Villagrán García, José

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Villagrán García, José (1901–82). Mexican architect and teacher. In 1923 he was appointed Chief Architect to the Department of Public Health, in which capacity he designed the Hygiene Institute, Popotla, Mexico City (1925–7). Regarded as the father of modern Functionalism and Rationalism in his country, his massive Instituto Nacional de Cardiología, Mexico City (1937—with later additions), and sundry other works, including the Architectural School at the Universidad Nacional de México (1951), demonstrated his debt to International Modernism, and especially the all-pervading influence of Le Corbusier and Gropius.


AM, xii/55 (Sept. 1956);
Born (1937);
Cetto (1961);
Kalman (1994);
Jane Turner (1996);

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