International Association for Dental Research
International Association for Dental Research
IADR David B. Scott Fellowships (Undergraduate/Fellowship)
IADR John Clarkson Fellowships (Postdoctorate/Fellowship)
IADR John Gray Fellowships (Professional Development/Fellowship)
IADR Norton Ross Fellowships (Professional Development/Fellowship)
IADR Toshio Nakao Fellowships (Professional Development/Fellowship)
1619 Duke St.
Alexandria, VA 22314-3406
Ph: (703)548-1883
Fax: (703)548-0066
IADR David B. Scott Fellowships (Undergraduate/Fellowship)
Purpose: To improve knowledge on oral health by advancing and supporting research projects; to support and represent the oral health research community; and to facilitate the communication and application of research findings. Focus: Dental Hygiene. Qualif.: Program is open to students who are training to become dentists; must be registered in an accredited or acceptable dental school; and must be sponsored by a dental researcher with the approval of their school’s dean. Candidates may not have received their dental degree nor should they be due to receive their degree in the year of the award; may have a college or advanced degree in a discipline other than the industry; and must be IADR members. Criteria: Recipients are selected based on the submitted project proposal as reviewed by the IADR Board of Directors.
Funds Avail.: $2,500. To Apply: Applicants and their sponsors must submit a research project proposal to the division not exceeding 8 pages (including references), typed and double-spaced. Proposal should include aims, objectives, and significance of the proposal; rationale and background to the study; materials and methods; statistical treatment of data; facilities and equipment; and budget. Deadline: October 15. Contact: Central Office of IADR at the above address (see entry 3789).
IADR John Clarkson Fellowships (Postdoctorate/Fellowship)
Purpose: To allow investigators in the field of public dental health to obtain training and experience at a center of excellence. Focus: Dentistry. Qualif.: Applicants must hold a degree in dentistry or in a scientific discipline (dental, masters, or PhD degrees); must be members of IADR; and must be actively engaged in research in public dental health. Criteria: Recipients are selected based on merit.
Funds Avail.: Up to $15,000 covering accommodation,
subsistence and travel. To Apply: Applications should be made individually and should include the following details: name, address, current place of work, and position; IADR Division/Section membership; full curriculum vitae and reprints of three relevant publications; references from two recognized scientists and the principal Dean/Chair of the institution where the applicant is employed; and an outline by the applicant describing how his/her experience and interests qualify him/her as a candidate for the Fellowship (no more than 3 single-spaced pages), including: detailed description of the subject areas to be covered in the training program; practical use to which the training acquired would be put, proposed duration and dates of the fellowship; institutes and country it is proposed to visit; reasons for selection of particular institutes(s); previous Fellowships/awards; and detailed budget for program. Applications are sent electronically to Sheri S. Herren, Awards, Fellowships & Grants Manager at Contact: Sheri S. Herren, email
IADR John Gray Fellowships (Professional Development/Fellowship)
Purpose: To allow dental or postgraduate students to obtain training and experience in dental or related research. Focus: Dentistry. Qualif.: Applicants must be registered student in an accredited or acceptable dental school or in a recognized formal postgraduate program; must be in a training program in the division in which the fellowship is awarded; must be sponsored by their faculty advisor/direct supervisor or the Dean of the School; and must be IADR members. Criteria: Recipients are selected based on merit.
Funds Avail.: $10,000. To Apply: Applicants must submit a proposal to the division secretary outlining: the precise title of the subject to be studied; detailed description of the subjects to be covered in the training program; practical use to which the training acquired would be put; proposed duration and dates of the fellowship; institute(s) and country it is proposed to visit; reasons for particular institute(s); previous fellowships or awards; and budget for program. The division officers will select the fellowship recipient and will then send the candidate’s name to the Central Office (via Sheri S. Herren, Awards, Fellowships & Grants Manager, for presentation to the IADR Board of Directors for approval. Contact: Sheri S. Herren at
IADR Norton Ross Fellowships (Professional Development/Fellowship)
Purpose: To allow dental or postgraduate students to obtain training and experience in dental or related research. Focus: Dentistry. Qualif.: Applicants must be registered in an accredited or acceptable dental school or in a recognized formal postgraduate program; must be sponsored by their faculty advisor, direct supervisor, or the Dean of the school; may have a college or advanced degree in a discipline other than dentistry; and must be IADR members. Criteria: Recipients are selected based on merit.
Funds Avail.: $2,800. To Apply: Applicants must submit a proposal directly to their division outlining: the precise title of the subject to be studied; detailed description of the subjects to be covered in the training program; practical use to which the training acquired would be put; proposed duration and dates of the fellowship; institute(s) and country it is proposed to visit; reasons for particular institute(s); previous fellowships or awards; and budget for program. Contact: Sheri S. Herren at
IADR Toshio Nakao Fellowships (Professional Development/Fellowship)
Purpose: To allow young investigators in the area of dental materials science to obtain training and experience at a center of excellence. Focus: Dentistry. Qualif.: Applicants must hold a degree in dentistry or in a scientific discipline; must be within 5 years of obtaining their dental or scientific degree on or at the fellowship proposal deadline; and must be members of IADR and are actively engaged in research. Criteria: Recipients are selected based on merit as evaluated by the IADR Fellowships Committee.
Funds Avail.: $15,000. To Apply: Applications should be made individually and should include the following details (in English): name, address, date of birth, current place of work, and position; IADR Division/Section membership; full curriculum vitae with list and reprints of three relevant publications; references from two recognized scientists one of whom should be from the principal (Dean/Chair) of the institution where the applicant is employed; and an outline by the applicant of how his/her experience and interests qualify him/her as a candidate for the fellowship (no more than 3 single spaced pages), including: detailed description of the subject areas to be covered in the training program; practical use to which the training acquired would be put; proposed duration and dates of the fellowship; institutes and/or country it is proposed to visit; reasons for particular institutes(s); previous fellowships/awards; and budget for program. Submit proposals electronically to Sheri S. Herren, Awards, Fellowships & Grants Manager at sherren@ Deadline: October 15. Contact: Sheri S. Herren at
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International Association for Dental Research
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