Ashburn Institute
Ashburn Institute
444 North West Capitol St., NW
PO Box 77164
Washington, DC 20013-7164
Ph: (703)728-6482
Fax: (703)753-1910
Mayme and Herb Frank Scholarship Program (Graduate, Undergraduate/Scholarship)
Purpose: To support the study of international integration and federalism at the graduate level. Focus: International affairs and relations. Qualif.: Applicant must be a graduate student of strong academic standing; must have a thesis or dissertation relating to international integration and/or federalism and coursework that places major weight on international and/or federalism or must have an independent study project relating to international integration and federalism to be conducted as part of a graduate program. Criteria: Selection of candidates will be based on the quality of the project, and academic standing. Consideration is made by the Frank Education Fund Committee of the Ashburn Institute.
Funds Avail.: $500-$2,000 depending on relevance of the goals of the fund. To Apply: Applicant must complete the FEF Application form and must have the description of any course planned to be completed by the applicant during the period of the proposed grant; must submit the copy of the graduate transcript if currently enrolled in a graduate program, or a copy of the applicant's undergraduate transcript if enrolled in a graduate program but ha not yet started it. Application form and other supporting materials must be submitted to: Association to Unite the Democracies c/o The Ashburn Institute, The Frank Educational Fund, PO Box 77164, Washington, DC, 200137164. Deadline: April 1 for Fall term awards and October 1 for Spring term awards.
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