Reynolds, Barrie

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REYNOLDS, Barrie. Australian (born England), b. 1932. Genres: Anthropology/Ethnology, Cultural/Ethnic topics. Career: Keeper of Ethnography, 1955-64, and Director, 1964-66, Rhodes-Livingstone Museum, Zambia; Chief Curator, Centennial Museum, Vancouver, 1968-69; Chief Ethnologist, Canadian Ethnology Service, National Museums of Canada, Ottawa, 1969-75; Professor of Material Culture, James Cook University of North Queensland, Townsville, 1975-97; Museum & heritage consultant, 1998-; Macquarie University, Sydney, adjunct professor, 1998-; University of Western Sydney, adjunct professor, 1998-2000. Publications: Magic, Divination and Witchcraft among the Barotse of Northern Rhodesia, 1963; Somalia Museum Development, 1966; The Material Culture of the Peoples of the Gwembe Valley, Northern Rhodesia, 1968. CO-AUTHOR: Cinderella Collections: University Museums and Collections in Australia, 1996; Transforming Cinderella Collections, 1998. EDITOR: The Fishing Devices of Central and Southern Africa, 1958; The Material Culture of the Ambo of Northern Rhodesia, 1964; (with M. Stott) Material Anthropology: Contemporary Approaches to Material Culture, 1987. Address: 40 Hume Ave, Wentworth Falls, NSW 4782, Australia. Online address:

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