National Center for Farmworker Health

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National Center for Farmworker Health

1770 FM 967 Buda, TX 78610
Ph: (512)312-2700
Free: 800-531-5120

Migrant Health Scholarships (Professional Development/Scholarship)

Purpose: To assist the recipients in pursuing their educational and professional goals. Focus: Health education. Qualif.: Applicants must be interested in pursuing or continuing a career in the migrant health field, and must be employees at a community/migrant health center. Criteria: Awards are given based on achievement and character. Applicants are selected by the committee and are recognized at the Annual National Farmworkers Health Conference.

Funds Avail.: $1,000. To Apply: Application forms are available from the website. Applicants must send an application form; resume; one-page personal statement; letter of reference. Deadline: April 7.

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National Center for Farmworker Health

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    National Center for Farmworker Health