White, Carolyn

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WHITE, Carolyn

WHITE, Carolyn. American, b. 1948. Genres: Poetry, Mythology/Folklore. Career: Michigan StoryHouse radio series, coproducer, 1995. Featured performer at storytelling festivals, on Young Authors' Days and Family Days, and in schools and libraries. Publications: A History of Irish Fairies, 1976; Ghostroad: A Silver Spur Western, 1989; The Voyage of Penelope (poetry), 1993; The Tree House Children: An African Tale, 1994; Whuppity Stoorie: A Scottish Folktale, 1997; Gribbly-Boo!, 2000; The Adventure of Louey and Frank, 2001. Stories and poems poems have been published in periodicals. Address: 1661 Mt. Vernon Ave., East Lansing, MI 48823, U.S.A. Online address: carolynw@msu.edu

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