White, Caramine 1966-
WHITE, Caramine 1966-
Female. Born March 18, 1966, in Salisbury, MD; daughter of Isaac Somers (a physician) and Caramine (a homemaker; maiden name, Kellam; later surname, Holcomb) White; married Charles LeRoy White, May, 1994 (marriage ended, May, 2002). Ethnicity: "Caucasian." Education: Duke University, B.A., 1988; Old Dominion University, M.A., 1992; University of North Carolina—Greensboro, Ph.D. Politics: Democrat. Religion: Roman Catholic. Hobbies and other interests: Exercise, running, pets.
Home—2616 Walker Ave., Greensboro, NC 27407. Office—Guilford Technical Community College, 304 High Point Rd., Jamestown, NC 27282-0309. E-mail—whitec@gtcc.cc.nc.us.
University of North Carolina—Greensboro, Greensboro, lecturer, 1993-97; Guilford Technical Community College, Jamestown, NC, assistant professor, 1998—. Pet Publishing, Inc., contributing editor. Military service: U.S. Navy, operations officer, 1988-90.
Reading Roddy Doyle, Syracuse University Press (Syracuse, NY), 2001.
Contributor to magazines, including Dog and Kennel, Cat and Kitten, and Bird Times.
A novel.
Caramine White told CA: "I've studied literature and its greats for a long time, and everything I have read is bound to have had some influence. I am not award of any obvious influences, however, perhaps because I would never dream of comparing myself to the authors I have studied.
"My writing process is like making beef stew. You chop up everything, stick it in a pot, then let it simmer for a long time. I come up with an idea (often when I am running or driving) and do the appropriate research, then I let all the information bubble in my mind for a while. When it's ready, I write it up, then revise heavily. After I think my piece is finished, I unleash it on an unlucky passerby, who gives input which I ignore."