American Urological Association Foundation

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American Urological Association Foundation

AUA Foundation/Astellas Rising Star in Urology Research Awards (Postdoctorate/Fellowship)
AUA Foundation Bridge Awards (Postgraduate/Fellowship)
AUA Foundation M.D./Ph.D. Fellowships (Postdoctorate, Postgraduate/Fellowship)
AUA Foundation M.D. Post-resident Fellowships (Postgraduate/Fellowship)
AUA Foundation - NIDDK/NCI Surgeon- Scientist Awards (Postgraduate/Fellowship)
AUA Foundation Ph.D. Post-Doctoral Fellowships (Postdoctorate/Fellowship)

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AUA Foundation/Astellas Rising Star in Urology Research Awards (Postdoctorate/Fellowship)

Purpose: To encourage a young urology faculty to go into, or continue a research career. Focus: Urology. Qualif.: Applicants must be Board certified or eligible urologists; must have successfully competed for a career development award within the current federal fiscal year. Criteria: Applicants will be selected based on scholarship panel's review of the application materials.

Funds Avail.: No specific amount. To Apply: Applicants must complete the online application form. Applicants must also prepare a registration summary form; curriculum vitae; application agreement form with all necessary signatures; letter of support from each mentor; letter from urology department chair; current NIH-style biosketch of each mentor; copy of career development grant award letter; copy of career development grant; copy of career development grant review summary sheets and scores. All materials must be uploaded into a single.pdf file. Deadline: November 29.

AUA Foundation Bridge Awards (Postgraduate/Fellowship)

Purpose: To support research that will help those who suffer from the effects of urological diseases. Focus: Urology. Qualif.: Applicants must be a member of AUA; not a previous recipient of the award; must have competed for a peer-reviewed external funding for the project during the current federal fiscal year. Criteria: Applicants are selected based on the jury's review of the application materials.

Funds Avail.: $15,000. To Apply: Applicants must register online at the AUA Foundation website in order to apply. Applicants must submit the completed the application form; a registration summary form; and an application agreement form. The form must be signed by the applicant, department chair and sponsoring institution representative. Deadline: March 31. Contact: Rodney Cotten, Research


AUA Foundation M.D./Ph.D. Fellowships (Postdoctorate, Postgraduate/Fellowship)

Purpose: To promote research related to the epidemiology of urologic diseases. Focus: Urology. Qualif.: Applicants must be trained urologists or basic scientists within five years of completing their residency or doctorate. Criteria: Fellowship recipients will be selected based on the scholarship committee's review of the application materials.

Funds Avail.: $60,000 ($30,000 from AUA Foundation, $30,000 from the institution). To Apply: Applicants must complete the online application form and the application agreement form; must submit two letters of support from individuals other than the mentor; research career goals of the candidate; description of research proposal in layman's terms; research proposal (maximum of 10 pages) which consist of following: specific aims (1-2 pages), background (2 pages), preliminary data (2-3 pages), and methods and procedure (2-4 pages). Applicants must also submit a curriculum vitae (maximum of 5 pages); notification of applications filed to other funding sources. For mentors, requirements are institutional plans; concise statement of reasons that the candidate and mentor should be selected; outline of clinical/research time (M.D. researchers only); mentor's letters of support for applicant; mentor's biosketches; list of mentor's previous fellows current positions. Deadline: August 31.

AUA Foundation M.D. Post-resident Fellowships (Postgraduate/Fellowship)

Purpose: To promote research related to the epidemiology of urologic diseases. Focus: Urology. Qualif.: Applicants must be trained urologists within five years of completing residency. Mentors should have experience in health services or policy or in another clinical discipline with formal urologic input. Criteria: Fellowship recipients will be selected based on the Scholarship Committee's review of the application materials.

Funds Avail.: $60,000 ($30,000 from AUA Foundation, $30,000 from the institution). To Apply: Applicants must complete the online application form; must submit two letters of support from individuals other than the mentor; research career goals of the candidate; description of research proposal in layman's terms; research proposal (maximum of 10 pages) which consist of the following: specific aims (1-2 pages), background (2 pages), preliminary data (2-3 pages), and methods and procedure (2-4 pages). Applicants must also submit a curriculum vitae (maximum of 5 pages); notification of applications filed to other funding sources. For mentors, the requirements are institutional plans; concise statement of reasons that the candidate and mentor should be selected; outline of clinical/research time (M.D. researchers only); mentor's letters of support for the applicant; mentor's biosketches; list of mentor's previous fellows and their current positions. Deadline: August 31. Contact: Rodney Cotten, Research Coordinator,

AUA Foundation - NIDDK/NCI Surgeon-Scientist Awards (Postgraduate/Fellowship)

Purpose: To support urology faculty who wish to pursue becoming an independent investigator. Focus: Urology. Qualif.: Applicants must be Board certified or eligible urologists; must be participating in a training program to obtain a Board Certification in Urology; have successfully competed for NIDDK or NCI career development for the current year.

Criteria: Award recipients are selected based on the selection committee's review of application materials.

Funds Avail.: $52,000. To Apply: Applicants must complete the online application form. Applicants must also prepare a registration summary form; applicant curriculum vitae; application agreement form; letter of support from mentor; letter from urology department chair; current NIH-style biosketch for each mentor; copy of career development grant award letter; copy of career development grant; copy of career development grant review summary sheets and scores. All materials must be uploaded into a single.pdf file. Deadline: November.

AUA Foundation Ph.D. Post-Doctoral Fellowships (Postdoctorate/Fellowship)

Purpose: To promote research related to epidemiology of urologic diseases. Focus: Urology. Qualif.: Applicants must be PhDs with less than five years of post-doctoral experience. Mentors should be an established basic science academician in either the basic science or clinical department. Mentors must also have experience with funded grants. Criteria: Fellowship recipients will be selected based on the scholarship committee's review of the application materials.

Funds Avail.: $60,000 ($30,000 from AUA Foundation, $30,000 from the institution). To Apply: Applicants must complete the online application form and the application agreement form; two letters of support from individuals other than the mentor; research career goals of the candidate; description of research proposal in layman's terms; research proposal (maximum of 10 pages) which consist of the following: specific aims (1-2 pages), background (2 pages), preliminary data (2-3 pages), and methods and procedure (2-4 pages). Applicants must also submit a curriculum vitae (maximum of 5 pages); notification of applications filed to other funding sources. For mentors, requirements are institutional plans; concise statement of reasons that the candidate and mentor should be selected; outline of clinical/research time (M.D. researchers only); mentor's letters of support for applicant; mentor's biosketches; list of mentor's previous fellows and their current positions. Deadline: August 31. Contact: Rodney Cot-ten, Research Coordinator,

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