Voigt, Stefan 1962-

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VOIGT, Stefan 1962-


Born August 19, 1962, in Hamburg, West Germany (now Germany); son of Karl Heinz (a pastor) and Marlene (Viet) Voigt. Education: Attended University of Strasbourg, 1983-84; University of Freiburg, Dr.rer.pol. (summa cum laude), 1988; attended University of Jena, 1997.


Home—Am Comeniusplatz 4, D-10243 Berlin, Germany. Office—Department of Economics, Ruhr-University Bochum, Universitätsstraße 150, 44780 Bochum, Germany. E-mail—stefanvoigt@lycos.de.


Bremer Nachrichten (daily newspaper), Bremen, West Germany (now Germany), intern, 1982; parish worker at a home for the aged in Bremen and at a hospital in Strasbourg, France, between 1983 and 1984; Frankfurter Rundschau (daily newspaper), Frankfurt, West Germany (now Germany), intern, 1985; La Seda de Barcelona (textile company), Barcelona, Spain, intern, 1986; HOECHST, Milan, Italy, intern, 1987; McKinsey and Co., summer associate, 1990; University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany, assistant professor, 1993-94; Max Planck Institute for Research into Economic Systems, Jena, Germany, research fellow, 1993-98; University of Freiburg, professor of economic policy, 1998-99; Institute for Advanced Study, Berlin, Germany, fellow, 1999-2000; European University Viadrina, Frankfurt, Germany, associate professor, 2000-01; Ruhr-University Bochum, Bochum, Germany, professor of economic policy, 2001—. George Mason University, visiting scholar at Center for the Study of Public Choice, 1992; University of Maryland—College Park, visiting scholar, 1994. Radio Bremen (public radio station), member of board of directors, 1982-85, intern, 1986.


European Center of Comparative Government and Public Policy (corresponding member), European Public Choice Society, European Association of Law and Economics, Verein für Socialpolitik, American Economic Association, American Law and Economics Association.


Walter-Eucken-Prize, Stifterverband der Deutschen Wissenschaft, 1994, for contributions to the theory of order; Herbert Quandt-Förderpreis, Herbert Quandt-Stiftung, c. 1997, for Explaining Constitutional Change: A Positive Economics Approach.


Die Welthandelsordnung zwischen Konflikt und Stabilität: Konfliktpotentiale und Konfliktlösungsmechanismen (title means "The World Trade Order between Conflict and Stability: Conflict Potential and Conflict Resolution Mechanisms"), Haufe (Freiburg, Germany), 1992.

(Editor, with Manfred E. Streit) Europa reformieren: Vorschläge von Ökonomen und Juristen zur zukünftigen Verfaßtheit Europas (title means "Reforming Europe: Proposals from Economists and Lawyers concerning the Future Constitution of Europe"), Nomos (Baden-Baden, Germany), 1996.

Explaining Constitutional Change: A Positive Economics Approach, Edward Elgar Publishing (Northampton, MA), 1999.

(Editor) Constitutional Political Economy, Edward Elgar Publishing (Northampton, MA), 2002.

(Editor, with H.-J. Wagener) Constitutions, Markets, and the Law: Recent Experiences in Transition Economics, Edward Elgar Publishing (Northampton, MA), 2002.

Also author (with others) of Konsequenzen der Globalisierung für die Wettbewerbspolitik (title means "Consequences of Globalization for Antitrust Policy"), Peter Lang (Frankfurt, Germany). Contributor to books, including Conflict Resolution in International Trade, edited by D. Friedmann and E. J. Mestmäcker, Nomos (Baden-Baden, Germany), 1993; Stability in East Central Europe?, edited by E. Jahn and R. Wildenmann, Nomos (Baden-Baden, Germany), 1995; Constitutional Law and Economics of the European Union, edited by Dieter Schmidtchen and Robert Cooter, Edward Elgar Publishing (Northampton, MA), 1997; and Constitutional political Economy in a Public Choice Perspective, edited by Charles K. Rowley, Kluwer Publishing (Dordrecht, Netherlands), 1997. Contributor of articles and reviews to academic journals and newspapers in Germany and elsewhere, including Theoretical Inquiries into Law, European Journal of Law and Economics, Cato Journal, International Review of Law and Economics, Public Choice, and Kyklos. Associate editor, Review of Austrian Economics; member of editorial board, Constitutional Political Economy, 2002—; member of scientific committee, Journal des Economistes et des Études Humaines, 2002—; member of editorial committee, Schmollers Jahrbuch.

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