Morehouse, Lyda 1967-

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MOREHOUSE, Lyda 1967-

PERSONAL: Born 1967, in Sacramento, CA; companion of Shawn Rounds; children: Ella Durene Mae Morehouse Rounds, Mason Gale Morehouse Rounds. Education: Augsburg College, B.A. (English), B.A. (history).

ADDRESSES: Agent—c/o Author Mail, Roc, 375 Hudson St., New York, NY 10014. E-mail—

CAREER: Writer. Teaches science-fiction writing at the Loft. Formerly worked for Minnesota Historical Society and taught cartooning.

AWARDS, HONORS: Shamus Award, and Barnes & Noble's Maiden Voyage Award, both 2002; Philip K. Dick Award Special Citation for Excellence, 2005.



Archangel Protocol, Roc (New York, NY), 2001.

Fallen Host, Roc (New York, NY), 2002.

Messiah Node, Roc (New York, NY), 2003.

Apocalypse Array, Roc (New York, NY), 2004.

SIDELIGHTS: Lyda Morehouse is the author of a series of cyberpunk fantasy novels that blend the high-tech future with a Christian mythology featuring God and his angels. In the first novel, Archangel Protocol, Morehouse presents a post-apocalyptic world where science is in disrepute and world governments are on the verge of becoming theocracies. Technology still abounds, including the LINK, an advanced Internet system that people can access via implants in their brain. While the system has its advantages, it can also lead to addiction. When virtual angels begin to appear on the LINK claiming that the current U.S. presidential candidate is the Second Coming, Deidre McMannus, an ex-cop turned private detective, takes on the case to find out if there is any truth behind the claim. S.N. Arly, writing on, noted, "The narration is approachable without being simplified and the plot takes off quickly, taking the reader on a fascinating ride through an appalling, yet familiar, world." Arly also commented that the author's "future world has a complex history and political system, which have been built without the excess of techno garbage and slang usually associated with cyberpunk."

Fallen Host continues the story of this new civilization, as angels take a more hands-on approach to the world's problems. This time the plot involves the fallen angel, known as Morningstar, who searches for the anti-Christ, while Catholic priest Emmaline McNaughten sets out to determine whether or not Page, an artificial intelligence that lives within the LINK network, has a soul. In a review for Booklist, John Mort called Fallen Host a "cheeky send-up of apocalyptic Christianity (and Islam)," and noted: "Many readers will cheer on this fast-paced, often abrasive satire." Jackie Cassada, writing in Library Journal, commented that the plot mixes science and metaphysics "with complex characters and a fast-paced plot," while Donna L. Scalon wrote in Kliatt that the author "depicts a world on edge in her fast-paced, thought-provoking narrative, with fully realized characters."

In the third installment of the series, Messiah Node, a meteor has destroyed Jerusalem's Dome of the Rock and many people believe it is a sign that biblical Apocalypse is coming. As a variety of self-proclaimed messiahs begin to appear, demons and angels also engage in an escallating battle, often involving humans. Regina Schroeder, writing in Booklist, commented that Morehouse "knows how to pace her story … drawing the reader ever deeper into its fascinating but unnerving world."

Apocalypse Array, the last title in the series, finds people still waiting for the Messiah to appear. Many think the Messiah may be Amariah, the daughter of the Archangel Michael and one-time private detective McMannus, who played a prominent role in Archangel Protocol. "This is a book full of ideas on a technological and religious level," wrote Vegar Holmen on Alien Online, while calling the novel "a terrific blend of characters, religion and science that take you on journey into a great futuristic vision of the next century. A great read."



Booklist, April 15, 2002, John Mort, review of Fallen Host, p. 1390; May 15, 2003, Regina Schroeder, review of Messiah Node, p. 1652.

Kliatt, July, 2002, Donna L. Scalon, review of Fallen Host, p. 31.

Library Journal, May 15, 2002, Jackie Cassada, review of Fallen Host, p. 130.


Alien Online, (December 25, 2005), Vegar Holmen, review of Apocalypse Array., (June 8, 2005), Harriet Klausner, review of Fallen Host.

Lyda Morehouse Home Page,∼sprounds/Lyda.htm (June 8, 2005)., (September 24, 2001), S.N. Arly, review of Archangel Protocol.

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Morehouse, Lyda 1967-

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