National Chapter of Canada IODE

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National Chapter of Canada IODE

40 Orchard View Blvd., Ste. 254
Toronto, ON, Canada M4R 1B9
Ph: (416)487-4416
Fax: (416)487-4417

War Memorial Doctoral Scholarships (Postgraduate/Scholarship)

Purpose: To provide bursaries for university studies in Canada to children of men killed or permanently disabled in the Great War. Focus: General studies. Qualif.: Applicants must be Canadian citizens and at least in the second year of their doctoral program; must be a graduate of a Canadian university, and must have done or be doing post-graduate work. Criteria: Application will be evaluated by the National Selection Committee. Selection of applicants

is based on their school records, health and character, the war service of their father and the family’s financial circumstances. Selection committee will give preference to a “returned man” or to an immediate relative of a man who served in World War I.

Funds Avail.: $15,000. To Apply: Applications must be submitted to the National Selection Committee chair. Deadline: July.

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