Burger King Corporation

views updated May 23 2018

Burger King Corporation

7360 N. Kendall Drive
Miami, Florida 33156
(305) 596-7011

Wholly-owned subsidiary of Grand Metropolitan, PLC
Employees: 250,000
Sales: $2.8 billion

Miami entrepreneurs James McLamore and David Edgerton founded Burger King Corporation in 1954. Five years later, they were ready to expand their five Florida Burger Kings into a nationwide chain. By the time they sold their company to Pillsbury in 1967, Burger King had become the third largest fast-food chain in the country and was on its way to second place, after industry leader McDonalds.

The story of Burger Kings growth is the story of how franchising and advertising developed the fast-food industry. McLamore and Edgerton began in 1954 with a simple concept: to attract the burgeoning numbers of postwar baby boom families with reasonably-priced, broiled burgers served quickly. The idea was not unique; drive-ins offering cheap fast food were springing up all across America in the early 1950s. 1954, in fact, was the same year Ray Kroc made his deal with the McDonald brothers, whose original southern California drive-in started the McDonalds empire.

McLamore and Edgerton tried to give their Burger King restaurants a special edge. Burger King became the first chain to offer dining rooms (albeit uncomfortable plastic ones). In 1957 they expanded their menu with the Whopper, a burger with sauce, cheese, lettuce, pickles, and tomato, for big appetites. But prices were kept low: a hamburger cost 18 cents and the Whopper 37 cents. (McDonalds burgers at the same time, however, cost only 15 cents.) In 1958 they took advantage of an increasingly popular medium, television: the first Burger King television ad appeared on Miamis VHF station that year.

By 1959 McLamore and Edgerton were ready to expand beyond Florida, and franchising seemed to be the best way to take their concept to a broader market. Franchising was booming in the late 1950s because it allowed companies to expand with minimal investment. Like many other franchisers, McLamore and Edgerton attracted their investors by selling exclusive rights to large territories throughout the country. The buyers of these territorial rights, many of them large businesses themselves, could do what they wanted to in their territory: buy land, build as many stores as they liked, sell part of the territory to other investors, or diversify. McLamore and Edgerton took their initial payments (which varied with the territory) and their cut (as little as one percent of sales) and left their franchisees pretty much on their own.

The system worked well, allowing Burger King to expand rapidly. By 1967, when the partners decided to sell the company they had founded, the chain included 274 stores and was worth $18 million to its buyer, prepared-foods giant Pillsbury.

The system also worked well for the franchisees. Under the early Burger King system, some of the companys large investors expanded at a rate that rivaled that of the parent company.

Where this loosely knit franchising system failed, however, was in providing a consistent company image. Because McLamore and Edgerton didnt check on their franchises and used only a small field staff for franchise support, the chain was noted for inconsistency in both food and service from franchise to franchise, a major flaw in a chain that aimed to attract customers by assuring them of what to expect in every Burger King they visited.

It was up to the new owner, Pillsbury, to crack down on franchise owners. But some large franchisees thought they could run Burger King themselves better then a packaged-goods company could. Wealthy Louisianans Billy and Jimmy Trotter bought their first Burger King outlet in 1963. By 1969, they controlled almost two dozen Burger King restaurants and went public under the name Self Service Restaurants Inc. In 1970, when the franchisees in control of the lucrative Chicago market decided to sell out, Billy Trotter flew to Chicago in a snowstorm to buy the territory for $8 million. By the time Pillsbury executives got to town the next day, they found they had been bested by their own franchisee.

The Trotters didnt stop there. By 1971 they owned 351 stores with sales of $32 million. They bought out two steak house chains (taking the name of one of them, Chart House), established their own training and inspection programs, and decided on their own food suppliers. By 1972 they were ready to take over altogether; the Trotters made Pillsbury a $100 million offer for Burger King. When that initiative failed, they suggested that both Pillsbury and Chart House spin off their Burger King holdings into a separate company. When that also failed, they continued to acquire Burger King piecemeal, buying nine stores in Boston and 13 in Houston.

But Pillsbury wasnt about to allow Chart House to gain other valuable territories. They sued the Boston franchisees who had sold to Chart House, citing Pillsburys contractual right of first refusal to any sale. Eventually Chart House compromised, agreeing to give up its Boston holdings in exchange for the right to keep its Houston properties.

Pillsburys suit was proof of a new management attitude that involved more central control over powerful franchisees. But it wasnt until Pillsbury brought in a hard-hitting executive from McDonalds that Burger King began to exert real control over its franchisees. Donald Smith was third in line for the top spot at McDonalds when Pillsbury lured him away in 1977 with a promises of full autonomy in the top position at Burger King. Smith used it to McDonaldize the company, a process that was especially felt among the franchise holders.

While Burger King had grown by selling wide territorial rights, McDonalds had taken a different approach from the very beginning, leasing stores to franchisees and demanding a high degree of uniformity in return. When Smith came on board at Burger King in 1977, the company owned only 34% of the land and buildings in which its products were sold. Land ownership is advantageous because land is an appreciating asset and a source of tax deductions, but more important because it gives the parent company a landlords power over recalcitrant franchisees.

Smith began by introducing a more demanding franchise contract. Awarded only to individuals, not partnerships or companies, it stipulated that franchisees may not own other restaurants and must live within an hours drive of their franchise, effectively stopping franchisees from getting too big. He also created ten regional offices to manage franchises.

Smiths new franchise regulations were soon put to the test. Barry W. Florescue, chairman of Horn & Hardart, the creator of New York Citys famous Automat restaurants, had recognized that nostalgia alone couldnt keep the original fast-food outlets alive and had decided to turn them into Burger Kings. Smith limited Florescue to building four new stores a year in New York and insisted that he could not expand elsewhere. When Florescue bought eight units in California anyway, Smith sued successfully. Florescue then signed with Arbys, and Smith again effectively asserted Burger Kings control in court, based on the franchise contract. His strong response to the upstart franchisee kept Horn & Hardart from becoming too strong a force within Burger King.

Increasing control over franchisees was not the only change Pillsbury instituted at Burger King during the 1970s. Like many other chains, Burger King began to expand abroad early in the decade. Fast food and franchising were unfamiliar outside the United States, making international expansion a challenge. Burger Kings international operations never became as profitable as anticipated, but within a decade the company was represented in 30 foreign countries.

At home the company focused on attracting new customers. In 1974 management required franchisees to use the hospitality system, or multiple lines, to speed up service. In 1975 Burger King reintroduced drive-through windows. While original stands had offered this convenience, it had gradually been eliminated as Burger King restaurants added dining rooms. Drive-throughs proved to be a profitable element, accounting for 60% of fast food sales throughout the industry by 1987.

Smith also revamped the corporate structure, replacing eight of ten managers with McDonalds people. To attack Burger Kings inconsistency problem, Smith mandated a yearly two-day check of each franchise and frequent unscheduled visits. He also decided that the company should own its outlets whenever possible, and by 1979 had brought the companys share of outlet ownership from 34% to 42%.

Smith also turned his hand to the food served in his restaurants. He introduced the french fry technique that produced the more popular McDonalds-type fry. In 1978, primarily in response to the appeal that newcomer Wendys had for adults, he introduced specialty sandwichesfish, chicken, ham and cheese, and steakto increase Burger Kings dinner trade. Offering the broadest menu in fast food did the trick, boosting traffic 15%. A more radical expansion for the Burger King menu came next. After McDonalds proved that breakfast could be a profitable fast-food addition (offering a morning meal spread fixed costs over longer hours of operation) Smith began planning a breakfast menu in 1979. But Burger King had a problem with breakfast: its flame broilers could not be adapted as easily to breakfast entrees as McDonalds grills could. Smith urged development of entrees that could be prepared on existing equipment instead of requiring special grills. He began testing breakfast foods in 1978, but it wasnt until the Croissanwich in 1983 and French Toast sticks in 1985 that Burger King had winning entries in the increasingly competitive breakfast market.

Smith left Burger King in June 1980 to try to introduce the same kind of fast-food management techniques at Pizza Hut. (Ironically, when he left Pizza Hut in 1983 he moved into the chief executive position at the franchisee that had given Burger King so much trouble, Chart House.) By following in Smiths general direction, Burger King reached its number-two position within two years of his departure, but frequent changes at the top since then have meant inconsistent management for the company. Louis P. Neeb succeeded Smith, to be followed less than two years later by Jerry Ruenheck. Ruenheck resigned to become a Burger King franchise owner in Florida less than two years after that, and his successor, Jay Darling, resigned a little over a year later to take on a Burger King franchise himself. Charles Olcott, a conservative former chief financial officer, took over in 1987.

