International Association of Emergency Managers

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International Association of Emergency Managers

201 Park Washington Court
Falls Church, VA 22046-4527
Ph: (703)538-1795
Fax: (703)241-5603

International Association of Emergency Managers Scholarships (Undergraduate/Scholarship)

Purpose: To further education on emergency management by developing students that possess the intellect and technical skills to advance and enhance the profession. Focus: Emergency and disaster Services. Qualif.: Applicants must be full-time students pursuing an associate or diploma baccalaureate or graduate degree in emergency management or a closely related field. Criteria: Selection is based on merit.

Funds Avail.: No specific amount. To Apply: Applicants must submit the following: original transcript with official seal (may be sent by the registrar or included in the application package); a verification that they are enrolled as full-time students based on the standards set by their study program (full-time student verification must be provided by the registrar and is deemed a separate document from the applicant’s transcript); three references (at least one reference must be from a faculty member); description of applicant’s major/program and course description (may be supplied by sending a school catalog, providing printed copies from a Web site, or submitting information sheets provided by the department). Deadline: May 16. Contact:

Dawn M. Shiley-Danziesen; 703-538-3542; shiley@

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International Association of Emergency Managers

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