Financial Aid for Animal Sciences
Animal Sciences
Attn: Scholarship Coordinator
2601 I-40 East
Amarillo, TX 79104
Tel: (806)376-5181; 888-209-8322
Fax: (806)376-1005
Web Site:
To provide financial assistance for college or graduate school to members of the American Quarter Horse Association (AQHA) or the American Quarter Horse Youth Association (AQHYA) who are planning a career in the horse racing industry.
Title of Award: AQHF Racing Scholarships Area, Field, or Subject: Equine studies; General studies/Field of study not specified; Veterinary science and medicine Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Graduate, Undergraduate Number Awarded: Varies each year; recently, 5 of these scholarships were awarded. Funds Available: The maximum stipend is $2,000 per year. Duration: Up to 4 years, provided the recipient maintains a GPA of 2.5 or higher and full-time enrollment.
Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to members of either organization who are graduating high school seniors, already enrolled in college, or working on a graduate degree. Applicants must have a GPA of 2.5 or higher and be planning to prepare for a career in the racing industry or a related field. Along with their application, they must submit an essay on "How my experiences through equine-related activities have influenced my life." Financial need is considered in the selection process. Deadline for Receipt: January of each year.
Attn: Scholarship Coordinator
2601 I-40 East
Amarillo, TX 79104
Tel: (806)376-5181; 888-209-8322
Fax: (806)376-1005
Web Site:
To provide financial assistance for college to members of the American Quarter Horse Association (AQHA) or the American Quarter Horse Youth Association (AQHYA) who are planning a career in an equine field.
Title of Award: Excellence in Equine/Agricultural Involvement Scholarship Area, Field, or Subject: Equine studies Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 1 each year. Funds Available: The maximum stipend is $6,250 per year. Duration: Up to 4 years, provided the recipient maintains a GPA of 3.5 or higher and full-time enrollment.
Eligibility Requirements: Applicants must have been members of either organization for at least 1 year and be graduating high school seniors or already enrolled in college. They must have a GPA of 3.5 or higher and be planning to prepare for a career that promotes equine involvement. Financial need is considered in the selection process. Deadline for Receipt: January of each year. Additional Information: Funding for this program is provided by the Charles B. Wang Foundation.
c/o Appaloosa Horse Club
Attn: Youth Coordinator
2720 West Pullman Road
Moscow, ID 83843-4024
Tel: (208)882-5578, ext. 264
Fax: (208)882-8150
Web Site:
To provide financial assistance for undergraduate or graduate study in a field related to the equine industry to members or dependents of members of the Appaloosa Horse Club.
Title of Award: Sagebrush Circuit-Lew and JoAnn Eklund Educational Scholarship Area, Field, or Subject: Equine studies Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Four Year College, Graduate Number Awarded: 1 each year. Funds Available: The stipend is $2,000. Duration: 1 year.
Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to members and children of members of the Appaloosa Horse Club who are college juniors, seniors, or graduate students. Applicants must be majoring in a field closely related to the equine industry and have a GPA of 3.5 or higher. They must submit an essay on what their experience with horses has meant to them, why they desire to continue their education, their career goals, the personal qualities that qualify them to receive a scholarship, any circumstances regarding financial need, and how receiving this scholarship will enhance their educational experiences. Selection is based on the essay, leadership potential, sportsmanship, involvement in the Appaloosa and equine industries, GPA, extracurricular equine activities, extracurricular school and school and community activities, and general knowledge and accomplishments in horsemanship. Deadline for Receipt: June of each year.
Attn: Friends of the Fair Scholarship Program
1600 Exposition Boulevard
P.O. Box 15649
Sacramento, CA 95852
Tel: (916)274-5969
Web Site:
To provide financial assistance for college to residents of California who are interested in majoring in designated fields or preparing for a career in the Fair industry.
Title of Award: Eddie G. Cole Memorial Scholarships Area, Field, or Subject: Agricultural sciences; Education, Physical; Equine studies Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 2 each year: 1 at $1,000 and 1 at $500. Funds Available: Stipends are $1,000 or $500. Duration: 1 year.
Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to residents of California currently working on an undergraduate degree at a college or university in the state. Applicants be 1) majoring in physical education, agriculture, or equine studies; or 2) preparing for a career in the Fair industry. They must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher. Along with their application, they must submit a 2-page essay on why they are pursuing their desired career and life goals. Selection is based on personal commitment, goals established for their chosen field, leadership potential, and civic accomplishments. Deadline for Receipt: March of each year. Additional Information: The Friends of the Fair Scholarship Program was established in 1993.
