can·is·ter / ˈkanəstər/ • n. a round or cylindrical container, typically one made of metal, used for storing such things as food, chemicals, or rolls of film. ∎ a cylinder of pressurized gas, typically one that explodes when thrown or fired from a gun. ∎ hist. small bullets packed in cases that fit the bore of an artillery piece or gun.
CANISTER. An artillery projectile consisting of a can (canister) packed with small round shot that scatter—shotgun fashion—when the projectile leaves the muzzle. It was used at close range against personnel. It should not be confused with grape or with shrapnel, a type of projectile in which the shot is scattered by a time fuse after the projectile leaves the gun.
SEE ALSO Grape or Grapeshot.
canister †basket XVII; small box XVIII. — L. canistrum basket for bread, fruit, etc. — Gr. kánastron wicker basket, f. kánna CANE.