Palomar College

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San Marcos, California
Educational Television

Palomar College was founded in 1946. It is accredited by Western Association of Schools and Colleges. It first offered distance learning courses in 1975. In fall 2005, there were 4,756 students enrolled in distance learning courses. Institutionally administered financial aid is available to distance learners.
Services Distance learners have accessibility to academic advising, bookstore, campus computer network, career placement assistance, e-mail services, library services, tutoring.
Contact Mrs. Michelle Grace, Educational TV Senior Office Specialist, Palomar College, 1140 West Mission Road, San Marcos, CA 92069. Telephone: 760-744-1150 Ext. 2431. Fax: 760-761-3519. E-mail:


Programs offered do not lead to a degree or other formal award.


Undergraduate —accounting and related services; American Sign Language (ASL); anthropology; area, ethnic, cultural, and gender studies related; behavioral sciences; bilingual, multilingual, and multicultural education; biology; botany/plant biology; business administration, management and operations; business/commerce; business, management, and marketing related; business operations support and assistant services; cell biology and anatomical sciences; chemistry; communication and journalism related; communication and media; computer and information sciences; computer and information sciences and support services related; computer programming; computer science; computer software and media applications; counseling psychology; criminal justice and corrections; data entry/microcomputer applications; developmental and child psychology; economics; educational/instructional media design; English; English composition; ethnic, cultural minority, and gender studies; family and consumer economics; family and consumer sciences/human sciences; family and consumer sciences/human sciences related; finance and financial management services; fine and studio art; fire protection; foods, nutrition, and related services; geological and earth sciences/geosciences; graphic communications; health and physical education/fitness; history; human development, family studies, and related services; information science/studies; international business; journalism; languages (American Indian/Native American); languages (Romance languages); legal professions and studies related; legal research and advanced professional studies; legal studies (non-professional general, undergraduate); legal support services; liberal arts and sciences, general studies and humanities; library assistant; library science; library science related; marketing; music; natural sciences; nutrition sciences; philosophy; philosophy and religious studies related; psychology; psychology related; real estate; sales, merchandising, and related marketing operations (general); social psychology; social sciences; sociology; statistics.

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