Attn: President
206 Riffel Road
Wooster, OH 44691-8588
Tel: (330)345-2333
Free: 800-725-2333, ext. 279
Fax: (330)345-0808
Web Site:
To provide financial assistance to upper-division students working on a degree related to the beef industry.
Title of Award: Colvin Scholarship Program Area, Field, or Subject: Agricultural sciences; Animal science and behavior; Business; Business administration; Communications; Food science and technology; Journalism; Marketing and distribution Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Four Year College Number Awarded: 1 each year. Funds Available: The stipend is $2,500. Duration: 1 year.
Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to students entering their junior or senior year of college. Applicants must have demonstrated a commitment to the beef industry through work on a degree in meat science, food science, animal science, marketing, business, communications, journalism, or other field related to the industry. Along with their application, they must submit a 1,000-word essay on the challenges facing the beef industry and their solutions. They may also submit a statement of financial need. Selection is based on, in this order of importance, activities and scholastic achievement, communication skills (both essay and verbal), and reference letters. Deadline for Receipt: November of each year. Additional Information: This program was established in 1999. The recipient may also be offered a paid summer internship with the sponsor.
Attn: Executive Director
16575 Carey Road
Westfield, IN 46074
Tel: (317)867-5877
Fax: (317)867-5896
Web Site:
To provide financial assistance to Canadian students who are interested in preparing for a horse-related career.
Title of Award: Doug Brown Scholarship Area, Field, or Subject: Equine studies Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 1 or more each year. Funds Available: The stipend is $C5,000. Duration: 1 year.
Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to Canadian citizens from a horse racing family who are at least high school seniors and preferably younger than 25 years of age. Applicants must be interested in preparing for a horse-related career. Selection is based on academic achievement, completeness of the application, the quality of an essay, and financial need. Deadline for Receipt: April of each year.
P.O. Box 57130
Department IFFAA/Iowa State Fair
Des Moines, IA 50317-0003
Web Site:
To provide financial assistance for college to Iowa high school seniors interested in majoring in animal science or livestock-related fields.
Title of Award: IFFAA Scholarships Area, Field, or Subject: Agricultural sciences; Animal science and behavior Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: Varies each year. Recently, 65 scholarships and 34 carcass awards, with a total value of $113,700, were presented. Funds Available: Stipends range from $250 to $2,500. Duration: 1 year; nonrenewable.
Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to students who will be entering an Iowa 2- or 4-year postsecondary institution in the following fall. Applicants must be residents of Iowa, active in 4-H or FFA livestock projects, and planning to major in animal science or a field in agriculture or home economics that is related to the animal industry. Selection is based on level of 4-H or FFA involvement in livestock project work, livestock exhibition, and/or judging (50%); scholarship (15%); leadership and activities (25%); and curriculum and career plans (10%). The program also includes performance and carcass awards in which animals are selected on the basis of visual appraisal and then evaluated in a carcass contest for economically important traits, such as loin eye or rib eye area, tenth rib fat, and average daily gain. Deadline for Receipt: May of each year. Additional Information: Information is also available from county 4-H offices in Iowa and local FFA advisors. Winners are announced at the Iowa State Fair's annual 4-H/FFA "Sale of Champions" in August, sponsored by the Iowa Foundation for Agricultural Advancement (IFFAA). The IFFAA was established in 1988 and began offering scholarships in 1990.
Attn: Kansas Livestock Foundation
6031 S.W. 37th Street
Topeka, KS 66614-5129
Tel: (785)273-5115
Fax: (785)273-3399
Web Site:
To provide financial assistance to Kansas residents who are or will be majoring in a field related to agriculture.
Title of Award: KLF Scholarship Area, Field, or Subject: Agricultural sciences; Agriculture, Economic aspects; Animal science and behavior Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 1 each year. Funds Available: The stipend is $1,000. Funds are paid directly to the recipient in 2 equal installments at the beginning of each semester, upon proof of enrollment. Duration: 1 year.
Eligibility Requirements: Eligible to apply for this program are Kansas residents who are entering or returning to a junior or senior college in the state. Applicants must be majoring or planning to major in a field related to agriculture (e.g., agricultural economics, agronomy, animal science). Selection is based on academic achievement (20 points), personal livestock enterprises (25 points), 4H/FFA/KJLA activities and leadership (30 points), school activities and honors (30 points), other activities and leadership (25 points), work experience (25 points), significant honors or recognition (25 points), and career plans (20 points). Preference is given to students planning to be involved full time in production agriculture after graduation. Deadline for Receipt: April of each year. Additional Information: This program is sponsored by the Kansas Livestock Foundation (KLF).
