
views updated Jun 11 2018

loop / loōp/ • n. 1. a shape produced by a curve that bends around and crosses itself. ∎  a length of thread, rope, or similar material, doubled or crossing itself, typically used as a fastening or handle. ∎  a curved stroke forming part of a letter (e.g., b, p). ∎  (also loop-the-loop) a maneuver in which an aircraft describes a vertical circle in the air. ∎  Skating a maneuver describing a curve that crosses itself, made on a single edge. ∎  (the Loop) informal name for the commercial district in downtown Chicago.2. a structure, series, or process the end of which is connected to the beginning. ∎  an endless strip of tape or film allowing continuous repetition. ∎  a complete circuit for an electric current. ∎  Comput. a programmed sequence of instructions that is repeated until or while a particular condition is satisfied.• v. form (something) into a loop or loops; encircle: she looped her arms around his neck. ∎  follow a course that forms a loop or loops: the canal loops for two miles through the city. ∎  put into or execute a loop of tape, film, or computing instructions: the program loops back on reaching a RETURN statement. ∎  (also loop the loop) circle an aircraft vertically in the air.PHRASES: in (or out of) the loop inf. aware (or unaware) of information known to only a privileged few.throw (or knock) someone for a loop inf. surprise or astonish someone; catch someone off guard.


views updated May 29 2018

1. Long, narrow, vertical aperture with splayed jambs set in a parapet (sometimes in the merlon of a battlement) or wall for the discharge of arrows, etc., also called arrow-loop, loop-window, or loophole, occasionally with a shorter horizontal aperture across it forming a cruciform opening. The terminations of the apertures (little more than slits in the wall) were often widened into circular holes, and occasionally the point at which the slits crossed was enlarged to a circular opening as well. See gun-loop.

2. Merlon.


views updated May 29 2018

1. A sequence of instructions that is repeated until a prescribed condition, such as agreement with a data element or completion of a count, is satisfied. See also do loop.

2. A configuration of a local area network that consists of nodes connected serially in a ring topology. See ring network.

3. (local loop) The (twisted pair) connection from a switching exchange to the subscriber terminal.


views updated May 23 2018

A. opening in a wall to look or shoot through XIV (hence loop-hole XVI);

B. doubling upon itself of a string, etc. XIV; curved piece or part XVII. In sense A identical with AL. loupa (XIV) loop-hole, of unkn. orig. The identity of later senses is not certain.


views updated Jun 11 2018

loop (loop) n.
1. a bend in a tubular organ.

2. one of the patterns of dermal ridges in fingerprints.

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