Canadian Water and Wastewater Association
Canadian Water and Wastewater Association
1010 Polytek St., Unit 11
Ottawa, ON, Canada K1J 9H9
Ph: (613)747-0524
Fax: (613)747-0523
Steve Bonk Scholarships (Postgraduate/Scholarship)
Purpose: To provide educational assistance to those embarking on careers associated with municipal water supply or wastewater. Focus: General studies. Qualif.: Applicants must be Canadian citizen or permanent residents of Canada; must be resident of current CWWA municipal members, or attend college or university in a municipal or CWWA Academic members; must have completed successfully one year of post secondary education; must be registered as a full-time student in further studies; must intend to pursue a career related to the municipal water or wastewater industry. Criteria: Candidates will be selected based on the academic achievement, statement/essay, and work experience/extracurricular activities.
Funds Avail.: $500. To Apply: Applicants must have a copy of the post-secondary course transcripts completed to date; must have a description/list of planned further studies; must provide a statement or essay (500 words) of the applicant's interest, knowledge and future goals in the water/wastewater industry together with applicable work experience or extracurricular activities. Application and other supporting documents must be sent to: CWWA -Steve Bonk Scholarship, 11-1010 Polytek Rd., Ottawa, ON K1J 9H9. Deadline: May 30.
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Canadian Water and Wastewater Association
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Canadian Water and Wastewater Association