Burger King didnt stand still under its succession of heads, though. The company continued to expand abroad, opening a training center in London to serve its European franchisees and employees in 1985. Besides developing successful breakfast entries, Burger King added salad bars and a light menu to meet the demand for foods with a healthier, less fatty image. In 1985 the firm began a $100 million program to remodel most of its restaurants to include more natural materials, such as wood and plants, and less plastic. Burger King also completely computerized its cooking and cash register operations so even the most unskilled teenager could do the job. Average sales per restaurant reached the $1 million mark in 1985.

Even some of Burger Kings post-Smith successes caused problems, though. The company introduced another successful new entree, Chicken Tenders, in 1986, only to find it that it couldnt obtain enough chicken to meet demand. Burger King was forced to pull its $30 million introductory ad campaign.

Burger King was still bedeviled by the old complaint that its service and food were inconsistent. The company played out its identity crisis in public, changing ad styles with almost the same frequency that it changed managers. After Smiths departure in 1980, Burger Kings old Have it your way campaign (Hold the pickles, hold the lettuce. Special orders dont upset us) was no longer appropriate. That ad campaign emphasized as a selling point what many saw as a drawback at Burger King: longer waiting times. But under Smiths emphasis on speed and efficiency, special orders did upset store owners. So the company turned to the harder sell Arent you hungry for Burger King now? campaign. The hard sell approach moved the chain into second place, and Burger King took an even more aggressive advertising line. In 1982 Burger King directly attacked its competitors, alleging that Burger Kings grilled burgers were better than McDonalds and Wendys fried burgers. Both competitors sued over the ads, and Wendys challenged Burger King to a taste test (a challenge that was pointedly ignored). In return for dropping the suits, Burger King agreed to phase out the offending ads gradually, but Burger King came out the winner in its $25 million Battle of the Burgers: the average volume of its 3,500 stores rose from $750,000 to $840,000 in 1982, sales were up 19%, and pretax profits rose 9%.

Burger Kings subsequent ad campaigns were not as successful. In 1985 the company added just over half an ounce of meat to its Whopper, making the 4.2 ounce sandwich slightly larger than the quarter-pound burgers of its competitors. The meatier Whopper and the $30 million ad campaign using celebrities to promote it failed to bring in new business. All three of the major campaigns that followed (Herb the Nerd, This is a Burger King town, and Fast food for fast times) were costly flops. We do it like youd do it followed in 1988, and then in 1989 came Sometimes youve gotta break the rules, a controversial and ambiguous campaign that was poorly received by franchises and customers alike.

Burger Kings lack of an identifiable image has contrasted dramatically with McDonalds strong ad showing. The number-one fast food restaurant spends three times as much on advertising as Burger King does. In a mature market in which there are few new converts to fast food and there is a continual battle for the food dollars of those who already buy it, advertising failures are costly.

In 1988, the company faced another kind of threat. Parent Pillsbury, the target of a hostile takeover attempt by the British Grand Metropolitan PLC, devised a counterplan that included spinning off the troubled Burger King chain to shareholders, but at the cost of new debt that would lower the price of both Pillsbury and the new Burger King shares. Such a plan would have made it highly unlikely that Burger King could ever have overcome its ongoing problems of quality and consistent marketing.

Pillsburys plan didnt work, and Grand Met bought Pillsbury in January 1989 for $66 a share, or approximately $5.7 billion. Pillsbury became part of Grand Mets worldwide system of food and retailing businesses with well-known brand names. In Burger King, Grand Met got a company with some problems but whose 5,500 restaurants in all 50 states and 30 foreign countries give it a strong presence.

With a new owner committed to developing Burger King, the company may have its best chance yet of conquering the problems that have plagued it from the start. In the tough, slow-growth fast food market, Burger King has to succeed if it hopes to keep its place.

Further Reading

Emerson, Robert L. Fast Food: The Endless Shakeout, New York, Lebhar-Friedman Books, 1979; Luxenberg, Stan. Roadside Empires: How the Chains Franchised America, New York, Viking, 1985.

Burger King Corporation

views updated May 14 2018

Burger King Corporation

5505 Blue Lagoon Drive
Miami, Florida 33126
Telephone: (305) 378-3000
Fax: (305) 378-7262
Web site: http://www.burgerking.com

Private Company
Employees: 340,000
Sales: $1.7 billion (2002)
NAIC: 722211 Limited Service Restaurants

Burger King Corporation is the second largest fast-food chain in the United States, trailing only McDonalds. The company franchises more than 10,400 restaurants and owns about 1,000 for a chainwide total exceeding 11,455, with locations in all 50 states and 56 countries. The company serves 15.7 million customers each day and over 2.4 billion Burger King hamburgers are sold each year across the globe. In the late 1990s and into the new millennium, Burger King was plagued by falling sales and deteriorating franchisee relationships. Burger Kings parent, Diageo plc, sold the company to a group of investors led by Texas Pacific Group in late 2002.

Rapid Growth under Company Founders: 195467

Miami entrepreneurs James McLamore and David Edgerton founded Burger King Corporation in 1954. Five years later, they were ready to expand their five Florida Burger Kings into a nationwide chain. By the time they sold their company to Pillsbury in 1967, Burger King had become the third largest fast-food chain in the country and was on its way to second place, after industry leader McDonalds.

The story of Burger Kings growth is the story of how franchising and advertising developed the fast-food industry. McLamore and Edgerton began in 1954 with a simple concept: to attract the burgeoning numbers of postwar baby boom families with reasonably-priced, broiled burgers served quickly. The idea was not unique: drive-ins offering cheap fast food were springing up all across America in the early 1950s. In fact, 1954 was the same year Ray Kroc made his deal with the McDonald brothers, whose original southern California drive-in started the McDonalds empire.

McLamore and Edgerton tried to give their Burger King restaurants a special edge. Burger King became the first chain to offer dining rooms (albeit uncomfortable plastic ones). In 1957 they expanded their menu with the Whopper, a burger with sauce, cheese, lettuce, pickles, and tomato, for big appetites. But prices were kept low: a hamburger cost 18 cents and the Whopper 37 cents. (McDonalds burgers at the same time, however, cost only 15 cents.) In 1958 they took advantage of an increasingly popular medium, television: the first Burger King television commercial appeared on Miamis VHF station that year.

By 1959 McLamore and Edgerton were ready to expand beyond Florida, and franchising seemed to be the best way to take their concept to a broader market. Franchising was booming in the late 1950s because it allowed companies to expand with minimal investment. Like many other franchisers, McLamore and Edgerton attracted their investors by selling exclusive rights to large territories throughout the country. The buyers of these territorial rights, many of them large businesses themselves, could do what they wanted to in their territory: buy land, build as many stores as they liked, sell part of the territory to other investors, or diversify. McLamore and Edgerton took their initial payments (which varied with the territory) and their cut (as little as 1 percent of sales) and left their franchisees pretty much on their own.

The system worked well, allowing Burger King to expand rapidly. By 1967, when the partners decided to sell the company they had founded, the chain included 274 stores and was worth $18 million to its buyer, prepared-foods giant Pillsbury.

Difficulties with Franchisees Under Pillsbury: 196777

The Burger King franchising system also worked well for the franchisees. Under the early Burger King system, some of the companys large investors expanded at a rate rivaling that of the parent company. Where this loosely knit franchising system failed, however, was in providing a consistent company image. Because McLamore and Edgerton didnt check on their franchises and used only a small field staff for franchise support, the chain was noted for inconsistency in both food and service from franchise to franchise, a major flaw in a chain that aimed to attract customers by assuring them of what to expect in every Burger King they visited.

It was up to the new owner, Pillsbury, to crack down on franchise owners. But some large franchisees thought they could run their Burger King outlets better than a packaged-goods company. Wealthy Louisianans Billy and Jimmy Trotter bought their first Burger King outlet in 1963. By 1969, they controlled almost two dozen Burger King restaurants and went public under the name Self Service Restaurants Inc. In 1970, when the franchisees in control of the lucrative Chicago market decided to sell out, Billy Trotter flew to Chicago in a snowstorm to buy the territory for $8 million. By the time Pillsbury executives got to town the next day, they found they had been bested by their own franchisee.

