Silva-Corvalán, Carmen

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Silva-Corvalán, Carmen
(Carmen Silva-Corvalan)


Born in Chile; naturalized U.S. citizen. Education: Universidad de Chile, B.A., 1970; University of London, M.A. (education), 1973; University of California, Los Angeles, M.A. (linguistics), 1977, Ph.D., 1979.


Office—Department of Spanish and Portuguese, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089-0358. E-mail—


Writer and educator. Universidad de Chile, Santiago, assistant professor, 1970-73, associate professor of English, 1973-78, associate professor of linguistics, 1978-79; University of Southern California, Los Angeles, assistant professor, 1979-84, associate professor, 1984-92, professor of Spanish, 1992—, professor of linguistics, 1995—, department chair, 1999-2002. Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, guest researcher, 1986; visiting professor at University of Santiago, Chile, 1993, and University of Santiago de Compostela in Spain, 1994; guest lecturer at other institutions in Europe, Central and South America, China, and Japan.


Fulbright scholar, 1971-72; British Council scholar, 1971-73; Ford Foundation fellowships, 1975-78; Fred and Eva Vollmer fellowship, 1977-79; grants from National Science Foundation, 1978-79, 1983-85, 1988-90, and Joint Committee for Education and Cultural Cooperation between Spain and the United States, 1988-89.


(Editor, with O. Jaeggli) Studies in Romance Linguistics, Foris (Dordrecht, Netherlands), 1986.

Sociolingüística: Teoría y análisis, Alhambra (Madrid, Spain), 1989.

(Editor, with H. Urrutia) Bilingüismo y adquisición del español, Instituto Horizonte (Bilbao, Spain), 1992.

Language Contact and Change: Spanish in Los Angeles, Clarendon Press (Oxford, England), 1994.

(Editor) Spanish in Four Continents: Studies in Language Contact and Bilingualism, Georgetown University Press (Washington, DC), 1995.

Sociolinguistica y pragmatica del español, Georgetown University Press (Washington, DC), 2001.

Contributor to books, including Linguistic Perspectives on the Romance Languages, edited by W. Ashby and others, John Benjamins (Amsterdam, Netherlands), 1993; Linguisic Change under Contact Conditions, edited by Jacek Fisiak, Mouton de Gruyter (New York, NY), 1995; Romance Linguistics: Theoretical Perspectives, edited by A. Schwegler and others, John Benjamins (Amsterdam, Netherlands), 1998; Essays in Hispanic Linguistics Dedicated to Paul M. Lloyd, edited by R. Blake and others, Juan de la Cuesta, 1999; and Linguistic Theory and Language Development in Hispanic Languages, edited by Silvina Montrul and Francisco Ordóñez, Cascadilla Press (Somerville, MA), 2003. Contributor of articles and reviews to periodicals, including Hispania, International Journal for the Sociology of Language, Hispanic Linguistics, Language, Papers in Romance, English Language Journal, Romance Philology, and Voz y letra. Coeditor, Bilingualism: Language and Cognition; associate editor, Lingüística. Member of editorial board, Probus, Hispanic Linguistics, Estudios de Sociolingüística, Revista de Lingüística Teórica y Aplicada, Moenia, Oralia, Documentos de Español Actual, and Language in Society.

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