California State University, Northridge: Distance Learning Programs In-Depth

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Educational Technologies and Policy Studies Master's Degree Program
Northridge, California

Distance Learning Program

Regarded as one of the nation's finest institutions for preparing educational administrators, CSUN graduates are in high demand because of their reputations as successful leaders in their schools and communities. The University's Michael D. Eisner College of Education and The Roland Tseng College of Extended Learning have collaborated to create an online program equal to the highly regarded residential Educational Leadership and Policy Studies (ELPS) program. Now working professionals are able to earn their master's degree in educational administration online while continuing to fulfill their work and family obligations.

This program is approved and accredited by the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) and the California Commission for Teacher Credentialing (CCTC). The program's curriculum incorporates theory, empirical research, best practices, case studies, and fieldwork to ensure graduates develop the competencies NCATE deems necessary for success in the field of educational administration.

Students gain practical application through the completion of fieldwork conducted at their school of employment or an approved institution in their local community. Fieldwork is a requirement for earning the master's degree and the California Preliminary Administrative Services Credential. Eligible graduates interested in the California Preliminary Administrative Services Credential must provide verification of passing the California Basic Education Skills Test (CBEST), a valid California teaching credential, and three years of professional educational experience under an appropriate credential by the completion of the program.

Delivery Media

The program incorporates sophisticated distance learning technologies with traditional instructional modes utilized in the residential classroom, such as readings, lectures, discussions, and assignments. Learning activities are facilitated by CD-ROM, DVD, Web sites, e-mail, fax, and phone—all supported by the professional course management system, Blackboard.

Interaction within the online community is conducted through online discussion, project work, and small-group presentations. Faculty members and students may select synchronous chat forums using Blackboard's Virtual Class room, asynchronous threaded discussions using the Virtual Discussion Board, or a combination of the two.

Programs of Study

California State University, Northridge's mission of enabling students to realize their educational goals has been the motivation behind the University's twenty-five-year track record in offering a variety of off-campus baccalaureate, graduate, certificate, and credential programs. The University currently offers three successful online master's degree programs: Educational Leadership and Policy Studies, Communication Disorders and Sciences/Speech Language Pathology, and Engineering Management.

Student Services

CSUN is committed to providing its distance students with the highest level of online support services. Dedicated to guidance and mentoring, the program's academic adviser and faculty members are readily available to counsel graduate students regarding their academic progress and career goals. The distance learning technical support staff members are available to lend their expertise regarding course access and technical issues. In addition, distance learning students enjoy access to a wide range of online resources, including the University's library, book store, financial aid office, career center, and alumni associations. The program has a coordinator to assist participants in accessing these and other support services.

A member of the twenty-three-campus California State University system since 1972, California State University, Northridge (CSUN), is one of the state's largest institutions of higher learning. With student enrollments of 32,000, CSUN grants an average of 6,000 bachelor's and master's degrees each academic year.

CSUN is accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC), which recently commended the University for its accomplishments in its assessment of educational effectiveness and student learning, exceptional performance in utilizing technology to enhance learning, and continuous ability to meet and exceed the goals the University has set for itself while maintaining its high ranking in national surveys.

Credit Options

Because this program uses the cohort model, no previous academic course work may be transferred into the program. The only exception is the requisite course EDUC 600, Research and Education, which may be waived by the department chair upon determination of equivalency. To maximize the benefits provided in the cohort model, all students are required to matriculate through the entire program. No credit is given for prior course work, and no examination is given in lieu of the Distance Learning Educational Leadership and Policy Studies (DL ELPS) program course work. This requirement ensures that students participate in a shared learning experience throughout the integrated curriculum.


The outstanding faculty members are dedicated to teaching, scholarship, and active learning. They bring to the program a wealth of experience and a rich understanding of the many challenges faced by today's educational administrators. The online courses at CSUN are developed by the same outstanding faculty members who teach the University's residential program.


Candidates for admission to this program must possess a bachelor's degree from an accredited university or college. They must also provide verification of one of the following: an undergraduate GPA of at least 3.0, a passing score (50th percentile or higher) in one of the three areas of the Graduate Record Examinations (GRE), or a raw score of 50 or better on the Miller Analogies Test (MAT). Before completing their first 12 units of the course work in this program, the students must pass the Upper Division Writing Proficiency Exam (UDWPE), a 1-hour proctored essay test.

Tuition and Fees

Tuition and fees for the two-year master's degree program are $12,750 (subject to change for subsequent cohorts). Students are responsible for any expenses related to textbooks and the computer technology required for the program. In addition, the requisite course, EDUC 600, is offered online for an additional $1275 (subject to change for subsequent cohorts) for those students who have not met this requirement.

Financial Aid

The University's financial aid and scholarship department has a comprehensive Web site to assist participants in planning the financing of their graduate studies. The Web site provides information on a variety of student loans, grants, and scholarships that may be available as well as the required application forms. The Tseng College's financial aid adviser is also available for those seeking additional advisement.


Karena Senchack
Distance Learning Program Coordinator
Roland Tseng College of Extended Learning
California State University, Northridge
18111 Nordhoff Street, BK 226
Northridge, California 91330-8401
Phone: 818-677-6405
Fax: 818-677-6408
Web site:


To apply for application to the DL ELPS program, candidates should first complete and submit the online DL ELPS program application and then compile a packet, which is mailed to the distance learning program coordinator. The packet should include a completed CSUN application for graduate admissions, two official transcripts in sealed envelopes from each college or university previously attended, two sealed letters of recommendation from practicing school administrators, and a check for the $55 application fee.

Applications for the spring 2006 cohort must be received by October 31, 2005. Those received by August 31, 2005, receive first consideration.

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