Förster, Christian Friedrich Ludwig, Ritter von

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Förster, Christian Friedrich Ludwig, Ritter von (1799–1863). Bavarian-born architect. He designed the Ringstrasse (begun 1858) and the Romanesque Byzantine Revival Arsenal (with Theophil von Hansen) of 1850–6, both in Vienna. He was Professor at the Vienna Academy (1843–6), and influenced the following generation of Viennese architects through the Allgemeine Bauzeitung (Universal Building Journal—founded 1836) and his own studio. His son, Emil von Förster (1838–1909), worked with him for a time, and then for the State, remodelling the Hofburg (Imperial Palace) and the Burgtheater (Court Theatre) (1895–7), designing the Allgemeine Österreichische Baugesellschaft (Universal Austrian Building Corporation—1872–4) and the Dorotheum (1898–1901), all in Vienna.


Eggert (1976);
Niemann & and Feldegg (1893);
Wagner-Rieger (1970, 1980)

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