Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

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Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

77 W Washington St., Ste. 2120
Chicago, IL 60602
Ph: (312)364-9715
Fax: (312)364-9715
E-mail: kbenedict@thebulletin.org

Rieser Fellowships (Undergraduate/Fellowship)

Purpose: To provide financial support to undergraduate students pursuing a project relating to interaction of science, global security, and public policy. Focus: Peace studies; National security. Qualif.: Applicant must be undergraduate student at a U.S. college/university. Criteria: Awards are given based on academic interests, extracurricular activities and career aspiration.

Funds Avail.: $2500 $5000. Number Awarded: 3-5. To Apply: Applicant must send an application form (available at the website); resume; proposal (800-1000 words); official letters confirming internships, acceptance to conference; an essay (one-page, single-spaced) explaining how the fellowship would be benefit to the applicant; project budget; and two letters of recommendation. Deadline: December. Contact: Rieser Fellowship rieser@thebulletin.org.

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Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

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