Underwood, Marion K. 1964-

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Underwood, Marion K. 1964-


Born December 22, 1964, in Beirut, Lebanon; U.S. citizen; daughter of James R., Jr. (a professor of geology) and Margaret Ann (a homemaker) Underwood; married Andrew Robert Liles (a clinical psychologist), June 27, 1992; children: Louisa Margaret, Sophia Marion. Ethnicity: "Caucasian." Education: Wellesley College, B.A. (magna cum laude), 1986; Duke University, M.A., 1987, Ph.D., 1991.


Office—School of Behavioral and Brain Sciences, University of Texas at Dallas, P.O. Box 830688, MS GR41, Richardson, TX 79083-0688; fax: 972-883-2491. E-mail—undrwd@utdallas.edu.


Writer. State University of New York Health Science Center, Syracuse, clinical assistant instructor and intern in clinical child psychology, 1990-91; Reed College, Portland, OR, assistant professor, 1991-96, associate professor of psychology, 1996- 98; University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, associate professor of psychology, 1998—. Licensed psychologist in Oregon; McLean Hospital, Belmont, MA, volunteer in psychiatric unit, 1985-86; staff clinician at a therapeutic day camp for boys and mothers, 1989; private practice of clinical psychology, 1994-98. Character and Competence Research Program, participant, 1993; presenter and chair of conferences, symposia, and other gatherings; public speaker on aggression among children and other topics.


International Society for Research on Aggression, nternational Society for the Study of Social and Behavioral Development, American Psychological Association, American Psychological Society, Society for Research in Child Development, Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi.


Grants from National Institute of Mental Health, 1995—, and Timberlawn Foundation, 1999-2000.


Social Aggression among Girls, Guilford Press (New York, NY), 2003.

Contributor to books, including Development and Treatment of Childhood Aggression, edited by D.J. Pepler and K.H. Rubin, Lawrence Erlbaum (Toronto, Ontario, Canada), 1991; Character and Competence through Life, edited by A. Colby, J. James, and D. Hart, University of Chicago Press (Chicago, IL), 1998; Children's Peer Relations: From Development to Intervention, edited by J.B. Kuperschmidt and K.A. Dodge, American Psychological Association (Washington, DC), 2004; Aggression, Antisocial Behavior, and Violence among Girls: A Developmental Perspective, edited by M. Putallaz and K.L. Bierman, Guilford Press (New York, NY), 2004; and Research Ethics in Community-Based and Participatory Action Research with Youth, edited by Leadbeater, Banister, and others, York University Press (Toronto, Ontario, Canada). Contributor to professional journals, including Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Child Development, Feminism and Psychology, DevelopmentalPsychology, Motivation and Emotion, Journal of Research on Adolescence, Teaching of Psychology, Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, and Ethics and Behavior. Associate editor, Merrill-Palmer Quarterly. Member of editorial board, Merrill-Palmer Quarterly, 1999-2001, and Social Development, 2000—.



Adolescence, summer, 2004, review of Social Aggression among Girls, p. 405.

Social Service Review, March, 2005, review of Social Aggression among Girls, p. 209.