Cochise College (Douglas): Tabular Data
4190 West Hwy. 80
Douglas, AZ 85607-9724
Tel: (520)364-7943
Free: 800-966-7946
Admissions: (520)417-4050
Fax: (520)364-0236
Web Site:
President/CEO: Dr. Karen Nicodemus
Registrar: Catherine Knapp
Admissions: Dr. Bo Hall
Financial Aid: Phillip Schroeder
Type: Two-Year College Sex: Coed Affiliation: Cochise College % Accepted: 100 Admission Plans: Open Admission; Early Admission; Deferred Admission Application Deadline: Rolling H.S. Requirements: High school diploma or equivalent not required. For applicants under 18, nursing program: High school diploma required; GED accepted Costs Per Year: State resident tuition: $1290 full-time, $43 per credit hour part-time. Nonresident tuition: $7320 full-time, $62 per credit hour part-time. Mandatory fees: $60 full-time, $60 per term part-time. College room and board: $3452. Scholarships: Available Calendar System: Semester, Summer Session Available Enrollment: FT 2,038, PT 2,232 Faculty: FT 94, PT 277 Student-Faculty Ratio: 15:1 Exams: SAT I or ACT % Residing in College-Owned, -Operated, or -Affiliated Housing: 17 Library Holdings: 42,876 Regional Accreditation: North Central Association of Colleges and Schools Credit Hours For Degree: 64 credit hours, Associates Professional Accreditation: NLN Intercollegiate Athletics: Baseball M; Basketball M & W; Soccer W
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Cochise College (Douglas): Tabular Data
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