Wise, Elia

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WISE, Elia


Female; children: one daughter. Education: Studied with a spiritual mentor for four years.


Office—Inspired Company, P.O. Box 10, Mill Valley, CA 94942. E-mail—email@lettertoearth.com.


Entrepreneur, inspirational speaker and writer, and metaphysical therapist. Visiting speaker, Denver Institute for Humanistic Studies, International Forum on New Science, Global Sciences, Association for Research and Enlightenment, Unity Churches, Los Angeles Center for the Healing Arts, Continuum Center, Claremont College, Humbolt University, Findhorn, Arthur Findlay College, Alan Watts Society, Church of Science of Mind, and Medical/Scientific Network of Great Britain.


For Children Who Were Broken, Berkley Books (New York, NY), 1990.

Letter to Earth: Who We Are Becoming … What We Need to Know, Inspired Co. (Mill Valley, CA), 1998.

Also author of poetry collection, Artifacts of Intimacy. Contributor to newspapers and magazines.


Elia Wise calls herself an "applied metaphysicist," one who researches and teaches consciousness-raising techniques. She has lectured extensively on enlightenment and the evolution of higher consciousness and has written the book Letter to Earth: Who We Are Becoming … What We Need to Know as a guidebook to fundamental questions about the nature of being. Wise begins Letter to Earth with a note to her daughter and goes on to confront difficult issues that have perplexed philosophers and theologians for millennia. The topics she addresses include the existence of God, making a positive difference in the world, why people suffer from diseases, and how to realize dreams. She also includes chapters about extraterrestrial visitations and the oneness of the human race. In a review for OfSpirit.com, Carol Bedrosian called Letter to Earth an "exquisitely presented volume of transformational, multidimensional information," adding that Wise's message "is an inspiring and brilliant explanation of the nature of the Universe." A Publishers Weekly critic noted that the book's strength is found in "the author's deeply felt, subtly expressed wisdom and wonderful description of enlightenment."

On the Letter to Earth Web site Wise wrote that her book "is an operating manual for humanity.… Letter to Earth helps us understand what we are doing here, how life works on planet Earth and what it really means to be a person. It helps us to see ourselves—in ways that are both practical and liberating, from the perspective of a larger universe."



Publishers Weekly, November 15, 1999, review of Letter to Earth: Who We Are Becoming … What We Need to Know, p. 47.


Letter to Earth Web site,http://www.lettertoearth.com (October 23, 2003).

New Times Online,http://www.newtimes.org/ (October 23, 2003), Steve McCardell, "Elia Wise: Teacher from Experience."

Of Spirit: Healing Body, Mind & Spirit Web site,http://www.ofspirit.com/ (October 23, 2003), Carol Bedrosian, "An Emerging Planetary Civilization" (interview with Wise).*

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