The Trotters didnt stop there. By 1971 they owned 351 stores with sales of $32 million. They bought out two steak house chains (taking the name of one of them, Chart House), established their own training and inspection programs, and decided on their own food suppliers. By 1972 they were ready to take over altogether; the Trotters made Pillsbury a $100 million offer for Burger King. When that initiative failed, they suggested that both Pillsbury and Chart House spin off their Burger King holdings into a separate company. When that also failed, they continued to acquire Burger King piecemeal, buying nine stores in Boston and 13 in Houston.

However, Pillsbury wasnt about to allow Chart House to gain other valuable territories. They sued the Boston franchisees who had sold to Chart House, citing Pillsburys contractual right of first refusal to any sale. Eventually Chart House compromised, agreeing to give up its Boston holdings in exchange for the right to keep its Houston properties.

New Leadership: 197780

Pillsburys suit was proof of a new management attitude that involved more central control over powerful franchisees. However, it wasnt until Pillsbury brought in a hard-hitting executive from McDonalds that Burger King began to exert real control over its franchisees. Donald Smith was third in line for the top spot at McDonalds when Pillsbury lured him away in 1977 with a promise of full autonomy in the top position at Burger King. Smith used it to McDonaldize the company, a process that was especially felt among the franchise holders.

While Burger King had grown by selling wide territorial rights, McDonalds had taken a different approach from the very beginning, leasing stores to franchisees and demanding a high degree of uniformity in return. When Smith came on board at Burger King in 1977, the company owned only 34 percent of the land and buildings in which its products were sold. Land ownership is advantageous because land is an appreciating asset and a source of tax deductions, but more importantly it gives the parent company a landlords power over recalcitrant franchisees.

Smith began by introducing a more demanding franchise contract. Awarded only to individuals, not partnerships or companies, it stipulated that franchisees may not own other restaurants and must live within an hours drive of their franchise, effectively stopping franchisees from getting too big. He also created ten regional offices to manage franchises.

Smiths new franchise regulations were soon put to the test. Barry W. Florescue, chairman of Horn & Hardart, the creator of New York Citys famous Automat restaurants, had recognized that nostalgia alone couldnt keep the original fast-food outlets alive and had decided to turn them into Burger Kings. Smith limited Florescue to building four new stores a year in New York and insisted that he could not expand elsewhere. When Florescue bought eight units in California anyway, Smith sued successfully. Florescue then signed with Arbys, and Smith again effectively asserted Burger Kings control in court, based on the franchise contract. His strong response to the upstart franchisee kept Horn & Hardart from becoming too strong a force within Burger King.

Increasing control over franchisees was not the only change Pillsbury instituted at Burger King during the 1970s. Like many other chains, Burger King began to expand abroad early in the decade. Fast food and franchising were unfamiliar outside the United States, making international expansion a challenge. Burger Kings international operations never became as profitable as anticipated, but within a decade the company was represented in 30 foreign countries.

At home the company focused on attracting new customers. In 1974 management required franchisees to use the hospitality system, or multiple lines, to speed up service. In 1975 Burger King reintroduced drive-through windows. While original stands had offered this convenience, it had gradually been eliminated as Burger King restaurants added dining rooms. Drive-throughs proved to be a profitable element, accounting for 60 percent of fast food sales throughout the industry by 1987.

Smith also revamped the corporate structure, replacing eight of ten managers with McDonalds people. To attack Burger Kings inconsistency problem, Smith mandated a yearly two-day check of each franchise and frequent unscheduled visits. He also decided that the company should own its outlets whenever possible, and by 1979 had brought the companys share of outlet ownership from 34 percent to 42 percent.

Company Perspectives:

Burger King is flamed-broiled burgers, fries and soft drinks at a good value, served quickly and consistently by friendly people in clean surroundings.

Smith also turned his hand to the food served in his restaurants. He introduced the french fry technique that produced the more popular McDonalds-type fry. In 1978, primarily in response to the appeal that newcomer Wendys had for adults, he introduced specialty sandwichesfish, chicken, ham and cheese, and steakto increase Burger Kings dinner trade. Offering the broadest menu in fast food did the trick, boosting traffic 15 percent. A more radical expansion for the Burger King menu came next. After McDonalds proved that breakfast could be a profitable fast-food addition (offering a morning meal spread fixed costs over longer hours of operation) Smith began planning a breakfast menu in 1979. But Burger King had a problem with breakfast: its flame broilers could not be adapted as easily to breakfast entrees as McDonalds grills could. Smith urged development of entrees that could be prepared on existing equipment instead of requiring special grills. He began testing breakfast foods in 1978, but it wasnt until the Croissanwich in 1983 and French Toast sticks in 1985 that Burger King had winning entries in the increasingly competitive breakfast market.

Troubled Times in the 1980s

Smith left Burger King in June 1980 to try to introduce the same kind of fast-food management techniques at Pizza Hut. (Ironically, when he left Pizza Hut in 1983 he moved into the chief executive position at the franchisee that had given Burger King so much trouble, Chart House.) By following in Smiths general direction, Burger King reached its number-two position within two years of his departure, but frequent changes at the top for the next several years meant inconsistent management for the company. Louis P. Neeb succeeded Smith, to be followed less than two years later by Jerry Ruenheck. Ruenheck resigned to become a Burger King franchise owner in Florida less than two years after that, and his successor, Jay Darling, resigned a little over a year later to take on a Burger King franchise himself. Charles Olcott, a conservative former chief financial officer, took over in 1987.

Burger King did not stand still under its succession of heads, though. The company continued to expand abroad, opening a training center in London to serve its European franchisees and employees in 1985. Besides developing successful breakfast entries, Burger King added salad bars and a light menu to meet the demand for foods with a healthier, less fatty image. In 1985 the firm began a $100 million program to remodel most of its restaurants to include more natural materials, such as wood and plants, and less plastic. Burger King also completely computerized its cooking and cash register operations so even the least skilled teenager could do the job. Average sales per restaurant reached the $1 million mark in 1985.

Even some of Burger Kings post-Smith successes caused problems, though. The company introduced another successful new entree, Chicken Tenders, in 1986, only to find it that it could not obtain enough chicken to meet demand. Burger King was forced to pull its $30 million introductory ad campaign.

Burger King was still bedeviled by the old complaint that its service and food were inconsistent. The company played out its identity crisis in public, changing ad styles with almost the same frequency that it changed managers. After Smiths departure in 1980, Burger Kings old Have it your way campaign (Hold the pickles, hold the lettuce. Special orders dont upset us.) was no longer appropriate. That ad campaign emphasized as a selling point what many saw as a drawback at Burger King: longer waiting times. However, under Smiths emphasis on speed and efficiency, special orders did upset store owners. So the company turned to the harder sell Arent you hungry for Burger King now? campaign. The hard sell approach moved the chain into second place, and Burger King took an even more aggressive advertising line. In 1982 Burger King directly attacked its competitors, alleging that Burger Kings grilled burgers were better than McDonalds and Wendys fried burgers. Both competitors sued over the ads, and Wendys challenged Burger King to a taste test (a challenge that was pointedly ignored). In return for dropping the suits, Burger King agreed to phase out the offending ads gradually, but Burger King came out the winner in its $25 million Battle of the Burgers: the average volume of its 3,500 stores rose from $750,000 to $840,000 in 1982, sales were up 19 percent, and pretax profits rose 9 percent.

Burger Kings subsequent ad campaigns were not as successful. In 1985 the company added just over half an ounce of meat to its Whopper, making the 4.2 ounce sandwich slightly larger than the quarter-pound burgers of its competitors. The meatier Whopper and the $30 million ad campaign using celebrities to promote it failed to bring in new business. All three of the major campaigns that followed (Herb the Nerd, This is a Burger King town, and Fast food for fast times) were costly flops. We do it like youd do it followed in 1988, with little more success.

In 1988, the company faced another kind of threat. Parent Pillsbury, the target of a hostile takeover attempt by the British company Grand Metropolitan plc, devised a counterplan that included spinning off the troubled Burger King chain to shareholders, but at the cost of new debt that would lower the price of both Pillsbury and the new Burger King shares. Such a plan would have made it highly unlikely that Burger King could ever have overcome its ongoing problems of quality and consistent marketing.

Key Dates:

James McLamore and David Edgerton establish Burger King Corporation.
The Whopper is launched.
The company begins to expand through franchising.
Burger King is sold to Pillsbury.
Donald Smith is hired to restructure the firms franchise system.
Burger King claims its grilled burgers are better than competitors McDonalds and Wendys fried burgers.
Grand Metropolitan plc acquires Pillsbury.
The firm launches a $70 million french fry advertising campaign; Grand Metropolitan merges with Guinness to form Diageo plc.
A group of investors led by Texas Pacific Group acquire Burger King.

