
views 2,152,315 updated Jun 11 2018

crash1 / krash/ • v. 1. [intr.] (of a moving object) collide violently with an obstacle or another moving object. ∎  [tr.] cause (a moving object) to collide in this way. ∎  (of an aircraft) fall from the sky and violently hit the land or sea. ∎  [tr.] cause (an aircraft) to fall from the sky in this way. ∎ inf. (of a business, a market, or a price) fall suddenly and disastrously in value. ∎  Comput. [intr.] (of a machine, system, or software) fail suddenly. ∎ inf. [intr.] go to sleep, esp. suddenly or in an improvised setting: I'll crash in the back of the van for a couple of hours.2. [intr.] move with force, speed, and sudden loud noise: huge waves crashed down on us. ∎  [tr.] move (something) in this way. ∎  make a sudden loud, deep noise: the thunder crashed.3. [tr.] inf. enter (a party) without an invitation or permission.• n. 1. a violent collision, typically of one moving object with another or with an obstacle: a car crash. ∎  an instance of an aircraft falling from the sky to hit the land or sea. ∎  a sudden loud noise as of something breaking or hitting another object.2. a sudden disastrous drop in the value or price of something, esp. shares of stock. ∎  the sudden collapse of a business. ∎  Comput. a sudden failure which puts a system out of action.• adj. done rapidly or urgently and involving a concentrated effort: a crash course in Italian a crash diet.• adv. with a sudden loud sound: crash went the bolt.crash2 • n. dated a coarse plain linen, woolen, or cotton fabric, used for curtains and towels.


views 3,561,798 updated May 18 2018

crash A system failure that requires at least operator intervention and often some maintenance before system running can resume. The word is also used as a verb. See also recovery.


views 2,326,439 updated May 23 2018

crash 1 dash to pieces XIV; make the noise of this XVI. imit. formation, perh. partly suggested by craze and dash.
Hence as sb. XVI.


views 3,507,139 updated May 23 2018

crash 2 coarse linen. XIX. — Russ. krashenína dyed and glossed linen.


views 2,372,034 updated Jun 08 2018


of rhinoceroses-Lipton, 1970.

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