Attn: Scholarship Program Coordinator
28 State House Station
Augusta, ME 04333-0028
Tel: (207)287-7628
Fax: (207)287-7548
Web Site:
To provide financial assistance to Maine residents interested in working on a degree in a field related to agriculture in college.
Title of Award: Maine Rural Rehabilitation Fund Scholarship Area, Field, or Subject: Agribusiness; Agricultural sciences; Animal science and behavior; Botany; Engineering, Agricultural; Soil science Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Graduate, Undergraduate Number Awarded: Varies each year; recently, 24 of these scholarships were awarded. Funds Available: Awards are either $1,000 or $800 per year. Duration: 1 year; may be renewed up to 3 additional years.
Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to residents of Maine who are enrolled or accepted for enrollment at a college or university that offers an agricultural program. Applicants must enroll full time in a program leading to a 2-year, 4-year, or advanced degree in agriculture, including agricultural business, sustainable agriculture, agricultural engineering, animal science, plant science, or soil science. They must have earned a cumulative GPA of 2.7 or higher or a GPA for the most recent semester of 3.0 or higher. They must also be able to demonstrate an unmet financial need. Deadline for Receipt: June of each year.
Attn: Director Junior Activities
3201 Frederick Boulevard
St. Joseph, MO 64506
Tel: (816)383-5100
Fax: (816)233-9703
Web Site:
To provide financial assistance to students who have been members of the National Junior Angus Association (NJAA) and are interested in taking courses in selected beef-related topics in college.
Title of Award: CAB/NJAA Scholarship Area, Field, or Subject: Agricultural sciences; Animal science and behavior; Communications; Food science and technology Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 1 each year. Funds Available: The stipend is $1,000. Duration: 1 year; recipients may reapply.
Eligibility Requirements: Applicants must have been a member of the NJAA in the past and must presently be a junior, regular, or life member of the American Angus Association. They must be entering their sophomore, junior, or senior year of college. The primary course work/declared major must be in animal science, meat science, food science, agricultural communications, or a related field. Selection is based on involvement in Angus associations, professional organizations, other agriculture-related groups, school organizations, and church and civic groups; experience in livestock production, marketing, and judging; experience in meats evaluation and processing; a statement of ambitions and goals; and transcripts. Deadline for Receipt: May of each year. Additional Information: This program, established in 1990, is sponsored by the Certified Angus Beef (CAB) Program and the NJAA.
Attn: NMA Scholarship Foundation
1970 Broadway, Suite 825
Oakland, CA 94612
Tel: (510)763-1533
Fax: (510)763-6186
Web Site:
To provide financial assistance to undergraduates working on a degree in the animal, meat, and food sciences.
Title of Award: NMA Undergraduate Scholarships Area, Field, or Subject: Animal science and behavior; Food science and technology Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Four Year College Number Awarded: Varies each year: the 3 named scholarships plus several others at $2,000. Funds Available: Stipends are $2,500 or $2,000. Awardees who attend the annual convention of the National Meat Association (NMA) receive a $500 travel award and plaque. Duration: 1 year; nonrenewable.
Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to students entering their sophomore, junior, or senior year in an approved program in animal science, meat science, food science, or a related discipline. Applicants must be attending a 4-year college or university and have a GPA of 3.0 or higher. Along with their application, they must submit an essay of 200 to 250 words on their career goals and future endeavors, focusing on how those relate to post harvest and production of meat food products. Financial need, age, gender, race, religion, or national origin are not conditions for eligibility; essays that cite those as reasons for applying are marked down. Selection is based on the essay (25%), work experience (25%), awards and honors (5%), extracurricular activities (5%), a faculty letter of recommendation (10%), official transcript (20%), a list of completed and current courses (5%), and a list of pending courses (5%). Deadline for Receipt: April of each year. Additional Information: This program includes the following named scholarships: the Frank DeBenedetti Memorial Scholarship (at $2,500), the Edie Schmidt NMA Memorial Scholarship (at $2,000), and the Al Piccetti NMA Memorial Scholarship (at $2,000).
3 Second Street
Camden, NY 13316
Tel: (315)245-3386
Web Site:
To provide financial assistance to college students from New York who are preparing for a career in the cattle industry.