Pillsburys plan didnt work, and Grand Met bought Pillsbury in January 1989 for $66 a share, or approximately $5.7 billion. Pillsbury became part of Grand Mets worldwide system of food and retailing businesses with well-known brand names. In Burger King, Grand Met got a company with some problems but whose 5,500 restaurants in all 50 states and 30 foreign countries gave it a strong presence.

Turnaround under Grand Met in the 1990s

Grand Mets first move was to place Barry Gibbons, a successful manager of pubs and restaurants in the United Kingdom, into the CEO slot. Soon thereafter, in September 1989, Grand Met acquired several restaurant properties from United Biscuits (Holdings) plc, including the Wimpey hamburger chain, which included 381 U.K. outlets and 148 in other countries. By the summer of 1990,200 Wimpeys had been converted to Burger Kings, bolstering the companys foreign operations, a traditional area of weakness. Over the next several years, Burger King was much more aggressive with its international expansion, with restaurants opening for the first time in Hungary and Mexico (1991); Poland (1992); Saudi Arabia (1993); Israel, Oman, the Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Peru, and New Zealand (1994); and Paraguay (1995). By 1996, Burger King had outlets in 56 countries, a dramatic increase from the 30 of just seven years earlier.

While Gibbons was successful in accelerating the companys international growth, overall his tenure as CEO (which lasted until 1993) brought a mixture of successes and failures. In the new product area, the hamburger chain hit it big with the 1990 introduction of the BK Broiler, a broiled chicken sandwich aimed at fast-food eaters seeking a somewhat more healthful meal; soon after introduction, more than one million were being sold each day. Also successful were promotions aimed at children. In 1990 the Burger King Kids Club program was launched nationwide, and more than one million kids signed up in the first two months. The program continued to grow thereafter; by 1996 membership stood at five million and the number of Kids Club meals sold each month had increased from 6.1 million in 1990 to nearly 12 million.

Also hugely successful was the long-term deal with Disney for motion plcture tie-ins signed in 1992. Through 1996 (when Disney broke with Burger King to sign a deal with arch-rival McDonalds), the partnership had involved such Disney smashes as Beauty and the Beast, The Lion King, and Toy Story. In 1996 Burger King signed a new Hollywood deal with DreamWorks SKG.

Gibbons also worked to improve Burger Kings profitability, under a mandate from Grand Met. Soon after taking over as CEO, Gibbons cut more than 500 jobs, mainly field staff positions. He also began to divest company-owned stores in areas where the company did not have critical mass, particularly west of the Mississippi. Doing so helped increase profitability, although some observers charged that Gibbons was selling off valuable assets just to improve the company numbers. In any case, during Gibbonss last two years as CEO, profits were about $250 million each year, compared to at most $175 million a year under Pillsbury.

Where Gibbons certainly failed, however, was in addressing Burger Kings longstanding problem with image. The advertising program was still in disarray as the firm hired in 1989, DArcy Masius Benton & Bowles, created still more short-lived campaigns: Sometimes youve gotta break the rules (198991), Your way right away (1991), and BK Tee Vee (199293). Neither franchisees nor customers were endeared to any of these. In the face of the improving profitability of the corporation, such marketing blunders led to abysmal chainwide sales increases, such as a 3.6 percent increase for fiscal years 1991 and 1992 combined.

In mid-1993, James Adamson succeeded Gibbons as CEO, a position for which he had been groomed since joining Burger King as COO in 1991. Adamson, who actively sought out the advice of company co-founder James W. McLamore, moved to build on Gibbonss successes as well as rectify the failures. Adamsons most important initiatives addressed key areas: quality, value, and image. He improved the quality of products, such as in 1994 when the size of the BK Broiler, the BK Big Fish, and the hamburger were increased by more than 50 percent. He belatedly added a value menu after most other fast feeders had already done so, as well as offering special promotions, such as the 990 Whopper. Related to both value and image was the long-awaited successful ad campaign, Get your burgers worth, created by Ammirati Puris Lintas, and emphasizing a back-to-basics approach and good value. The focus on the basics also led to a simplification of what had become an unwieldy menu40 items were eliminated. The new focus was on burgerswith an emphasis on flame broilingfries, and drinks. By early 1995, Adamsons program was paying off as same-store sales increased 6.6 percent for the fiscal year ending March 31, 1995. Morale among the franchisees had improved dramatically as well.

Adamson resigned suddenly in early 1995 to head Flagstar Cos. of Spartanburg, South Carolina. In July, Robert C. Lowes, who had been chief officer for Grand Met Foods Europe, was named CEO. Later that same year he became chairman of Burger King and gained a position on the Grand Met executive committee, a move that signaled Grand Mets commitment to Burger King and the strength of the companys resurgence. Lowes soon set some lofty goals for Burger King, including $10 billion in systemwide sales by 1997 (from $8.4 billion in 1995) and 10,000 outlets by the year 2000 (there were 8,455 in mid-1996). Management changes continued however, and in 1997 Dennis Malamatinas, an executive from Grand Mets Asian beverage division, was named CEO. Later that year, Grand Met merged with Guinness, creating Diageo plc. The new companys main focus was on its beverage and spirits business, leaving many analysts speculating that Diageo would eventually sell or spin off Burger King.

Despite the changes in ownership and management, Burger King remained dedicated to beating out its main competition, McDonalds. It introduced the new Big King burger to compete with McDonalds Big Mac and also launched a $70 million french fry advertising campaign that included a free fryday give-away at its restaurants. By 1998 both domestic and international sales were increasing, along with market share.

Bolstered by its recent success, Burger King launched an aggressive restructuring campaign that included adopting a new logo; store remodeling with cobalt blue, red, and yellow décor; new packaging; drive-thru lane upgrades; and a new cooking system. The firm also began to turnaround its European operations, exiting the highly competitive French region and focusing on growth in the UK, Germany, and Spain. The companys Latin America, Mexico, and Caribbean operations also experienced modest growth.

Problems Lead to a Sale: 1999 and Beyond

Burger Kings success however, proved to be short-lived. In 1999, the company was forced to recall a promotional toy, the Pokémon ball, after it was discovered to be potentially dangerous for children. A class-action suit followed, claiming the company acted in a negligent fashion when it distributed the toy in its kids meals. The firms relationship with its franchisees was also deteriorating, marked by a highly publicized lawsuit with franchisee La Van Hawkins. The Detroit-based entrepreneur claimed Burger King failed to help him develop and purchase restaurants as promised. The firm counter-sued claiming that Hawkins owed the company $16 million. Civil rights activist Al Sharpton threatened to boycott Burger King as a result. To top it off, sales were falling, and the company experienced yet another change in management. Malamatinas left the firm in 2000, and Colin Storm was named interim CEO.

By this time, Burger Kings parent company had announced plans to exit the fast food industry. Many franchisees were experiencing financial difficultiesincluding bankruptcyand had long since complained that Diageo had neglected Burger King in favor of its premium liquor business. These franchisees adopted an internal program entitled Project Champion aimed at forcing a sale of Burger King. They approached J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. to orchestrate the deal, and, eventually, Diageo agreed to sell Burger King. Texas Pacific Group along with Bain Capital and Goldman Sachs Capital Partners purchased the fast food chain for $1.5 billion in late 2002.

According to a 2003 Feedstuffs article, Burger Kings franchisee association claimed that the new ownership marked the first day of a new era for Burger King. CEO John Dasburgelected in 2001also felt the acquisition had significant benefits. In the aforementioned article Dasburg remarked that it would better position Burger King as a healthy, independent company for the first time in more than 30 years.

While company management appeared optimistic about its future, Burger King remained embroiled in intense competition. The firm continued to launch new advertising campaigns and in 2002 introduced the BK Veggie, the first fast food veggie burger to be offered in the United States. Also in 2002, Burger King revamped the BK Broiler, making a new product they called the Chicken Whopper. The firm also moved into its new world headquarters in Miami, dedicating the building to founders Edgerton and McLamore. Management focused on capturing a larger portion of the fast food market. However, only time would tell if Burger Kings new independence would help realize its goals.

Principal Competitors

McDonalds Corporation; Wendys International Inc.; Yum! Brands Inc.

