Mungai, Anne M. 1952-
MUNGAI, Anne M. 1952-
Born October 20, 1952, in Kenya; daughter of Florence Wambui Njuguna; married George Mungai, December 3, 1977; children: Catherine, Caroline, Lilian, Pauline. Ethnicity: "African." Education: University of Nairobi, B.Ed. (English and religious education), 1976; Michigan State University, M.A. (special education), Ph.D., 1997.
Office—Department of Special Education, Adelphi University, Garden City, NY 11530; fax: 516-877-4097. E-mail—
High school English teacher and deputy high school principal in Kenya, 1976-88; Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, instructor in counseling, educational psychology, and special education, 1991-97; Adelphi University, Garden City, NY, assistant professor of special education, 1998—. Oakland University, lecturer in rhetoric and journalism. Volunteer with Refugee Services and Capital Area Literacy Coalition, both Lansing, MI.
Council for Exceptional Children, American Educational Research Association, Comparative International Education Society, Phi Beta Delta.
Dwight D. Eisenhower professional development grant, 1999-2004; award from International Peace Scholarship Fund.
Growing Up in Kenya: Rural Schooling and Girls, Peter Lang Publishing (New York, NY), 2002.
Other books include (with Esther Kogan) The Pathway to Inclusion: Partnership between Schools and Institutions of Higher Learning. Contributor of articles and reviews to periodicals, including Remedial and Special Education and Journal of Culture and Education.