Solomon, Miriam 1958–
Solomon, Miriam 1958–
PERSONAL: Born June 2, 1958, in London, England; naturalized U.S. citizen; daughter of Norman (a rabbi) and Doris (a violin teacher; maiden name, Strauss) Solomon; married John R. Clarke (a surgeon), March 8, 1998; children: Amira Solomon. Ethnicity: "White." Education: Newnham College, Cambridge, B.A. (with first-class honors), 1979; Harvard University, Ph.D., 1986. Politics: "Socialist" Religion: Jewish.
ADDRESSES: Office—Department of Philosophy, 022-32, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA 19122; fax: 215-204-6266. E-mail—
CAREER: University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH, assistant professor of philosophy at McMicken College of Arts and Sciences, 1986–91; Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, assistant professor, 1991–94, associate professor, 1994–2003, professor of philosophy and women's studies, 2003–, director of graduate studies in philosophy, 2004–, member of ethics committees for Temple Hospital and Temple Children's Hospital, 2001–. University of Pennsylvania, Mellon postdoctoral fellow in humanities, 1990–91, instructor, 1994, instructor at Center of Bioethics, 2004; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, fellow at Dibner Institute, 1994–95. Guest lecturer at educational institutions, including University of Alabama, Georgia Institute of Technology, University of Minnesota, University of Pittsburgh, Washington University, St. Louis, MO, Harvard University, University of Waterloo, Dartmouth University, University of Utah, and University of Michigan. Greater Philadelphia Philosophy Consortium, vice chair, 2003–04, cochair of philosophy-of-science discussion group, 2002–.
MEMBER: International Network on Feminist Approaches to Bioethics, Philosophy of Science Association, American Philosophical Association, Society for Philosophy and Psychology (member of executive committee, 1995–98), History of Science Society, Society for Social Studies of Science, American Society for Bioethics and Humanities, Society for Women in Philosophy.
AWARDS, HONORS: Lilly Endowment fellow, 1993–94; National Endowment for the Humanities fellow, 1994–95.
Social Empiricism, MIT Press (Cambridge, MA), 2001.
Contributor to books, including Socializing Epistemology, edited by Fred Schmitt, Rowman & Littlefield (Lanham, MD), 1994. Contributor of articles and reviews to periodicals, including Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, Erkenntnis, Perspectives on Science, Philosophical Psychology, Argumentation, and Southern Journal of Philosophy. Member of editorial board, Social Epistemology, 1991–94, Philosophy of Science, 1994–2004, and Episteme, 2002–.
WORK IN PROGRESS: Research on social epistemology and on system error and responsibility in health care.
Isis, June, 2003, Anne Gatensby, review of Social Empiricism, p. 422.
Philosophy of Science, September, 2002, Stathis Psillos, review of Social Empiricism, p. 545.
Temple University Web Site, (October 28, 2004), "Miriam Solomon."