Further Reading

Alva, Marilyn, Can They Save the King?, Restaurant Business, May 1, 1994, p. 104.

Burger King Sale as Much Hot Temper as Cool Cash, Houston Chronicle, December 29, 2002, p. 1.

Collins, Glenn, Grand Met Names a Chief for Burger King Subsidiary: Turnaround Is Seen at Fast Food Chain, New York Times, July 12, 1995, p. C2.

DeGeorge, Gail, Turning Up the Gas at Burger King: Its Discounting Burgers and Dumping Yet Another Ad Campaign, Business Week, November 15, 1993, pp. 6267.

Emerson, Robert L., Fast Food: The Endless Shakeout, New York: Lebhar-Friedman Books, 1979.

, The New Economics of Fast Food, New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1990.

Farrell, Greg, Burger King: Whopper on the Rebound?, Brandweek, February 7, 1994, p. 22.

Gibson, Richard, Burger King Overhaul Includes Refocus on Whopper, Wall Street Journal, December 15, 1993, p. B4.

Harrington, Jeff, Burger King Executives Struggle to Turn Around Company, St. Petersburg Times, October 16, 2000.

Hays, Constance L., Burger King Campaign Is Promoting New Fries, New York Times, December 11, 1997, p. D12.

Howard, Theresa, BK Looks toward Recovery under New Chief Adamson, Nations Restaurant News, August 2, 1993, p. 5.

Kramer, Louise, Burger King Gets Back to Basics in Latest Ad Blitz, Nations Restaurant News, April 29, 1996, p. 14.

Luxenberg, Stan, Roadside Empires: How the Chains Franchised America, New York: Viking, 1985.

Maremont, Mark, Pete Engardio, and Brian Bremner, Trying to Get Burger King Out of the Flames: Its a Tall Order, Even for Grand Met Hotshot Gibbons, Business Week, January 30, 1989, p. 29.

Pollack, Judann, Burger King Sizzles in Wake of Arch Deluxe, Advertising Age, June 17, 1996, p. 3.

Thomson, Richard, GrandMet Fails to Stop Rumour Mill Biting Into Burger King, Times, November 10, 1995.

Smith, Rod, Burger Kings Sale Readies System for Growth, Feedstuffs, January 6, 2003, p. 7.

Walker, Elaine, Burger King Takes Aim at First Place in Fast-Food Battle, Miami Herald, May 10, 1999.

Ginger G. Rodriguez

updates: David E. Salamie and Christina M. Stansell

Burger King Corporation

views updated Jun 08 2018

Burger King Corporation

17777 Old Cutler Road
Miami, Florida 33157
(305) 378-7011
Fax: (305) 378-7262
Internet: http://www.burgerking.com

Wholly Owned Subsidiary of Grand Metropolitan Plc
Employees: 295,000
Sales: $5.38 billion (1994)
SICs: 5812 Eating Places

Burger King Corporation is the second largest fast-food chain in the United States, trailing only McDonalds. Owned since 1989 by the U.K. food and liquor giant Grand Metropolitan, Burger King franchises more than 7,600 restaurants and owns about 800 for a chain wide total exceeding 8,400, with locations in all 50 states and 56 countries. After nearly a decade and a half of stagnation characterized by several short-term CEOs and a like number of failed advertising campaigns, Burger King seemed to have been revitalized in the mid-1990s with a back-to-basics, value-oriented approach.

Rapid Growth under Company Founders, 1954-67

Miami entrepreneurs James McLamore and David Edgerton founded Burger King Corporation in 1954. Five years later, they were ready to expand their five Florida Burger Kings into a nationwide chain. By the time they sold their company to Pillsbury in 1967, Burger King had become the third largest fast-food chain in the country and was on its way to second place, after industry leader McDonalds.

The story of Burger Kings growth is the story of how franchising and advertising developed the fast-food industry. McLamore and Edgerton began in 1954 with a simple concept: to attract the burgeoning numbers of postwar baby boom families with reasonably-priced, broiled burgers served quickly. The idea was not unique: drive-ins offering cheap fast food were springing up all across America in the early 1950s. In fact, 1954 was the same year Ray Kroc made his deal with the McDonald brothers, whose original southern California drive-in started the McDonalds empire.

McLamore and Edgerton tried to give their Burger King restaurants a special edge. Burger King became the first chain to offer dining rooms (albeit uncomfortable plastic ones). In 1957 they expanded their menu with the Whopper, a burger with sauce, cheese, lettuce, pickles, and tomato, for big appetites. But prices were kept low: a hamburger cost 18 cents and the Whopper 37 cents. (McDonalds burgers at the same time, however, cost only 15 cents.) In 1958 they took advantage of an increasingly popular medium, television: the first Burger King television commercial appeared on Miamis VHF station that year.

By 1959 McLamore and Edgerton were ready to expand beyond Florida, and franchising seemed to be the best way to take their concept to a broader market. Franchising was booming in the late 1950s because it allowed companies to expand with minimal investment. Like many other franchisers, McLamore and Edgerton attracted their investors by selling exclusive rights to large territories throughout the country. The buyers of these territorial rights, many of them large businesses themselves, could do what they wanted to in their territory: buy land, build as many stores as they liked, sell part of the territory to other investors, or diversify. McLamore and Edgerton took their initial payments (which varied with the territory) and their cut (as little as one percent of sales) and left their franchisees pretty much on their own.

The system worked well, allowing Burger King to expand rapidly. By 1967, when the partners decided to sell the company they had founded, the chain included 274 stores and was worth $18 million to its buyer, prepared-foods giant Pillsbury.

Difficulties with Franchisees under Pillsbury, 1967-77

The Burger King franchising system also worked well for the franchisees. Under the early Burger King system, some of the companys large investors expanded at a rate rivaling that of the parent company. Where this loosely knit franchising system failed, however, was in providing a consistent company image. Because McLamore and Edgerton didnt check on their franchises and used only a small field staff for franchise support, the chain was noted for inconsistency in both food and service from franchise to franchise, a major flaw in a chain that aimed to attract customers by assuring them of what to expect in every Burger King they visited.

It was up to the new owner, Pillsbury, to crack down on franchise owners. But some large franchisees thought they could run their Burger King outlets better than a packaged-goods company. Wealthy Louisianans Billy and Jimmy Trotter bought their first Burger King outlet in 1963. By 1969, they controlled almost two dozen Burger King restaurants and went public under the name Self Service Restaurants Inc. In 1970, when the franchisees in control of the lucrative Chicago market decided to sell out, Billy Trotter flew to Chicago in a snowstorm to buy the territory for $8 million. By the time Pillsbury executives got to town the next day, they found they had been bested by their own franchisee.

The Trotters didnt stop there. By 1971 they owned 351 stores with sales of $32 million. They bought out two steak house chains (taking the name of one of them, Chart House), established their own training and inspection programs, and decided on their own food suppliers. By 1972 they were ready to take over altogether; the Trotters made Pillsbury a $100 million offer for Burger King. When that initiative failed, they suggested that both Pillsbury and Chart House spin off their Burger King holdings into a separate company. When that also failed, they continued to acquire Burger King piecemeal, buying nine stores in Boston and 13 in Houston.

But Pillsbury wasnt about to allow Chart House to gain other valuable territories. They sued the Boston franchisees who had sold to Chart House, citing Pillsburys contractual right of first refusal to any sale. Eventually Chart House compromised, agreeing to give up its Boston holdings in exchange for the right to keep its Houston properties.

Donald Smith Leads Burger King to Number Two Position, 1977-80

Pillsburys suit was proof of a new management attitude that involved more central control over powerful franchisees. But it wasnt until Pillsbury brought in a hard-hitting executive from McDonalds that Burger King began to exert real control over its franchisees. Donald Smith was third in line for the top spot at McDonalds when Pillsbury lured him away in 1977 with a promise of full autonomy in the top position at Burger King. Smith used it to McDonaldize the company, a process that was especially felt among the franchise holders.

While Burger King had grown by selling wide territorial rights, McDonalds had taken a different approach from the very beginning, leasing stores to franchisees and demanding a high degree of uniformity in return. When Smith came on board at Burger King in 1977, the company owned only 34% of the land and buildings in which its products were sold. Land ownership is advantageous because land is an appreciating asset and a source of tax deductions, but more importantly it gives the parent company a landlords power over recalcitrant franchisees.

Smith began by introducing a more demanding franchise contract. Awarded only to individuals, not partnerships or companies, it stipulated that franchisees may not own other restaurants and must live within an hours drive of their franchise, effectively stopping franchisees from getting too big. He also created ten regional offices to manage franchises.

