Van Horne, Winston A.

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Van Horne, Winston A.






Writer, editor, and educator. University of Wisconsin at Madison, professor of Africology.



Foundations for Financial Management: A Book of Readings, Richard D. Irwin (Homewood, IL), 1966.

Ethnicity and Public Policy, University of Wisconsin System, American Ethnic Studies Coordinating Committee/Urban Corridor Consortium (Milwaukee, WI), 1982.

Ethnicity, Law, and the Social Good, University of Wisconsin System, American Ethnic Studies Coordinating Committee/Urban Corridor Consortium (Milwaukee, WI), 1983.

Ethnicity and War, University of Wisconsin System, American Ethnic Studies Coordinating Committee/Urban Corridor Consortium (Milwaukee, WI), 1984.

Ethnicity and the Work Force, University of Wisconsin System, American Ethnic Studies Coordinating Committee/Urban Corridor Consortium (Milwaukee, WI), 1985.

Ethnicity and Women, University of Wisconsin System, American Ethnic Studies Coordinating Committee/Urban Corridor Consortium (Milwaukee, WI), 1986.

Ethnicity and Language, University of Wisconsin System, Institute on Race and Ethnicity (Milwaukee, WI), 1987.

Ethnicity and Health, University of Wisconsin System, Institute on Race and Ethnicity (Milwaukee, WI), 1988.

Race: Twentieth Century Dilemmas, Twenty-first Century Prognoses, University of Wisconsin System, Institute on Race and Ethnicity (Milwaukee, WI), 1989.

Global Convulsions: Race, Ethnicity, and Nationalism at the End of the Twentieth Century, State University of New York Press (Albany, NY), 1997.


Author and editor Winston A. Van Horne, a professor of Africology at the University of Wisconsin at Madison, has edited a number of books on race and ethnicity. Ethnicity and Public Policy, the first in a series based on the Green Bay Colloquia at the University of Wisconsin, includes a varied series of seven in-depth essays on ethnicity and how it is reflected in, and affected by, public policy in the United States. Articles in the book consider the significance of disagreements over the meaning of racial and ethnic identity; ethnicity in U.S. immigration policies; resource development on land owned by Native Americans; the bureaucratic manipulation of non-English speakers in the United States; and increases in military service by African Americans. "The essays constitute a good addition to the literature on ethnicity," commented Dianne M. Pinderhughes in the Political Science Quarterly.

Ethnicity and the Work Force contains eight sociohistorical articles that address racial and ethnic group participation in the labor force, and considers topics relevant to why some ethnic groups are more successful than others in the job market. Ethnicity and Women provides another collection of eight scholarly articles looking at the effects of race and identity on women, and applying feminist perspectives to these topics. Ethnicity and Language includes articles that cover such topics as bilingual education, the adoption of English as the official language of many U.S. states, issues related to cultural and language diversity, and the study of foreign languages in schools. Reviewer Wsevolod I. Isajiw, writing in Contemporary Sociology, called the essay collection a "worthwhile contribution to social science."

Race: Twentieth Century Dilemmas, Twenty-first Century Prognoses offers a collection of essays that summarize "historical, legal, and social science research on the status of blacks in education, the family, housing, health, the military, employment, and politics," noted Dale Rogers Marshall in the Political Science Quarterly. Marshall observed that the works represented in the volume suggest that while the status for African Americans has improved greatly over the past hundred years, there remain a number of disparities, and there are even signs that some of the gains made over the century are slowly and subtly being reversed. Authors in the volume consider the changing relationship between race and class; the intermingling of race and justice; racial housing patterns; and race differences in health care status. "Together the articles provide a broad perspective across diverse policy areas," Marshall concluded.



Contemporary Sociology, September, 1984, Richard Robbins, review of Ethnicity, Law, and the Social Good, p. 631; July, 1986, David Torres, review of Ethnicity and the Work Force, p. 646; March, 1988, Alice Abel Kemp, review of Ethnicity and Women, p. 146; September, 1989, Wsevolod W. Isajiw, review of Ethnicity and Language, p. 685; March, 1991, John Sibley Butler, review of Race: Twentieth Century Dilemmas, Twenty-first Century Prognoses, p. 198.

International Affairs, April, 1998, James Kellas, review of Global Convulsions: Race, Ethnicity, and Nationalism at the End of the Twentieth Century, p. 431.

Journal of Finance, September, 1967, George A. Christy, review of Foundations for Financial Management: A Book of Readings, p. 503.

Political Science Quarterly, spring, 1983, Dianne M. Pinderhughes, review of Ethnicity and Public Policy, p. 156; winter, 1990-1991, Dale Rogers Marshall, review of Race, p. 643.

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Van Horne, Winston A.

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