Thompson Smith, Angela 1946-

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Thompson Smith, Angela 1946-
(Angela M. Thompson Smith)


Born April 30, 1946, in Bristol, England; naturalized U.S. citizen; daughter of Ronald James (a factory worker) and Catherine Joyce (a homemaker; maiden name, Tanzell) Powell; married Ralph Thompson (divorced); married David A. Smith (a technician), September 27, 1997; children: (stepchildren) James Worden Thompson, Joy Sarah Thompson, David B. Smith, Daniel B. Smith, Johnathan B. Smith. Education: Cardiff University, B.S., 1978; Manchester University, M.S., 1986; Saybrook Graduate School, Ph.D., 2001.


Agent—c/o Author Mail, Hampton Roads Publishing, 1125 Stoney Ridge Rd., Charlottesville, VA 22909. E-mail—


Educator, researcher, and writer. Manchester University Medical School, Manchester, England, research nurse, 1978-81; Robert Wood Johnston Medical School, New Brunswick, NJ, researcher, 1985-88;Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, researcher, 1988-92; The Bigelow Foundation, Las Vegas, NV, research coordinator, 1992-94; Gaining the Edge, Inc., Sunnyvale, CA, chief operations officer, 1998-2000; Inner Vision Research Institute, Las Vegas, NV, executive director; Nevada Remote Viewing Group, Boulder City, director, 2002-05; Boulder City Senior Center, Boulder City, executive director, 2003-05.


Society of Scientific Exploration, International Remote Viewing Association.


Remote Perceptions: Out-of-body Experiences, Remote Viewings, and Other Normal Abilities, Hampton Roads Publishing (Charlottesville, VA), 1998.

Diary of an Abduction: A Scientist Probes the Enigma of Her Alien Contact, Hampton Roads Publishing (Charlottesville, VA), 2001.

Contributor to a number of scholarly journals, including the Journal of Child Psychiatry and Psychology, Cortex, Journal of Humanistic Psychology, and theJournal of Parapsychology.


"A historical novel about the village of Shirehampton where I grew up in the U.K. and a book of English childhood recollections from the 1950s."


English-born author Angela Thompson Smith spent much of her early career involved in nursing and social work. She also conducted research for a number of institutions, including Manchester University, the Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, and Princeton University. Thompson Smith's research interests have included human consciousness, mind-matter interaction, and remote viewing, a process that supposedly allows one to see people, places, and events without physically viewing them. At the Nevada Remote Viewing Group, she has taught classes on remote viewing and other subjects.

In 1998, Thompson Smith published her first book,Remote Perceptions: Out-of-body Experiences, Remote Viewings, and Other Normal Abilities. This book discusses the author's personal experiences with psychic exploration as well as the history, explanations, various training programs, and current news regarding out-of-body experiences and remote viewings. Overall, critics found merit in Remote Perceptions,especially related to the extensive knowledge and experience Thompson Smith brings to the book. "The book's greatest value … is the author's personal experience with and detailed comparison of the many and various remote-viewing training programs offering classes to the general public," wrote Russell Targ in a review for the Journal of Parapsychology.

Thompson Smith published her next book, Diary of an Abduction: A Scientist Probes the Enigma of Her Alien Contact, in 2001. In this work, the author examines the story of her own encounter with the paranormal.

Thompson Smith told CA: "I first became interested in writing in elementary school. Basically, I have written poetry and short stories ever since I learned to read and write. My first influences were classical children's books like Wind in the Willows and C.S. Lewis's ‘Narnia’ series. Books that I currently enjoy are travel and biography books and novels that have interesting plots and subplots. My writing style is non-classical. I used personal journals as the basis for my two published books, supplementing them with researched literature and interviews.

"I am currently working on two more books: a historical novel about the village of Shirehampton where I grew up in the U.K. and a book of English childhood recollections from the 1950s.

"The most surprising thing I have learned as a writer is that other people are interested in reading what I have written. Remote Perceptions is my favorite of the books I have written because it was my first."



Thompson Smith, Angela, Diary of an Abduction: A Scientist Probes the Enigma of Her Alien Contact,Hampton Roads Publishing (Charlottesville, VA), 2001.


Journal of Parapsychology, September, 1999, Russell Targ, review of Remote Perceptions: Out-of-body Experiences, Remote Viewings, and Other Normal Abilities, p. 299.


Akashic University, (September 30, 2005), professional information regarding Angela Thompson Smith.

Magonia Review of Books, (November 4, 2005), Peter Rogerson, review of Diary of an Abduction., 30, 2005), professional information regarding Angela Thompson Smith.

Nevada Remote Viewing Group, 12, 2006).

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Thompson Smith, Angela 1946-

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