Smiths new franchise regulations were soon put to the test. Barry W. Florescue, chairman of Horn & Hardart, the creator of New York Citys famous Automat restaurants, had recognized that nostalgia alone couldnt keep the original fast-food outlets alive and had decided to turn them into Burger Kings. Smith limited Florescue to building four new stores a year in New York and insisted that he could not expand elsewhere. When Florescue bought eight units in California anyway, Smith sued successfully. Florescue then signed with Arbys, and Smith again effectively asserted Burger Kings control in court, based on the franchise contract. His strong response to the upstart franchisee kept Horn & Hardart from becoming too strong a force within Burger King.

Increasing control over franchisees was not the only change Pillsbury instituted at Burger King during the 1970s. Like many other chains, Burger King began to expand abroad early in the decade. Fast food and franchising were unfamiliar outside the United States, making international expansion a challenge. Burger Kings international operations never became as profitable as anticipated, but within a decade the company was represented in 30 foreign countries.

At home the company focused on attracting new customers. In 1974 management required franchisees to use the hospitality system, or multiple lines, to speed up service. In 1975 Burger King reintroduced drive-through windows. While original stands had offered this convenience, it had gradually been eliminated as Burger King restaurants added dining rooms. Drive-throughs proved to be a profitable element, accounting for 60 percent of fast food sales throughout the industry by 1987.

Smith also revamped the corporate structure, replacing eight of ten managers with McDonalds people. To attack Burger Kings inconsistency problem, Smith mandated a yearly two-day check of each franchise and frequent unscheduled visits. He also decided that the company should own its outlets whenever possible, and by 1979 had brought the companys share of outlet ownership from 34 percent to 42 percent.

Company Perspectives:

The success and size of Burger King are the result of a tradition of leadership within the fast-food industry in such areas as product development, restaurant operation, decor, service, and advertising.

Smith also turned his hand to the food served in his restaurants. He introduced the french fry technique that produced the more popular McDonalds-type fry. In 1978, primarily in response to the appeal that newcomer Wendys had for adults, he introduced specialty sandwichesfish, chicken, ham and cheese, and steakto increase Burger Kings dinner trade. Offering the broadest menu in fast food did the trick, boosting traffic 15 percent. A more radical expansion for the Burger King menu came next. After McDonalds proved that breakfast could be a profitable fast-food addition (offering a morning meal spread fixed costs over longer hours of operation) Smith began planning a breakfast menu in 1979. But Burger King had a problem with breakfast: its flame broilers could not be adapted as easily to breakfast entrees as McDonalds grills could. Smith urged development of entrees that could be prepared on existing equipment instead of requiring special grills. He began testing breakfast foods in 1978, but it wasnt until the Croissanwich in 1983 and French Toast sticks in 1985 that Burger King had winning entries in the increasingly competitive breakfast market.

Troubled Times in the 1980s

Smith left Burger King in June 1980 to try to introduce the same kind of fast-food management techniques at Pizza Hut. (Ironically, when he left Pizza Hut in 1983 he moved into the chief executive position at the franchisee that had given Burger King so much trouble, Chart House.) By following in Smiths general direction, Burger King reached its number-two position within two years of his departure, but frequent changes at the top for the next several years meant inconsistent management for the company. Louis P. Neeb succeeded Smith, to be followed less than two years later by Jerry Ruenheck. Ruenheck resigned to become a Burger King franchise owner in Florida less than two years after that, and his successor, Jay Darling, resigned a little over a year later to take on a Burger King franchise himself. Charles Olcott, a conservative former chief financial officer, took over in 1987.

Burger King did not stand still under its succession of heads, though. The company continued to expand abroad, opening a training center in London to serve its European franchisees and employees in 1985. Besides developing successful breakfast entries, Burger King added salad bars and a light menu to meet the demand for foods with a healthier, less fatty image. In 1985 the firm began a $100 million program to remodel most of its restaurants to include more natural materials, such as wood and plants, and less plastic. Burger King also completely computerized its cooking and cash register operations so even the least skilled teenager could do the job. Average sales per restaurant reached the $1 million mark in 1985.

Even some of Burger Kings post-Smith successes caused problems, though. The company introduced another successful new entree, Chicken Tenders, in 1986, only to find it that it could not obtain enough chicken to meet demand. Burger King was forced to pull its $30 million introductory ad campaign.

Burger King was still bedeviled by the old complaint that its service and food were inconsistent. The company played out its identity crisis in public, changing ad styles with almost the same frequency that it changed managers. After Smiths departure in 1980, Burger Kings old Have it your way campaign (Hold the pickles, hold the lettuce. Special orders dont upset us) was no longer appropriate. That ad campaign emphasized as a selling point what many saw as a drawback at Burger King: longer waiting times. But under Smiths emphasis on speed and efficiency, special orders did upset store owners. So the company turned to the harder sell Arent you hungry for Burger King now? campaign. The hard sell approach moved the chain into second place, and Burger King took an even more aggressive advertising line. In 1982 Burger King directly attacked its competitors, alleging that Burger Kings grilled burgers were better than McDonalds and Wendys fried burgers. Both competitors sued over the ads, and Wendys challenged Burger King to a taste test (a challenge that was pointedly ignored). In return for dropping the suits, Burger King agreed to phase out the offending ads gradually, but Burger King came out the winner in its $25 million Battle of the Burgers: the average volume of its 3,500 stores rose from $750,000 to $840,000 in 1982, sales were up 19 percent, and pretax profits rose 9 percent.

Burger Kings subsequent ad campaigns were not as successful. In 1985 the company added just over half an ounce of meat to its Whopper, making the 4.2 ounce sandwich slightly larger than the quarter-pound burgers of its competitors. The meatier Whopper and the $30 million ad campaign using celebrities to promote it failed to bring in new business. All three of the major campaigns that followed (Herb the Nerd, This is a Burger King town, and Fast food for fast times) were costly flops. We do it like youd do it followed in 1988, with little more success.

In 1988, the company faced another kind of threat. Parent Pillsbury, the target of a hostile takeover attempt by the British company Grand Metropolitan PLC, devised a counterplan that included spinning off the troubled Burger King chain to shareholders, but at the cost of new debt that would lower the price of both Pillsbury and the new Burger King shares. Such a plan would have made it highly unlikely that Burger King could ever have overcome its ongoing problems of quality and consistent marketing.

Pillsburys plan didnt work, and Grand Met bought Pillsbury in January 1989 for $66 a share, or approximately $5.7 billion. Pillsbury became part of Grand Mets worldwide system of food and retailing businesses with well-known brand names. In Burger King, Grand Met got a company with some problems but whose 5,500 restaurants in all 50 states and 30 foreign countries gave it a strong presence.

Turnaround under Grand Met in the 1990s

Grand Mets first move was to place Barry Gibbons, a successful manager of pubs and restaurants in the United Kingdom, into the CEO slot. Soon thereafter, in September 1989, Grand Met acquired several restaurant properties from United Biscuits (Holdings) Pic, including the Wimpey hamburger chain, which included 381 U.K. outlets and 148 in other countries. By the summer of 1990, 200 Wimpeys had been converted to Burger Kings, bolstering the companys foreign operations, a traditional area of weakness. Over the next several years, Burger King was much more aggressive with its international expansion, with restaurants opening for the first time in Hungary and Mexico (1991); Poland (1992); Saudi Arabia (1993); Israel, Oman, the Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Peru, and New Zealand (1994); and Paraguay (1995). By 1996, Burger King had outlets in 56 countries, a dramatic increase from the 30 of just seven years earlier.

While Gibbons was successful in accelerating the companys international growth, overall his tenure as CEO (which lasted until 1993) brought a mixture of successes and failures. In the new product area, the hamburger chain hit it big with the 1990 introduction of the BK Broiler, a broiled chicken sandwich aimed at fast-food eaters seeking a somewhat more healthful meal; soon after introduction, more than one million were being sold each day. Also successful were promotions aimed at children. In 1990 the Burger King Kids Club program was launched nationwide, and more than one million kids signed up in the first two months. The program continued to grow thereafter; by 1996 membership stood at five million and the number of Kids Club meals sold each month had increased from 6.1 million in 1990 to nearly 12 million. Also hugely successful was the long-term deal with Disney for motion picture tie-ins signed in 1992. Through 1996 (when Disney broke with Burger King to sign a deal with arch-rival McDonalds), the partnership had involved such Disney smashes as Beauty and the Beast, The Lion King, and Toy Story. In 1996 Burger King signed a new Hollywood deal with DreamWorks SKG.

