Keith, Andrew 1952–
Keith, Andrew 1952–
PERSONAL: Born May 28, 1952, in Chicago, IL. Education: Ball State University, B.S., 1974.
ADDRESSES: Agent—c/o Author Mail, Ageless Publications, P.O. Box 251544, Plano, TX 75025. E-mail—
CAREER: Writer.
Aging Is NOT an Option!, Ageless Publications (Plano, TX), 2004.
SIDELIGHTS: Andrew Keith told CA: "The journey of writing my first book, Aging Is NOT an Option!, was centered around my personal quest for good health. It eventually turned into a crusade to help all Americans become healthy again by getting them to participate actively in their health care and to realize that the very best way to get healthy is to be proactive and practice a healthy lifestyle.
"Always having been active, athletic, and in seemingly good health, my thirties were a rude awakening. I began catching colds and the flu several times a year. I also started experiencing all sorts of nagging injuries: torn hamstring muscles, a blown cervical disc, and a slipped vertebra in my lower back. I was also diagnosed with fibromyalgia, which is very similar to chronic fatigue syndrome.
"As a result of all these maladies, headaches ruled my life. Each and every week, I would experience two or three fairly strong headaches, some severe enough to put me in bed until they subsided. I was living on fifteen to twenty aspirin-type, over-the-counter medicines per day.
"Today, the headaches are gone, along with the symptoms of the fibromyalgia, my back and neck have been fixed and no longer bother me, and I am in perfect health. My motivation has been to help others with poor health and convince them to make the lifestyle changes that are necessary to extend their lives and bring them more comfort."