Meyer, Allan 1932-

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Meyer, Allan 1932-

PERSONAL: Born August 18, 1932, in NE; son of Arthur and Alma Meyer; married; wife’s name Sharon (in real estate sales). Education: University of Nebraska, B.A.; Catholic University of America, M.A.; Nova University, Ed.D., 1987. Hobbies and other interests: Music.

ADDRESSES: Home—Tucson, AZ E-mail—

CAREER: Cochise College, Douglas, AZ, instructor in philosophy, 1970-92. Worked for WJAG-Radio, Norfolk, NE, KJAY-Radio, Topeka, KS, and KLIN-Radio, Lincoln, NE.


Right and Wrong: A Useful Fiction (nonfiction), Second Thoughts Press (Eugene, OR), 2006.

SIDELIGHTS: Allan Meyer told CA:“As a college philosophy teacher, I was not able to defend traditional views of morality and religion. I took notes on writings by Will Durant, B.F. Skinner, E.O. Wilson, Antonio Damasio, Richard Dawkins, and others. My background in literature, history, and arts helped make my writing style effective. Hard work and lots of library time did the rest.”

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