Gibbons also worked to improve Burger Kings profitability, under a mandate from Grand Met. Soon after taking over as CEO, Gibbons cut more than 500 jobs, mainly field staff positions. He also began to divest company-owned stores in areas where the company did not have critical mass, particularly west of the Mississippi. Doing so helped increase profitability, although some observers charged that Gibbons was selling off valuable assets just to improve the company numbers. In any case, during Gibbonss last two years as CEO, profits were about $250 million each year, compared to at most $175 million a year under Pillsbury.

Where Gibbons certainly failed, however, was in addressing Burger Kings longstanding problem with image. The advertising program was still in disarray as the firm hired in 1989, DArcy Masius Benton & Bowles, created still more short-lived campaigns: Sometimes youve gotta break the rules (1989-91), Your way right away (1991), and BK Tee Vee (1992-93). Neither franchisees nor customers were endeared to any of these. In the face of the improving profitability of the corporation, such marketing blunders led to abysmal chainwide sales increases, such as a 3.6 percent increase for fiscal years 1991 and 1992 combined.

In mid-1993, James Adamson succeeded Gibbons as CEO, a position for which he had been groomed since joining Burger King as COO in 1991. Adamson, who actively sought out the advice of company co-founder James W. McLamore, moved to build on Gibbonss successes as well as rectify the failures. Adamsons most important initiatives addressed key areas: quality, value, and image. He improved the quality of products, such as in 1994 when the size of the BK Broiler, the BK Big Fish, and the hamburger were increased by more than 50 percent. He belatedly added a value menu after most other fast feeders had already done so, as well as offering special promotions, such as the 99¢ Whopper. Related to both value and image was the long-awaited successful ad campaign, Get your burgers worth, created by Ammirati Puris Lintas, and emphasizing a back-to-basics approach and good value. The focus on the basics also led to a simplification of what had become an unwieldy menu40 items were eliminated. The new focus was on burgerswith an emphasis on flame broilingfries, and drinks. By early 1995, Adamsons program was paying off as same-store sales increased 6.6 percent for the fiscal year ending March 31, 1995. Morale among the franchisees had improved dramatically as well.

Adamson resigned suddenly in early 1995 to head Flagstar Cos. of Spartanburg, South Carolina. In July, Robert C. Lowes, who had been chief officer for Grand Met Foods Europe, was named CEO. Later that same year he became chairman of Burger King and gained a position on the Grand Met executive committee, a move that signaled Grand Mets commitment to Burger King and the strength of the companys resurgence. Lowes soon set some lofty goals for Burger King, including $10 billion in systemwide sales by 1997 (from $8.4 billion in 1995) and 10,000 outlets by the year 2000 (there were 8,455 in mid-1996). Burger King seemed well-positioned to reach these goals and to attain new heights of prosperity in the next century.

Principal Subsidiaries

Burger King, Europe/Middle East/Africa (U.K.); Burger King (UK) Limited; Jus-rol Ltd. (U.K.); Fiesta Foods Limited (Netherlands).

Further Reading

Alva, Marilyn, Can They Save the King?, Restaurant Business, May 1, 1994, p. 104.

Collins, Glenn, Grand Met Names a Chief for Burger King Subsidiary: Turnaround Is Seen at Fast Food Chain, New York Times, July 12, 1995, p. C2.

DeGeorge, Gail, Turning Up the Gas at Burger King: Its Discounting Burgers and Dumping Yet Another Ad Campaign, Business Week, November 15, 1993, pp. 62-67.

Emerson, Robert L., Fast Food: The Endless Shakeout, New York: Lebhar-Friedman Books, 1979.

, The New Economics of Fast Food, New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1990.

Farrell, Greg, Burger King: Whopper on the Rebound?, Brandweek, February 7, 1994, p. 22.

Gibson, Richard, Burger King Overhaul Includes Refocus on Whopper: Grand Met Unit Seeks to Cut Costs, Improve Service with Extensive Review, Wall Street Journal, December 15, 1993, p. B4.

Howard, Theresa, BK Looks toward Recovery under New Chief Adamson, Nations Restaurant News, August 2, 1993, p. 5.

Kramer, Louise, Burger King Gets Back to Basics in Latest Ad Blitz, Nations Restaurant News, April 29, 1996, p. 14.

Luxenberg, Stan, Roadside Empires: How the Chains Franchised America, New York: Viking, 1985.

Maremont, Mark, Pete Engardio, and Brian Bremner, Trying to Get Burger King Out of the Flames: Its a Tall Order, Even for Grand Met Hotshot Gibbons, Business Week, January 30, 1989, p. 29.

Pollack, Judann, Burger King Sizzles in Wake of Arch Deluxe, Advertising Age, June 17, 1996, p. 3.

Ginger G. Rodriguez

updated by David E. Salamie

Burger King Corporation

views updated May 17 2018

Burger King Corporation

founded: 1954

Contact Information:

headquarters: 17777 old cutler rd.
miami, fl 33157 phone: (305)378-7011 fax: (305)378-7262 url: http://www.burgerking.com


Burger King Corporation operates the second largest fast food restaurant in the United States, with 9,400 locations in all 50 states and 53 countries around the world. It is a leader in the fast food industry, with sales reaching $9.8 billion in 1997. The company operates in a mature U.S. market, meaning there is little new business being generated in the United States, and competitors continue to battle for existing business. Burger King promotes its products aggressively in the United States, while also continuing its expansion into foreign markets.

Burger King was troubled for a while by a lack of corporate direction. Franchises operate independently, and many times differently from one another, creating an image of inconsistency in food and service. With innovative ideas and aggressive advertising, Burger King managed to pull through, remaining second in its industry only to McDonald's.


In 1997 Burger King's worldwide system sales reached $9.8 billion, up 8 percent from 1996. The company's sales growth in the United States was just over 20 percent, and 866 new restaurants were opened worldwide.


The Burger King Corporation was founded in 1954 in Miami, Florida, by entrepreneurs James McLamore and David Edgerton. McLamore and Edgerton targeted the post-war generation by offering fast food at a reasonable price. With drive-ins popping up all over the United States and offering cheap fast food, the concept was not unique. However, Burger King tried to give its restaurant a special edge, being the only fast-food chain at the time to offer comfortable eat-in dining rooms.

The Whopper—a hamburger made with sauce, cheese, lettuce, pickles, tomato, and onion—was introduced in 1957 as the burger for the bigger appetite. At that time it cost $.37, while the company's original hamburger was $.18; McDonald's hamburger was only $.15.

In 1959 McLamore and Edgerton decided to franchise the business. They acquired national and international franchising rights in 1961, and Burger King soon became a national chain. In 1967 Minneapolis-based Pillsbury Company acquired the company. At that time, it had 274 restaurant locations and 8,000 employees.

Pillsbury purchased the 274-store chain for $18 million in 1967. However, franchises were still operating independently. Franchisees, such as Billy and Jimmy Trotter, began buying as many stores as they could, and individual franchisees were becoming more powerful than the parent company. Pillsbury curtailed the expansion of the Trotter brothers through a lawsuit, but this didn't prevent other franchisees from doing the same. In 1977 Pillsbury hired Donald Smith, a former top executive with McDonald's. Smith began to apply the same management techniques used at McDonald's to organize and control the franchises of Burger King. He set ownership rules for the franchises, which made it nearly impossible for an individual franchisee to become more powerful than the parent company. Smith also replaced 8 out of 10 managers with people from McDonald's and ordered routine monitoring of each franchise with unscheduled visits.

In 1988 Grand Metropolitan PLC bought out Pillsbury in a corporate takeover. In response, Burger King franchise owners formed the National Franchise Association (NFA). The NFA revised the franchise agreement, including a process for resolving encroachment disputes and policies pertaining to the spending of national advertising funds. Originally formed out of panic, the NFA eventually formed a strong relationship with the Burger King Corporation. This relationship was important since in 1996, only 758 of Burger King's then 8,250 restaurants were operated by the company.


Burger King's success was due largely to its ability to anticipate and keep up with consumer trends. In 1974 multiple lines were added to speed up service. Drive-thru windows were re-introduced in 1975 after being eliminated in the 1950s when dining rooms were added. (Drive-thru windows account for 60 percent of the company's business.) In 1978 specialty sandwiches such as fish, chicken, ham and cheese, and steak were introduced and targeted to the adult consumer. A breakfast menu was added during the early 1980s; salad bars and a "light" menu were introduced for the health-conscious crowd in 1985.