Title of Award: New York Beef Producers' Association Scholarship Area, Field, or Subject: Agribusiness; Agricultural sciences; Agriculture, Economic aspects; Animal science and behavior; Business; Communications; Engineering, Agricultural Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 1 each year. Funds Available: The stipend is $1,000. Duration: 1 year.
Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to residents of New York who are currently enrolled in an accredited 2-year or 4-year agricultural college. Applicants must be majoring in a field of study related to agriculture (e.g., animal and/or crop science, business, economics, communications, agricultural engineering) and planning a career related to the beef industry. Along with their application, they must submit an essay that covers the following: 1) their experience and interest in the beef industry; 2) their involvement in agricultural-related activities, including organizations (community, school, 4-H), events, awards, and leadership positions; 3) their future intentions and career plans as they relate to the beef industry; and 4) how they view the future of the beef industry. Selection is based primarily on involvement in the beef industry and future plans. Financial need is not considered. Deadline for Receipt: December of each year.
Attn: Director of Entertainment and Exhibits
1200 Rosewood Drive
P.O. Box 393
Columbia, SC 29202
Tel: (803)799-3387
Fax: (803)799-1760
Web Site:
To recognize and reward (with college scholarships) high school and college students in South Carolina who exhibit wether goats at the state fair.
Title of Award: South Carolina Farm Bureau Wether Goat Scholarship Area, Field, or Subject: Animal science and behavior; General studies/Field of study not specified Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Four Year College Number Awarded: 1eachyear. Funds Available: The award is $1,000. Duration: The competition is held annually.
Eligibility Requirements: This competition is open to exhibitors at the South Carolina State Fair who are residents of the state in grades 10, 11, 12, or college and 19 years of age or younger. Applicants must participate in the wether goat show. Selection is based on a meat goat production and management quiz (30%), a discussion/question essay (20%), an interview (30%), and showmanship (20%). Deadline for Receipt: September of each year. Additional Information: This program is sponsored by the South Carolina Farm Bureau. Information is also available from William Hair, 521 Riley Road, St. Matthews, SC 29135. Winners must attend a 4-year college or university at a future date.
614 East 12th Street
Austin, TX 78701
Tel: (512)480-8045
Fax: (512)472-0555
Web Site:
To recognize and reward, with college scholarships, FFA members in Texas who submit the most outstanding reports on agriscience projects.
Title of Award: Texas FFA Agriscience Fair Awards Area, Field, or Subject: Animal science and behavior; Biochemistry; Biological and clinical sciences; Botany; Engineering, Agricultural; Engineering, Mechanical; Environmental conservation; Environmental science; Food science and technology; Soil science; Zoology Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 15 each year (1 to each division winner in division 2, 1 to each member of a winning team in division 4). Funds Available: Each division winner receives a $1,000 scholarship. Awards for underclass students (grades 10 and 11) are held until they are claimed and applied to postsecondary education. Duration: The competition is held annually.
Eligibility Requirements: This competition is separated into 4 divisions: 1) FFA members in grades 7, 8, and 9; 2) FFA members in grades 10, 11, and 12; 3) teams of 2 FFA members in grades 7, 8, and 9; and 4) teams of 2 FFA members in grades 10, 11, and 12. Within each division, competitions are held in 5 categories: biochemistry, microbiology, and food science; environmental sciences; zoology (animal science); botany (plant and soil science); and engineering (mechanical and agricultural engineering science). Students participate in research problems in their local communities and then submit a scientific abstract and prepare a display. Judges review and score all papers and interview students. Scholarships are presented to winning high school students in divisions 2 and 4. Deadline for Receipt: June of each year. Additional Information: Information is also available from Dr. Matt Baker, Texas Tech University, Department of Agricultural Education and Communications, Box 42131, Lubbock, TX 79409-2131, (806) 742-2816, E-mail: An entry fee $30 must accompany each registration form.
614 East 12th Street
Austin, TX 78701
Tel: (512)480-8045
Fax: (512)472-0555
Web Site:
To recognize and reward, with college scholarships, FFA members in Texas who demonstrate outstanding performance in the Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE) program.
Title of Award: Texas FFA Proficiency Awards Area, Field, or Subject: Agribusiness; Agricultural sciences; Animal science and behavior; Business; Business administration; Communications; Dairy science; Environmental conservation; Environmental science; Equine studies; Food science and technology; Forestry; Home Economics; Horticulture; Landscape architecture and design; Natural resources; Parks and recreation; Poultry science; Technology; Turfgrass management; Wildlife conservation, management, and science Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: Up to 49 each year. Funds Available: Each state winner receives a plaque and a $1,000 scholarship. Duration: The competition is held annually.
Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to members who either are current high school students or graduated from high school within the past year. High school graduates must have completed at least 3 full years of instruction in agricultural education. Applicants must have participated in an SAE program either in a placement type or an entrepreneurship type. Placement SAE programs involve work or experience-only (paid or unpaid) activities, including directed laboratory, improvement, and research/experimentation experiences; examples include working at a nursery, grooming at a horse stable, developing a research program, or volunteering at a local park. Entrepreneurship SAE programs involve ownership of an agricultural production or agribusiness enterprise. The award areas include agricultural communications, agricultural mechanics design and fabrication, agricultural mechanics energy systems, agricultural mechanics repair and maintenance, agricultural processing, agricultural sales, agricultural services, beef production, dairy production, diversified agricultural production, diversified crop production, diversified horticulture, diversified livestock production, emerging agricultural technology, environmental sciences and natural resources management, equine science, fiber and/or oil crop production, floriculture, food science and technology, forage production, forest management and products, fruit production, grain production, home and/or community development, landscape management, nursery operations, outdoor recreation, poultry production, sheep production, small animal production and care, specialty animal production, specialty crop production, swine production, turf grass management, vegetable production, and wildlife production and management. In some of those areas, students compete separately for placement types and entrepreneurship types; in other areas, placement SAE programs compete with entrepreneurship SAE programs. The total number of award areas varies each year, depending on the areas offered and whether there are separate or combined placement and entrepreneurship competitions. Recently, a total of 49 award areas were offered. Students are first judged at their chapter on their SAE program, with winners advancing to the district level, then to the area level, and finally to the state level. Selection is based on 1) skills and competencies learned that relate to an agricultural career field; 2) financial achievements, including growth in scope; 3) personal growth and development through FFA activities; 4) evidence of student accomplishments based on available resources and opportunities; and 5) communication skills, as demonstrated in the written portions of applications and clear concise answers during interviews. Deadline for Receipt: Area winning applications must be submitted to the state office by May of each year.
Attn: Corporate Scholars Program
P.O. Box 1435
Alexandria, VA 22313-9998
Web Site:
To provide financial assistance and work experience to minority undergraduate and graduate students majoring in designated fields and interested in an internship at a Pfizer facility.
Title of Award: Pfizer/UNCF Corporate Scholars Program Area, Field, or Subject: Animal science and behavior; Biological and clinical sciences; Business administration; Chemistry; Finance; Law; Logistics; Management; Personnel administration/human resources; Veterinary science and medicine Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Graduate, Undergraduate Number Awarded: Varies each year. Funds Available: The program provides an internship stipend of up to $5,000, housing accommodations near Pfizer Corporate facilities, and (based on successful internship performance) a $15,000 scholarship. Duration: 8 to 10 weeks for the internship; 1 year for the scholarship.
Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to sophomores, juniors, graduate students, and first-year law students who are African American, Hispanic American, Asian/Pacific Islander American, or American Indian/Alaskan Native. Applicants must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher and be enrolled at an institution that is a member of the United Negro College Fund (UNCF) or at another targeted college or university. They must be working on 1) a bachelor's degree in animal science, business, chemistry (organic or analytical), human resources, logistics, microbiology, organizational development, operations management, pre-veterinary medicine, or supply chain management; 2) a master's degree in chemistry (organic or analytical), finance, human resources, or organizational development; or 3) a law degree. Eligibility is limited to U.S. citizens, permanent residents, asylees, refugees, and lawful temporary residents. Along with their application, they must submit a 1-page essay about themselves and their career goals, including information about their interest in Pfizer (the program's sponsor), their personal background, and any particular challenges they have faced. Deadline for Receipt: January of each year. Additional Information: Opportunities for first-year law students include the summer internship only.
Champlain Mill
Attn: Scholarship Programs
P.O. Box 2000
Winooski, VT 05404-2601
Tel: (802)654-3798; 888-253-4819
Fax: (802)654-3765
Web Site:
To provide financial assistance to residents of Vermont who are interested in majoring in a veterinary field in college or graduate school.
Title of Award: Gail Richardson Scholarship Area, Field, or Subject: Animal science and behavior; Veterinary science and medicine Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Doctorate, Undergraduate Number Awarded: 1 each year. Funds Available: The stipend is $1,000. Duration: 1 year.
Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to residents of Vermont who are graduating high school seniors, high school graduates, or GED recipients. Applicants must be interested in attending an accredited postsecondary institution to work on a degree in veterinary medicine, veterinary technology, animal science, or a related field. Selection is based on academic achievement (GPA of 2.5 or higher), required essays, letters of recommendation, and financial need. Deadline for Receipt: April of each year. Additional Information: The Vermont Student Assistance Corporation Board of Directors established this scholarship in 2001 to honor a former member.
Champlain Mill
Attn: Scholarship Programs
P.O. Box 2000
Winooski, VT 05404-2601
Tel: (802)654-3798; 888-253-4819
Fax: (802)654-3765
Web Site:
To provide financial assistance to residents of Vermont who are interested in majoring in an agriculture-related field in college.
Title of Award: Vermont Feed Dealers and Manufacturers Association Scholarship Area, Field, or Subject: Agribusiness; Agricultural sciences; Animal science and behavior; Botany; Equine studies; Forestry; Horticulture; Soil science; Veterinary science and medicine Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: Varies each year; recently, 6 of these scholarships were awarded. Funds Available: The maximum stipend is $3,000. Duration: 1 year; recipients may reapply.
Eligibility Requirements: This scholarship is available to high school seniors, high school graduates, and currently-enrolled college students in Vermont who are enrolled or planning to enroll in a postsecondary degree program in agriculture, including but not limited to animal sciences, equine studies, agribusiness, plant and soil science, forestry, horticulture, and veterinary medicine or technology. Selection is based on a letter of recommendation and required essays. Deadline for Receipt: June of each year.
1011 Tenth Avenue S.E.
P.O. Box 2009
Olympia, WA 98507-2009
Tel: (360)357-9975
Free: 800-331-FARM
Fax: (360)357-9939
Web Site:
To provide financial assistance to the children of members of the Washington Farm Bureau who are working on a college degree in a field related to agriculture.
Title of Award: Ray DeVries Memorial Scholarships Area, Field, or Subject: Agricultural sciences; Animal science and behavior; Food science and technology; Horticulture; Technology Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: Up to 5 each year. Funds Available: The stipend is $1,500. Duration: 1 year; nonrenewable.
Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to the children and legal dependents of Washington Farm Bureau member families who have completed at least 1 year of study at an accredited college or university. Applicants must be enrolled in a field of agriculture (e.g., food science, horticulture, animal science, agricultural technology, or other program as it relates to agriculture) and have a GPA of 2.0 or higher. They must submit at least 2 letters of recommendation; a 1- to 2-page essay on their choice of vocation or profession and their future role in agriculture; a summary of their activities in service to their school, community, and family; a brief essay on the importance of Farm Bureau; and information on financial need. Selection is based on their essay on choice of vocation or profession (30%), academics (15%), GPA (5%), community and school activities (20%), work and service to family (15%), essay on importance of the Farm Bureau (10%), and financial situation (5%). Deadline for Receipt: County farm bureaus submit their selections to the state scholarship committee by July of each year. Additional Information: Information is also available from Robyn Meenach, 12609 South Valley Chapel, Valleyford, WA 99036. Applications must be submitted to the student's county farm bureau office.
Attn: Thoroughbred Horse Racing's United Scholarship Trust
P.O. Box 1499
Auburn, WA 98071-1499
Tel: (253)288-7878
Fax: (253)288-7890
Web Site:
To provide financial assistance to residents of Washington who are studying a field related to the equine industry, journalism, or communications in college.
Title of Award: THRUST Equine Industry/Journalism/Communications Scholarship Area, Field, or Subject: Communications; Equine studies; Journalism Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 4 each year: 1 at $2,500, 1 at $2,000, and 2 at $1,000. Funds Available: Stipends are $2,500, $2,000, or $1,000 per year. Duration: The $2,500 scholarship may be renewed for a total of 4 years, provided the recipient maintains satisfactory progress toward a degree and a GPA of 3.0 or higher. The $2,000 and $1,000 awards are for 1 year.
Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to full-time students who have declared or are intending to declare a major in a field of study related to the equine industry; journalism and communications majors are also eligible. Applicants (or an immediate family member) must be a resident of Washington at the time of application, although they may attend a college or university in any state. They must submit an essay on the thoroughbred horse racing industry and why and how they think their major will impact that industry. Selection is based on that essay, academic performance, and a personal interview. Deadline for Receipt: January of each year.
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