American Water Resources Association

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American Water Resources Association

PO Box 1626
Middleburg, VA20118
Ph: (540)687-8390
Fax: (540)687-8395

Richard A. Herbert Memorial Scholarships (Undergraduate/Scholarship)

Purpose: To enhance the education in water resources. Focus: Water Resources. Qualif.: Applicant must be a national AWRA member; an applicant must be undergraduate student working toward his/her undergraduate degree enrolled in a program related to water resources; or applicant must be a full-time graduate student enrolled in a program relating to water resources. Criteria: AWRA Student activities Committee will evaluate the application based on the academic performance including the cumulative grade point average, relevance of the student's curriculum to water resources, and leadership in extracurricular activities related to water resources; while graduate student applicants will be evaluated based on the research and it's relevance to water resources.

Funds Avail.: $4,000. Number Awarded: 2. To Apply:

Applicant should prepare a title page and two-page sum-

mary of their academic interests and their achievements, extracurricular interests, and career goals; he/she must include three-letters of reference(preferably from professors and/or advisors); a transcript of record including full name, permanent mailing address, e-mail address, and a phone number at which applicant may be easily reached. Deadline: April 23,2008.

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