Looney, Dennis (Oscar), (III)

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LOONEY, Dennis (Oscar), (III)

LOONEY, Dennis (Oscar), (III). American, b. 1955. Genres: Literary criticism and history. Career: Educator and author. University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, assistant professor, 1986-93, associate professor of Italian, 1993-, chair of Department of French and Italian, beginning 1996, acting director of Center for West European Studies, secondary member in classics. City University of New York Latin/Greek Institute, instructor, summers, mid-1980s. Publications: Compromising the Classics: Romance Epic Narrative in the Italian Renaissance, 1996; (ed. with D. Shemek) Phaethon's Children: The Este Court and Its Culture in Early Modern France, 2003. Contributor to books. Address: Department of French and Italian, CL1328, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15260, U.S.A. Online address: looney@pitt.edu