamic fundamentalists in the 1980s during the Afghan-Soviet War and is recognized as an international authority on the social psychology of terrorist groups. In his book, Understanding Terror Networks, Sageman delves into the sociopsychological reasons that lead certain individuals to join terrorist groups. The author cites a sense of alienation as the primary reason young Middle-Eastern men join terrorist groups as opposed to the view that most join due to poverty or religious convictions. In a review in Parameters, Robert H. Taylor noted: "The author examines the motivations of over 150 members of different terrorist organizations and contrasts these against previously published views of so-called 'experts' to conclude that America is truly not competitive in the war for the hearts and minds of hundreds of thousands of prospective terrorists." In addition to exploring the psychological underpinnings or terrorist networks, Sageman discusses various ideas on how the "war on terror" should be prosecuted. "Sageman has managed to make some useful observations working exclusively with unclassified information, despite its flaws," Dwight P. Pinkley commented in Studies in Intelligence. Martin A. Lee, writing in the Progressive, noted that the author's "treatise provides the most detailed account of how Al Qaeda emerged from the rubble of war-torn Afghanistan to become the vanguard of a Sunni Muslim revivalist movement known as Salafism." Security Management contributor Mayer Nudell wrote: "Understanding Terror Networks is a new and different view of a new and different form of terrorism. The insights and conclusions of Sageman befit his name and will benefit seasoned observers of terrorism, practitioners, and newcomers to the field alike."



Middle East Journal, autumn, 2004, review of Understanding Terror Networks, p. 709.

Middle East Policy, fall, 2005, Charles D. Smith, review of Understanding Terror Networks, p. 155.

Military Review, July-August, 2005, Matthew Herbert, review of Understanding Terror Networks, p. 101.

Parameters, winter, 2004, Robert H. Taylor, review of Understanding Terror Networks, p. 129.

Perspectives on Political Science, winter, 2005, Richard D. Partch, review of Understanding Terror Networks, p. 58.

Progressive, August, 2004, Martin A. Lee, review of Understanding Terror Networks, p. 45.

Publishers Weekly, April 12, 2004, review of Understanding Terror Networks, p. 48.

Security Management, January, 2005, Mayer Nudell, review of Understanding Terror Networks, p. 99.

Studies in Intelligence, Volume 49, number 2, 2005, Dwight P. Pinkley, review of Understanding Terror Networks.


Rethinking the Future Nature of Competition & Conflict Seminar Series Web site, (July 18, 2006), profile of author.

University of Pennsylvania Press Web site, (July 19, 2006), brief profile of author.*

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