Keith Gilmore Foundation

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Keith Gilmore Foundation

Keith Gilmore Foundation - Diploma Scholarships (Professional Development/Scholarship)
Keith Gilmore Foundation - Postgraduate Scholarships (Postgraduate/Scholarship)
Keith Gilmore Foundation - Undergraduate Scholarships (Undergraduate/Scholarship)

5160 Skyline Way NE
Calgary, AB, Canada T2E 6V1
Ph: (403)274-1734

Keith Gilmore Foundation - Diploma Scholarships (Professional Development/Scholarship)

Purpose: To provide scholarships for deserving individuals. Focus: Agriculture, Economic aspects; Journalism; Communications. Qualif.: Applicants must be individuals enrolled in a recognized diploma program in agriculture, journalism and/or communications, leading to a career in the field of agriculture. Criteria: Selection of recipients is based on academic merit, contribution to school and/or community and indication of academic promise.

Funds Avail.: $1,000. Number Awarded: 4. To Apply: Application forms are available online at Completed application must be sent to Keith Gilmore Foundation, 5160 Skyline Way NE, Calgary, AB T2E 6V1. Deadline: July 1.

Keith Gilmore Foundation - Postgraduate Scholarships (Postgraduate/Scholarship)

Purpose: To provide scholarships for deserving individuals. Focus: Agriculture, Economic aspects; Medicine, Veterinary; Journalism; Communications. Qualif.: Applicant must be an individual enrolled in a postgraduate degree program in agriculture, veterinary medicine, journalism and/or communications at a recognized university, leading to a career in the field of agriculture. Criteria: Selection of recipients is based on academic merit, contribution to school and/or community and indication of academic promise.

Funds Avail.: $2,000. Number Awarded: 2. To Apply: Application forms are available online at Completed application must be sent to Keith Gilmore Foundation, 5160 Skyline Way NE, Calgary, AB T2E 6V1. Deadline: July 1.

Keith Gilmore Foundation - Undergraduate Scholarships (Undergraduate/Scholarship)

Purpose: To provide scholarships for deserving individuals. Focus: Agriculture, Economic aspects; Medicine, Veterinary; Journalism; Communications. Qualif.: Applicant must be an individual enrolled in an undergraduate degree program in agriculture, veterinary medicine, journalism and/or communications at a recognized university, leading to a career in the field of agriculture. Criteria: Selection of recipients is based on academic merit, contribution to school and/or community and indication of academic promise.

Funds Avail.: $1,500. Number Awarded: 4. To Apply: Application forms are available online at Completed application must be sent to Keith Gilmore Foundation, 5160 Skyline Way NE, Calgary, AB T2E 6V1. Deadline: July 1.

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