Reynolds, Cecilia 1947–

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Reynolds, Cecilia 1947–

PERSONAL: Born June 11, 1947, in Toronto, Ontario, Canada; daughter of Wilfred (a factory foreman) and Helen (a clerk; maiden name, Breault) Clement; married Edward William Reynolds (in sales); children: Jennifer, James. Education: Lakeshore Teachers College, Ontario teachers' certificate, 1967; University of Toronto, B.A. (with high distinction), 1981, M.A., 1983, Ph.D., 1987.

ADDRESSES: Home—147 Whiteswan Dr., Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7K 4M5, Canada. Office—College of Education, University of Saskatchewan, 28 Campus Dr., Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7N 0X1, Canada; fax: 306-966-7624. E-mail—

CAREER: Writer. Elementary school teacher in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 1967–72; supply teacher at elementary and secondary schools, 1974–83; Reynolds Publishing Co., co-owner and editor, 1983–86; Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, special lecturer, 1986–87, assistant professor, 1987–89, associate professor of education, 1989–99, director of women's studies, 1991–93, department chair, 1996–99; University of Toronto, Toronto, associate professor of theory and policy studies in education, 1999–2003, member of Human Resources Management Board, 2001–03; University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, professor of educational administration and dean of College of Education, 2003–. St. Mary's University, visiting summer scholar, 1992; St. Michael's College School, member of board of directors, 2000–02; Upper Canada College, holder of Connors Chair, 2002–03. Council of Ontario Universities, member of status of women committee, 1990–93; Ontario College of Teachers, chair of accreditation committee, 1997–2000; Scientists in Schools, member of executive body, 2002; conference and workshop presenter; public speaker. Adjudicator for Women's Issues Network of Humanities and Social Sciences Federation of Canada, University of Western Ontario, University of British Columbia, Concordia University, University of Alberta, York University, and other institutions.

MEMBER: International Congress on School Effectiveness and Improvement, International Society about Teacher Thinking, Canadian Research Institute for the Advancement of Women, Canadian Society for Studies in Education, Canadian Association for the Study of Women and Education (member of executive body, 1997–2000), Canadian Association for Study of Educational Administration, Canadian Association for Curriculum Studies, Canadian History of Education Association (executive member), Canadian Women's Studies Association, Canadian Committee on Women's History, American Educational Research Association (and Special Interest Group on Women in Education).

AWARDS, HONORS: Rosalind Blauer Award, Brock University, 1999; grants from Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Connaught Fund, Ontario Educational Research Council, Canadian International Development Agency, Ontario Ministry of Education, and Wernham/West Centre for Learning.


(Editor, with B. Young, and contributor) Women and Leadership in Canadian Education, Detselig Enterprises (Calgary, Alberta, Canada), 1995.

(Editor and contributor) Women and School Leadership: International Perspectives, State University of New York Press (Albany, NY), 2002.

(Editor, with A. Griffith, and contributor) Equity and Globalization in Education, Detselig Enterprises (Calgary, Alberta, Canada), 2002.

(Editor, with J. Collard) Leadership, Gender, and Culture, Open University Press, 2004.

Contributor to books, including Feminism and Education: A Canadian Perspective, edited by Mary O'Brien and others, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education Press (Toronto, Ontario, Canada), 1990; Democratic Teacher Education, edited by John Novak, State University of New York Press (Albany, NY), 1994; Feminist Issues: Gender, Race, and Sexuality, edited by Nancy Mandell, Prentice-Hall (Toronto, Ontario, Canada), 1994, 3rd edition, 2001; and Redefining Motherhood, edited by S. Abbey and A. O'Reilly, Second Story Press (Toronto, Ontario, Canada), 1998. Contributor to periodicals, including Educational Management and Administration, Canadian and International Education, Historical Studies in Education, Journal of Educational Administration and Foundations, Insights, Mother of Thyme, Surgite, and Curriculum Inquiry. Editor, Orbit, 1987–93; association editor, Canadian Journal of Education, 1998–2000.

WORK IN PROGRESS: A study of gender and leadership succession.

SIDELIGHTS: Cecilia Reynolds told CA: "My primary motivation as a writer is to challenge existing perceptions and deepen people's understandings of complex power relations, both historically and at present in terms of gender and schools. My ongoing research projects are the major influence on my writing, and I desire to disseminate the findings of these studies and similar ones by my colleagues around the globe. Alison Prentice was an early mentor, and her continuing work is an influence. My writing process increasingly involves the use of e-mail and technology as I strive to interact with thinkers around the world and stay abreast of others who are writing in my field.

"My inspiration comes from continuing daily challenges as I strive to improve equity and diversity in both elementary and secondary school settings and in university structures and practices. My life at present sits within a leader/scholar tension where writing and being read are highly rewarding at both a personal and professional level."



Canadian Chemical News, May, 2002, "Old Boys' Club Still Open for Business," p. 11.

Comparative Education Review, May, 2003, Alexander W. Wiseman, review of Women and School Leadership: International Perspectives, p. 258.

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