Burger King later adopted a "back-to-basics" attitude, concentrating on its original burgers, fries, and soft drinks. When McDonald's introduced its Arch Deluxe for the "grown up" taste, Burger King fought back with its "Still the One" campaign, offering the Whopper for only $.99, resulting in a significant increase in traffic for the hamburger chain. Burger King considers advertising an important element of its success and has used memorable campaigns such as "Have It Your Way" and "We Do It Like You'd Do It."


When Donald Smith left in 1980, management at Burger King became inconsistent and unstable. With the lack of an identifiable image, several advertising campaigns failed miserably. Burger King fought back with continued expansion abroad and attempts to meet consumer demands by adding and changing menu items. For example, in August 1997 the company introduced the Big King, and in December Burger King launched its new french fries, directly challenging McDonald's dominance with its advertising.

FAST FACTS: About Burger King Corporation

Ownership: Burger King Corporation is a wholly owned subsidiary of Diageo PLC, formed by the merger of Grand Metropolitan PLC and Guinness.

Officers: Dennis Malamatinas, CEO, 42; Colin Heggie, Sr. VP & CFO; Paul E. Clayton, Pres., Burger King North America, 39

Employees: 26,000 (1997)

Chief Competitors: Burger King is a fast-food chain. Its primary competitors include: McDonald's; Wendy's; and Hardee's.


Despite setbacks, Burger King was competing fiercely for the number one spot in the fast food hamburger business. Even with the loss of their marketing link with the Walt Disney Company to McDonald's, Burger King reported an 8-percent increase in sales—a record $9.8 billion for fiscal year 1997. This increase and a 1.5-percent rise in same-store sales indicated that Burger King had not been significantly affected by this major loss.


In 1990 Burger King introduced the BK Broiler, a grilled chicken sandwich that sold up to a million sandwiches a day following its launch. However, the Whopper sandwich, an immediate hit since its introduction in 1957, remains one of the best known hamburger sandwiches in the world, selling more than 1.5 million every year. The Bacon Double Cheeseburger was introduced in 1982; the Croissan'wich, a breakfast sandwich, debuted nationally in 1985; and Chicken Tenders and French Toast Sticks, a new breakfast product, was introduced in 1986. In addition to its Whopper and BK Broiler sandwiches, the company offers the standard extras such as french fries and soft drinks.

Instead of introducing new products, the company decided to zero in on its core products—hamburgers, fries, and soft drinks—emphasizing their quality and value. Increased competition from supermarkets and home meal replacement outlets forced Burger King and other fast food restaurants to re-evaluate products, pricing, and service. While McDonald's intended on changing its menu, Burger King opted to plan new promotions and open more restaurants.


Burger King takes an active interest in the improvement of inner cities. CEO Robert Lowes teamed up with African-American entrepreneur La-Van Hawkins to develop Burger King franchises placed in inner city neighborhoods under the Enterprise Communities and Empowerment Zones program instituted by the Clinton Administration. The program aims to improve neighborhoods by offering jobs, along with the opportunity for workers to become owners of their own franchises. Burger King is the largest fast food franchisor participating in this program.


Burger King continues to expand internationally at a steady rate. The restaurant's largest international market is the United Kingdom, with over 350 units. The Asia/Pacific area has 254 units, and Latin America has 272 units. Burger King adapted regionally by observing local food customs, such as complying with the kosher rules in Israel.

Throughout the 1990s international expansion continued with restaurants opening in the former East Germany, Hungary, Mexico, Poland, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Oman, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Peru, New Zealand, and Paraguay. The biggest challenge Burger King faced globally was the careful planning and distribution of restaurants. According to Burger King's Head of Worldwide Development, David Fitzjohn, Burger King must do even more "intensive analysis of the intricacies of each country, each city, and each site."

CHRONOLOGY: Key Dates for Burger King Corporation


James McLamore and David Edgerton co-found Burger King of Miami


The Whopper makes its debut


Burger King opens its first international restaurants


Pillsbury acquires Burger King


The first European Burger King opens in Madrid, Spain


The 2,000th Burger King opens in Hawaii, putting locations in all 50 states


Grand Metropolitan PLC acquires Pillsbury and its subsidiaries


Burger King establishes the Welfare-to-Work program with assistance from the White House


Guiness and Grand Metropolitan merge to form Diageo PLC

In 1996 Burger King began aggressive expansion into Japan when it teamed up in a joint venture with Japan Tobacco Inc. The target market was teenagers with free time and extra cash. In early 1997 Burger King bought Morinaga Love, a Japanese fast food chain, planning to replace salmon and eggplant burgers with hamburgers. Burger King hoped to attract customers to the nostalgic American decor of the restaurants. Burger King plans to further develop in all areas, but anticipates considerable growth in the Middle East. Other expansion plans include Russia and China.

For the first time, in 1997, Burger King reported profits in the international marketplace. The company's performance was significantly improved in Europe (particularly the United Kingdom and Germany), where profits grew by 9 percent. Also performing well were stores in Latin America (comparable store sales for 1997 were up 6.4 percent) and the Asia/Pacific region (comparable sales rose 4 percent).


More than 600 people are employed by Burger King at its corporate headquarters in Miami, Florida. There are also 10 regional offices throughout the continental United States. Hiring is done through various departments, and recruiting is done through colleges and through newspaper and trade journal ads. When hiring new employees, the company seeks those with backgrounds in data processing, finance, and marketing. Burger King also hires temporary summer interns and offers a work-study program for students.

Employees are trained on the job. To support onthe-job instruction, formal classroom lectures and in-house and outside seminars are offered. Burger King continues to upgrade its training procedures. While restaurant chains were realizing the need for interactive training programs, Burger King introduced an interactive compact disc for training its employees. Through CD-player-television hookups, the compact disc enables trainees to interact with the program using wireless or hard-wired control devices.


In an effort to differentiate its product from that of arch-rival McDonald's, Burger King emphasizes its "Have It Your Way" philosophy in its ad campaigns, and Burger King statisticians have revealed that the Whopper can be ordered in no less than 1,024 different variations.

From its humble beginnings in Miami in 1954, Burger King now boasts approximately 10,000 restaurants worldwide, bringing in $10 billion a year in sales from 1,400 customers per restaurant per day (and 60 percent of this business is drive-thru). These customers wolf down 1.6 billion Whoppers and 1.7 billion orders of fries a year (napkin consumption, however, remains a closely guarded company secret). A Whopper is now available in all 50 states, and if the local food mystifies or terrifies you while on vacation, be assured that a Whopper can be had in 56 other countries, including Peru, Singapore, and Saudi Arabia.

Periodic evaluations are given to assess employees' career developmental potential. Employees are given opportunities for advancement through trade and association participation, management training, and skills training. Burger King promotes from within, leading to higher level professional or management positions. The company offers its employees numerous benefits including life, medical, health, and dental insurance. They also offer pension, stock, and hospitalization plans, along with tuition reimbursement.



bernstein, charles. "fitzjohn navigates careful bk international growth." restaurants & institutions, 15 may 1995.

"burger king corporation." international directory of company histories, vol. ii. detroit, mi: st. james press, 1990.

dun & bradstreet information services, north america. the career guide 1997: dun's employment opportunities directory. bethlehem, pa: dun & bradstreet, inc., 1996.

dun & bradstreet information services, north america. dun & bradstreet million dollar directory: america's leading public & private companies. bethlehem, pa: dun & bradstreet, inc., 1996.

"grand metropolitan 1997 interim announcement." diageo plc, 1998. available at http://www.diageo.com/reportsaccounts/index.htm.

"grand metropolitan 1997 preliminary statement of annual results." diageo plc, 1998. available at http://www.diageo.com/reportsaccounts/index.htm.

kramer, louise. "bk franchisee association comes of age." nation's restaurant news, 10 june 1996.

——. "burger king, hawkins tap into the inner-city market." nation's restaurant news, 4 march 1996.

pollack, judann. "burger king sizzles in wake of arch deluxe." advertising age, 17 june 1996.

——. "the struggle for the next helping." advertising age, 7 october 1996.

For an annual report:

on the internet at: http://www.diageo.com/reportsaccounts/index.htm

For additional industry research:

investigate companies by their standard industrial classification codes, also known as sics. burger king's primary sics are:

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